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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Achilles - would you please respond to my query?

    Having had the faith in your company to purchase one of its' products, I think the least you could do is to reply to a perfectly reasonable question from a paying customer who hasn't publicly complained.


    Sorry for my delay. Just show your question. Yes I have the sdk in my hands but did not find time to read it. Do not worry. I will include the trackir support. Just need to find a time gap to my schedule

  2. I understand what you say.

    However, with previous versions of the application, it was not possible to pan around in the virtual cockpit view. This was corrected but in version 1.3.8 the problem has re-appeared albeit in the horizontal plane only.



    Try nversion It is fixed

  3. I purchased both 3D effects and FSPS Booster Extreme (latest versions).

    I installed Booster and it worked fine.

    But when I install 3D effects it erases Booster. It's the strangest thing in the world. When I reveresed the installation sequence, it erased my 3D effects program and put Booster in its place.

    I tried installing 3D effects and FSPS Booster on separate HDDs. But now when I go to load up 3d effects it crashes.

    I cannot get these two programs to install on the same computer. I can get one to work ok. But as soon as I install the other one, it either erases the other one, or makes it inoperable. The same goes for unistall. When I unstiall booster, it sometimes decides to uninstall 3D effects instead.

    Is anyone else having this issue?

    I can't figure it out.

    Of course that doesn't mean it's a hard problem becuase I am more or less...uh....computerly challenged (It's the only phrase I can think of because I know were not supposed to use the r-word anymore).

    My specs are:

    windows 7 64-bit

    i7 3.2gh 12gb ram

    flight similator sp2

    all the recommeded fixes included.


    This is very strange. Normally will not cause any problem.

    Try to download and install the latest versions from http://fsps.737ng.gr/Downloads.html

  4. Oh dear

    Have just installed v but find I cannot pan sideways- I thought this problem was solved. Also saving eyepoint does not seem to work.

    I cannot even go back to v as I copied latest version over the top.



    The sideways are at the program interface. The eyepoint saving works for the specific airplane you save

  5. When FSX Booster loads it changes my config file Wide Screen Aspect Ratio from True to False which limits the size to which I can reduce my panel to more quickly scan my instruments. I am running an Altex Hammer with 8 gigs ram 2.67 Quad core , Nvidia GTX 295 with 2 gigs memory a triple head to go with 3 24 inch wide screen viewsonic monitors and windows 7 ultimate 64-bit. Any way to stop Booster from changing my aspect ratio in my config file? Great fps (50-60) but my cockpit awareness suffers with the larger panel.



    Check the wide screen option at fsx booster options.

  6. Hey DEVs.

    I got a suggestion for improving Xtreme FSX PC.

    is it possible to incorporate an FPSLimiter function that would limit the FPS of FSX externally (not part of FSX FPS limiting settings) as part of the Xtreme FSX PC (as part of the Xtreme FSX PC code)?

    and it would Support DX10 as well?

    If you add this in Xtreme FSX PC, it will bring a huge Added value Boost for Xtreme FSX PC and I am sure many would buy this if not only

    for this feature as the Market also missing an FPSLimiter for FSX that supports DX10.


    fsp limiter does not work after win7 sp1.

  7. Basically, the Buttkicker is what is known as an LFE (Low Frequency Effect) Device. It takes sound levels that are lower than what a subwoofer can put out, amplifies them, then transfers it to a cylinder that vibrates the chair, or whatever it is attached to. for more info: http://www.thebuttkicker.com/ButtKicker%20Brand%20Technology/index.htm. It is a really cool little device, that adds a lot of immersion to the sim.


    Then it will work very well with the roll sound.

  8. I am seriously considering purchasing the 3D Real Cockpit program. However, I have one question. Will the effects you see on screen transfer to a Bass Shaker (ie Buttkicker Gamer)? Or, will there be a lot of bouncing on screen and none in the chair? Just curious. Thanx in advance for any replies.


    I have to take a look at buttkicker to see how it works. I really can not answer this question at this time.

  9. Hi,

    then I do not understand why in the aircraft.cfg the wing views are called 'virtual cockpit'.

    Regarding the eyepoint, then I do not understand how to modify it: if I click on the arrows in the menu nothing happens and nothing happens also if i try to modify the eyepoint in FSX using the normal keys: some support to understand how to use that will be appreciated.



    Eyepoint arrows works perfect with small moves. Try to have fsx and 3d program both at the sceen and play with the customize to see the changes.

  10. its not a windows fault.... its your software...

    I reinstalled the new version, now when I run fsx the BGLMAIN window comes up, i clicked accept, then pow ctd...

    it didnt do that before your software, so its your software.


    If you still have problem, then I will upload the full program unpacked. maybe you miss a file during installation. Just drop me an email

  11. Hi,

    I am not able to run FPS Limiter from within Multicore Environment Advanced. A DOS window pops up only a fraction of a second with some indication but cannot be read.

    FPS Limiter works well from outside Multicore Environment Advanced and fires up FSX.

    Multicore Environment Advanced works well with FSX (all six cores engaged) and fires up FSX.

    As both programs fire up FSX independently, how is it possible that both, FSP Limiter and Multicore Environment Advanced, take control over FSX ?

    Thanks, Peter

    What os you have? Win7?

  12. v to v

    Tested on iFly 737 and super 80 pro and 2 other planes.

    I start up in vc, first captain seat (left seat) view.

    When ready for TO and holding still, i can pan (ctrl+shift+enter) so that the cockpit is in the middle of the screen.

    But a soon as i hit the throttle, it goes back to the first captain seat view !!

    After landing and holding still, i can pan again !



    Use the eyepoint customize

  13. Hi,

    just installed version but i'm still experiencing some issues:

    - I do not see any effect when I switch to wing views that should be considered anyway as part of the vitual cockpit views

    - also I do not see any effect when i click on the arrows of the eyepoint customize

    Thanks for the support



    Wing view is not virtual cockpit camera. it is another camera.

    Eyepoint costumaze is to bring the camera, up,down,left or right

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