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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Hi,

    Somehow FSPS Xtreme 1.9 keeps DEcreasing my FSX fps with about 50%! 30 fps in rural area's becomes 12-15. I tried several profiles but up to now no good.

    My specs:

    Proc":I7 950 Quad

    Mem: 6 GB DDR3 1600

    Mobo: ASUS PT6

    GPU's: ATI HD 5870 1GB(mutiple screens with MATROX 3H2go) + ATI 5770 1GB

    HD's: SSD 128GB (FSX) + Velociraptor 300 GB

    OS: Win7 64

    Add on scenery: ORBX PnW + CRM, Switzerland prof., NL2000

    Add on software: Flight Sim Comm. 9, WideView, Wide FS (mutiple screen setup)

    Does anyone have a suggestion? Try a different boosteroption/profile did not work.


    the Netherlands


    Make sure you do not have anisotropic and antialiazing enabled from xtreme fsx software. Also, inside fsx. Make sure to set them from ati control panel to x2 or x4

  2. Hi Aquilles!

    Everything its working fine but the gear related sounds.

    Now when exit, the software save correctly the configuration of brakes (normal and overheat), spoilers and flaps, but those relative to the gear (gear RPM and gear dump If I remember correctly) doesnt save the selected speakers on exit.

    I didnt realized until yesterday, maybe because the more noticiable sounds are brakes and spoilers (wich I loved them)

    thanks in advance


    It works fine. Did you press the apply settings button after the changes?

  3. Hi Aquilles!

    Everything its working fine but the gear related sounds.

    Now when exit, the software save correctly the configuration of brakes (normal and overheat), spoilers and flaps, but those relative to the gear (gear RPM and gear dump If I remember correctly) doesnt save the selected speakers on exit.

    I didnt realized until yesterday, maybe because the more noticiable sounds are brakes and spoilers (wich I loved them)

    thanks in advance


    I will check it

  4. Does the requirement to have a "full registered version" of FSUIPC mean that you must have the paid version for FSX Booster to work properly? I have registered the copy of FSUIPC that I use, but I use the "free" version. I have purchased FSX Ext

    reme Booster and installed it, and it seems to run fine, but am I getting complete optimization for my system with the free version of FSUIPC? Thanks.


    No need of registered fsuipc for our programs except the ones for cockpit builders.

  5. I just bought fsps advanced for fs9, followed the directions and set up fs9 + rex weather + plan-g and executed them all one after the other, then closed them all. So now I want to set up a group to make it easier but the program won't open. I feel like I'm somehow doing something simple wrong but don't know what.


    Maybe is opens at tray icon? Did you check the start minimized?

  6. sorry bstikkel, but there is no noticeable sound when flight controls are used.

    In fact there is practically no "wind sound" with flaps down except as they are extending. If you DO hear lots of sound with flaps down, or extending then you are probably going too fast for flap deployment.

    What I miss is the wind sound when power is reduced to idle in a descent or with a dead engine. There is definitely wind (slipstream) sound then :shock:


    This can be build from engines sound from aircraft developers

  7. Version 4.70(B) registered is what I just purchased yeterday right after purchasing FSPS Cocpt sounds. Can FSUIPC affect controls such as throttle this way? Only other time I have ever seen this was back in 2007 when I was new to FSX and tried to use two controls together, both which had throttles. I found out that was a mistake. But I have done nothing different than to install these two programs.


    I think that the same problem occured to someone else with version 4.70

    Update to the 4743


  8. Hey guys, just purchased cockpit sounds and installed it. I'm not sure if this is coincidence or related. Ever since installing, engines on my jets shut off automatically. Sometimes 20 min into flight, and sometimes 5 min. into it. Noticed this on default 737 then on Flight 1 cesssna citation. I uninstalled FSPS cockpit sounds including all entries. I also ran Ccleaner and now I have no problems. Like I said this may not be related to FSPS dolby sounds, but it's just weird how it started and ended after installing the sounds. Could it be FSUIPC??? Thanks


    cockpit sounds only reads from fsuipc. In other words this software does not give any commant to fs. What fsuipc version you have?

  9. I have two quick support questions:

    1. I've been running FSX Booster for about a year and love it. I just purchased MEA and tried adding the FSX core assignments as instructed, then start FSX from Booster. However, when I do so, I loose my shaders. Should I just use MEA for my addons and leaving FSX to it's own management through Booster?

    2. Should I add FSX Booster to the MEA and if so is there any advantage? Right now the only program I have running through MEA that is FSX related is Active Sky. FS9 is working great.

    Thank you!

    Tom Richey



    Use mea only for addons. MEA is desigend for fs9 or addons

  10. Hi, I am also waiting for a new activation code. I have sent two emails to your support department. Its now been over two weeks and still no reply.

    I have a product, which I have paid for but cannot use :unsure:



    Check your spam folder maybe or add the support.fsps@737ng.gr to the trusted emails.

    Or sent me a private message

  11. Hi there,

    I have just installed this software with high expectations, but I cannot get it to connect to my aircraft.

    The software is validated. It has been updated to (replaced, actually) the newest version ( I have selected the correct sound card and speakers (I get full sound when I press the "Test" button). I have followed the directions in your manual and started FSX, gotten the plane up and running, and THEN started Dolby Cockpit Sounds... But whereas your manual says I should see extra buttons (for aircraft class), there are none. And when I fly the plane, there are no extra sounds...

    What am I missing??? Someone please help me!

    Thanks so much,



    You must install fsuipc. (unregistered)


  12. Finally, I tried to reinstall all the things in another drive. I had success to let appearing the re-initiallisation button, I press it but after a moment it has been non-fonctionnal and I never be able to obtain the Airpot and parkways Info. The nearest airport windows show me blank.

    There is problem with communication woth FSUIPC with the last version ?



    No nothing changed. What fsuipc version you have?

  13. I purchased yesterday the Flight Management software v.1.8. After installation, I proceed to the Make Runways step then copy my G5 , F5 and runways CSV file into the data/icao folder from FSPS main folder. After starting FSX or FS9 and then Flgiht manager, I goto setup and press the re-initialization button. Nothing happen. When I want info for airport, nothing appears, info for next airport show empty windows. ICAO info tab disappear in FS9 and FSX, I received a message that ICAO files are not present in FS9 when attempting to obtain airport info.

    I start fligh manager after and before (tried the two possibility) entering a flight to be on airport ground in flight sim. No differences was observed. I also tried to set the program in win xp compatibility mode whitout success.

    Anybody have a solution for me ?

    (Sorry for my bad english)

    I Have win 7 64bits


    Did you change the system format at general settings?

  14. Hi FSPS,

    First, really my compliments for again such a nice invented addon for FS. The idear is great and the product - allready good now - has great potention

    for expansion, I think.

    By example it would be great if also the ailerons would have soundeffect when used.

    Beside that, would it be possible to create a windeffect depending on the turn the plane makes?

    (I have a great soundset for the DH6 that creates a great surround effect when the plane goes into a turn).

    Keep on inventing these great addons !

    Bram Stikkel


    We are currently collecting requests for extra sounds. We will add also yours to the list :)

  15. Just Got the "Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX", tried it, it works, however for those who use the 737NGX,

    for those who are looking on adding reality sounds to their NGX, it is not the right tool for you.

    the sounds are not even close to what you would hear in real 737NG.

    for sure not from the cockpit.

    the sounds sound are more suited for GA Aircrafts or closer to a Douglas DC-3 at the best.

    Flaps Wind: you have it built in the NGX and it is perfect as it is, BTW the flaps Wind in the tool does not sound like a flaps Wind, it is the cruse wind sound they attached as flaps wind..

    Spoilers: you have it built in the NGX and you would not notice the addition if you enable it via the FSPS Tool

    and it sounds more like a thunder to me then a spoiler in that tool.

    Gear Wind: chh, it's a total joke, you would never hear this from the Cockpit in the NGX, maybe on a DC3 you would.

    Gear Dump: doesn't even sound like an 737NG gear dump, it sounds more like a Douglas DC-3 gear dump, added to that, you would hardly hear

    the motor of the gear dump in the real 737NG and for sure not with that sound like it is presented in the FSPS tool.

    Gear RPM: same as gear dump, more suited for a DC-3

    Breaks: sounds more like Sharpening a knife on a sharpening wheel then breaking.

    Breaks Overheat: is the only one that would likely sound close to a Heavy craft Breaking, unfortunately my breaks hardly over heat, so I don't get to use this sound much.

    Button line for those who fly 737NGX or any other commercial Jet Engine airliner, this tool is not for you, it worthless.

    Thank god I got it for half price, so I don't mind loosing 6 Euro, I already Uninstantiated it.

    a good word though for the Product and FSPS is that that tool is a great idea, but not suited for Airliner airplanes however.

    (no worries FSPS Devs, I got your other tools which are good - XPS,3D Cockpit Effect,Booster,MEA)

    It has the potential being a Brilliant tool if it had all kind of airplanes sound sets in the tool's sound repository, not only a generic one.

    but it is not the case in it's current Configuration.

    I'll be happy and supply FSPS real life recording that I made of the 737NG sound including touchdown cockpit shaking sounds,roll,auto spoiler deployment, etc for improving the product.

    I might extract my own 737NG recording corresponding the Tool's sound file(s) and I can publish them for you to replace the default Existing sounds

    with the new files. that would match better to the 737NG flying.

    the Sounds are WAV files in the Installation dir, so all I need is to make you a replacement files to place them in the Directory instead of the original files.

    this could be easily done for other airplanes as well.

    I could do this, If there will be a demand for it here in the forum.


    Thats why there are sliders for volumes. To adjust the volumes per aircraft.

    You can replace any sound you want. Just make sure it has the same name and it is a sound that can loop, otherwise you will hear also cracks.

  16. Hi again Aquilles!

    Im in the cockpit right now trying to get work the dolby sounds.

    If I change volume or balance and apply the settings, and then restart it save the changes (it writes the changes correctly in the ini files). BUT if I change the speakers I want to hear from (some rear, some front, etc), this is not saved in any case (conected or unconected, etc) I dont know where this configuration stores (not on the ini files I think) to try to find a solution.


    It is fixed at version

  17. Hi again Aquilles!

    Im in the cockpit right now trying to get work the dolby sounds.

    If I change volume or balance and apply the settings, and then restart it save the changes (it writes the changes correctly in the ini files). BUT if I change the speakers I want to hear from (some rear, some front, etc), this is not saved in any case (conected or unconected, etc) I dont know where this configuration stores (not on the ini files I think) to try to find a solution.

    I will check it

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