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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. There are 7 languages on the program: english, german, french, arabic, spanish, italian and swedish.

    I want to add Dutch.

    Is possible to listen the announcements in dutch and of course english after that? All non-english language planes have announcements in 2 languages.



    Hi, we will note about the dutch.

    Regarding dutch and then english, is not possible at this time. We will have to code it. Until now we only have two requests about this. If there become many, then we will do that. Do not forget, that the program is very new. Only two days. All the requests will be added in featured versions.

  2. Hi!

    I have recently purchased this product. Installation went fine so I fires up FSX. But I don't know how to make the pilots and cabin crew say the announcements. I downloaded the four language packages from the homepage. The folders i downloaded were called 0, 1, 2, and 3. I copy-pasted them into the voice folder. But from the Ultimate Airline Crew menu - under installation - I can't install these packages, only uninstall.

    I hope you guys can help me!

    Cheers! :smile:


    The zip files goes inside the packages folder and then you install them from the interface. It is clearly metioned at the manual. If you still have a problem, drop an email to support.fsps@737ng.gr

  3. Hi,

    I too have installed UAC version this morning - I have greyed out voice test and no sounds.

    I have registered FSUIPC 4.719a

    All language packages for insall/uninstall are also greyed out.

    Help would be appreciated


    You have to place the zip files inside packages folder of the program. Then you press the install languages from the interface.

    It is very clearly stated at the manual.

    If you need extra assistance, drop an email to support.fsps@737ng.gr

  4. Guess it's just me being stupid but I've checked the product page and can't find a link to where I can buy the product or even see the price?

    Also, I'm especially interested of the Swedish language pack but after reading the post above I'm not sure if the product is even completed yet with all languages listed on the product page...?

    Are there any samples I could listen to?


    The available languages with the initial release are

    US English

    UK English



    All the other languages are under construction and will be available very very soon. We are currently working each language every two days.

    Product is here


    Samples from http://fsps.737ng.gr/Downloads.html

  5. Maybe I did something wrong... but I can not find Italian language. (But just US and UK English)

    Must we wait for a soon update ?

    Thanks for answer and ...Happy New Year !!!!!

    Franco Ciech

    38064 Folgaria (TN) - I -


    We are looking for somone to help with the announcements. Then it is matter of 3..4 hours. Would you like to help? If yes, then drop an email to support.fsps@737ng.gr

  6. Does this require the utility to be running in the background while in Flight sim, or is it a set and forget kind of thing? What if I have this and also another utility like Dolby cockpit sounds? Is that now two additional utilities running in the background? Are there video samples somewhere for these products?


    It runs at the background always while fs is running. It does not matter how many utilities will run at the same time while fs is running.

  7. Flight Simulator Platform Solutions announces the release of Ultimate Airline Crew for FS9 and FSX.

    Ultimate Airline Crew software will add cabin and cockpit crew for your flights. You will be able to hear the crew making all announcements to your passengers during the entire flight and also hear the crew from the cabin making announcements to your cabin crew and announce flight briefing to your passengers.

    It is the most complete software for Airline announcements as it uses all and most current announcements used by the biggest Airlines worldwide.

    What makes this software unique is the ability to choose who will make each announcement. You can choose between first crew assistance and second crew assistance for the cabin announcements and between Captain and Co-Pilot for the Cockpit ones.

    Each of the four persons can speak up to seven (7) different languages. You can choose between US English, UK English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Swedish and Arabic.

    And the most important is that each language has different people to choose and also how slow or quickly can talk. In fact, you can create your crew with more than 38 different persons to choose.

    Ultimate Airline Crew will work with any kind of aircraft. Simply, there is no limitation.


    More info at http://fsps.737ng.gr/UAC.html

  8. I go through the default plane startup and then load the plane of choice. This is after loading EFB, FS Realtime, AS 2012, etc. Then, at last, comes Dolby Cockpit Sounds.

    1: Is there some way to load them without leaving Fullscreen?

    2: when changing planes is there some way to automatically restart DCS for the new plane?

    I really like the sounds but too often I just forget to do the start or restart because everything else has already been set.

    Thanks in advance

    Neal H.


    Currently you have to restart the program, but will will issue an update to improve it.

  9. Thanks for the reply Achilles. I will heed the info regarding repressing prepare to fly. I have anti-aliasing unchecked in FSX options. I have filtering set at Anisotropic (should it be none?). In Catalyst, I have anti-aliasing and anisotropic filtering set to 4x. Anti-aliasing filter is set to standard. Tessellation was set at AMD optimized. That was an oversight on my part. I unchecked it. Catalyst AI is set to quality. Enable Surface Format Optimization is unchecked. Wait for vertical refresh is set to quality performance "Always Off". Anti-aliasing mode is set to Super Sample AA. Triple buffering is checked.

    Do suggest changes to that? As I stated, I am new to gaming in general and flight sim in particular.

    I will be getting a pair of NVIDIA GTX 580M's later in December.

    Now that I've tested your good nature, I noticed since I installed Xtreme and shader 3.0 that early in a flight, FSX is reloading scenery. I also noticed that before installing your (excellent) product after modifying settings in FSUIPC or pausing for other reasons; but generally not while in a flight (mind you, my flights have been short). It may be my imagination (excessive scenery loading), but is there anything else I should check. Do my earlier comments or the preceding info tie into this.

    Thanks again for your help.



    Unckeck anisotropic also from fsx. Both must be set from ati control panel to x2. May be in some cases to x4.

    The problem is that the clouds in fsx are volumetric and ati gpu's can not handle them. Nvidia can do it just fine.

    No other recommentations

  10. Greetings

    I am a registered user of your product. Quite impressed so far. I have one concern though. I closed FSX and left Xtreme FSX PC running after a free flight using the AirCreation Trike Ultralight. I then reopened FSX and the animated image of the ultralight was shaded. I was concerned so I took it for another free flight. The craft was corrupt. Wing sideways, etc. Now just before I closed FSX, I had a hard landing (I am totally new at all of this) :) Would the corrupt ultralight, be a result of leaving Xtreme opened between sessions of FSX? I should say that, after that I closed FSX and Xtreme. When I reopened Xtreme and then FSX, everything seemed to be normal. Perhaps I have answered my own question, but being new to this, I would like to understand what happened, so that I can learn and get better.

    It would be helpful if I could understand how Xtreme impacts FSX so that I can be a smarter and more resourceful user in future.


    i7 2760M

    2 x 6990M in XFire (set card one as default) I understand that FSX can't take advantage of XFire or SLI...is that correct?

    16 gig ram

    2 x 500 gig Seagate hybrid drives

    Windows Home Premium 64 bit

    Logiech G940

    FSX Deluxe with Acceleration

    Latest version of Xtreme FSX PC

    FSUIPC latest registered version


    Shaders version 3.0 mod (mentioned in your help file)

    Real Environment Xtreme with Overdrive

    FSSceneX Total Pack

    Xtreme Prototypes Avro Arrow

    CLS A330/340

    I have listed my setup, not so I can say "see what I got", but in case it is of any use to you in your consideration of the issue. Keep up the good work!

    Thanks for your help.


    There is no reason to close xtreme soft when fsx is closed. But you have to repress the prepare to fly now before you start fsx again.

    Your problem sounds like antialiazing bug from ati gpu card.

    crossfire or sli does not work at fsx.

    Please note, that nvidia works better for fsx than ati. In case of ati, you should set the anisotropic and antialiazing from ati control panel to x2 or x4 max and not from inside fsx. Both must be unchekced in this case.

    In case of nvidia, anisotropic and antialiazing has to be checked from inside fsx only.



  11. Hello FSPS Support,

    Concerning FSPS - Dolby Cockpit Sounds FSX

    I have one pc with two soundcards. One for the ATC and one for the normal FSX sounds

    How do I determine what soundcard is device 1, device 2 and so on?

    How to reset the startup with device 1 only active to all devices active ?

    Als well, how does one determine what speakerset is speakerset 1, 2 and so on?

    Thanks and greetings,

    Bram Stikkel


    Device 1 is the default one that produces also the normal window sounds.

    To determinate the speakers, you have to test them vie the test button from inside the software interface

  12. I have been evaluating various free XML editors and settled on XMLMarker as my preference. Unfortunately, when set as the default in folder options attempts to edit XML files from the gauge editor window of FSPS (build 22767) I get an error saying it can't find C:\documents. Clicking on an XML file in explorer fires up xmlmarker and opens the file as expected. Changing to XMLNotepad, Editx or other editor in folder options seem to work fine. FSPS preferences set to default or to the program location give the same error.

    Any Ideas.



    I am using notepad with no problem. Never test it with other program.

  13. I'll look into doing that. Also, I recently received my first FSX.cfg file back after sending it back in. It is still, however, telling me that I have multiple GPU entries and that I should send it in for corrections. Do I really need to send it in again?

    Just delete the trusted items and say yes to the installed ones and then resend the file for inspection

  14. Am I the only one who gets "Xtreme" load times? It takes 3+ minutes for the program to load to the main screen. Then, it takes another 2-3 minutes to load the profile. And then of course it takes a few minutes for FSX to load up too. Is this normal or should I try installing the "booster" on a separate hard drive? I have one dedicated for FSX and I installed it on that drive.



    This is because your fsx.cfg file is huge. You can delete all trusted items and say yes to the installed only. This will make your fsx.cfg file more lite and with out items that you have already unistalled from fsx.

  15. Hi,

    I already owned 3D Real Cockpit Effect, and just bought Xtreme at simMarket. On the product page, there is a comparison chart between Xtreme, Booster, and Multicore Environment, showing "Yes" on every item for Xtreme. Does this mean that Booster and/or Multicore Environment would be useless for me now, or would I still benefit from one or both??? I'm confused...


    Booster is for fsx.

    Multicore series has been designed for fs9

    Xtreme = Booster + Multicore designed for fsx.

  16. Hi Achilles,

    Thanks for the suggestion. My first impression after implementing your suggestion was: this is the solution! There was an improvement in fps about 10% , not much, but much better than a decrease with 50%.


    I got a lot of shimmering/blurries with no aniosotropic filtering in FSX (and set to 4 in the Ati Control panel), but as soon as I used Bilineair in FSX that problem was gone.

    The second problem was that my streched front view over 3 screens with the Matrox 3H2Go did have a completely wrong zoom factor that could not be ajusted enough in FSX, the panel remained far to big even in 0.30 zoom.

    So I checked Wide screen again in performance tweaks/screen options. Zoom was ok then, but the fps dropped with 50% again.

    As I said in the first try there was a slight improvement in fps although with the wrong zoom. I restarted the whole proces again and the strange thing is that the (one time)fps improvement was completely gone!

    After I did change to my original CFG file, and started FSX without Xtreme the problem was gone and I was back were I started.

    I am wondering if the problem is connected to the use of the Matrox 3H2go.



    Send your fsx.cfg file please to support.fsps@737ng.gr

    I want to check it

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