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Posts posted by Andras

  1. Hi,

    Just a request, suggestion or whatever we may call it.

    The gauges are very nice, the central bord works, but it us undoubtedly the software that is the weakest link of the chain so far.

    I don't enter into the details, just name my humble request:

    Would it be possible to start up and get running GSControl automatically?

    For folks like me in a complicated cockpit setup it is a true pain to fire it up, select the config file, start it and then hide it. It should be done via a simple .ini file setting to make it happen.

    Please consider changing or rather improiving it into that direction, it would be a blessing for cockpit users!



  2. Oh, one other possible reason it wouldn't be useful -- the option to set this only applies to the first window created by the new process -- it won't be useful in cases like the PM modules where the first window is a trademark/banner graphic.

    Late answer, sorry for that.

    Well, for PM stuff I don't need that fortunately, some other small but useful ones were in my mind, but understand the difficulties.

    Have you tried using the "HIDE" option in the FSUIPC Run options? If that works, then so should MAX and MIN if I add them. With Wideclient it would need an extra keyword immediately after the = I think.

    Actually I wanted this feature for both, fsuipc and wideclient, but the first case unfortunately HIDE doesn't work with the app I tried with, and I wasn't aware that it would be at all possible with wideclient, so frankly I don't really understand the one about the extra keyword.



  3. Do you know how I could do that? I did do lots of experiments with that when I first designed the options.

    Hi Pete,

    Oh I see, I didn't know that.

    Of course I don't know how to do it, the only immediate idea I can think of if it was possible to fire up a shortcut, because those can be pre-defined to start minimized, but forget about it please, it was just a usual silly question of mine...



  4. Sajnos csak a három fájl van meg a könyvtárban, az AF2_LHTL, AF2_LHGD, AF2_LHBP, Tököl, Gödöllő meg a Ferihegy amik láthatóak is, a többi négy hiányzik.


    Ha megadod az emailedet, elküldöm a hiányzó fájlokat.

    A letölthető Lago verzióban benne kell lennie, ezért irtam, hogy valami nem stimmel a letöltéssel. De ha egyébként minden működik, akkor nincs baj.



  5. Hi Pete,

    Not sure it is worth doing that, after all you said the problems occurred on both machines in any case, didn't you? Or not?

    Because I wanted to get a better soundcard anyway and the testing scenario gives me an excuse, so I can go ahead and buy it.

    But today I couldn't get the one I was after.

    Yesterday I started a flight with the default polling rate of 5 and just after 3-4 minutes into it, Fs crashed.

    Today morning I did an entire flight with Polling's Var seto to 2 and there were no problems whatsoever.



  6. Hi Pete,

    1) I may not have tried for long enough then. 15-20 minutes is a long time for a developer writing and testing programs

    The last thing I'd expect from you is sitting there for hours. Please don't. I will sit here and report whatever comes.

    2) The accesses Esound is making into FS are occurring all the time, so it can spot the changes.

    Is it possible that a lower polling rate may help?

    What version of DirectX are you using? I'm on DX 9.0c. But the PC I'm testing on (the only one with all my debugging aids installed) only has an on-board sound system

    Same DX here. On one PC I have an Audigy and the other uses its inbuilt soundcard. Actually the latter was the one that shown those crashes after those valuable long minutes.

    Tomorrow I'm going to buy another soundcard into it to test.



  7. Hi Pete,

    Can you give me precise instructions, please, on how to make it fail. I am using the latest FSUIPC (3.411), and FS9.1, and the default 737-400. Now what?

    Same config here.

    Alas I can't say how to fail it, as it was usually failing here after 15-20 minutes, but always when one of the sounds were triggered.

    Pete, I will further test the crashes, it might be my overloaded PC (both of them) and that I will just test with a spare soundcard.

    the pushback state, which I presume you want

    Ah, many thanks. I overlooked the difference.

    Anyway, unless I can find a way to re-create the crashes you are getting, I really don't know how to proceed. I've not got time this week to do much on it in any case, but with no crashes all I might be able to do is re-compile, and try adding some diagnostics, error traps and so on, and try to diagnose things remotely.

    I'll be trying to reproduce and track the crashes.

    Many thanks for your time and effort.



  8. amióta feltettem, azóta LHBP-n, a közvetlenül a futópályákról levezető gurulóutak első harmada eltűnik ahogy rágurulok, a fű textúra kerül felülre, és így tart egészen a gurulóút kb első harmadáig, feléig, onnan jó. Ha slew-val visszagurulok akkor is...


    Van-e valamilyen mesh a gépeden ami fedi ezt a területet (is)?



  9. Hi Pete,

    Sorry, it's me again...

    I reverted my main cockpit FS machine to 9.0

    I had no crashes whatsoever. :P

    When I tried to use tokens, the result was the same as in 9.1. Error with panels.dll.

    As it is a 3.2 machine actually overclocked by 5%, is it possible that it's too fast while loading? (Don't get angry with this silly guesswork please, it happened once. Do you remember when I was asking you about the AutoTuneADF= setting re FSUIPC and the problem was that the software by TheRealCockpit folks was unable to autotune the fractional value? The problem was solved more than a month later when it turned out that their search rotation was too fast for faster computers. Just a weak guess...)



  10. Hi Pete,

    ... it looks like you have other problems on your system to do with sounds.

    I would have thought of that, but I tested the entire thing on 3 different machines, getting the very same result, so unfortunately it is unlikely my settings would be the culprit.

    The DirectSound routines in Esound haven't change in many years and always worked fine

    Of course. But FS9.1 did something to it, I guess hence the error with the tokens too. Perhaps panels.dll changed that much.

    Let me know if you decide not to bother with Esound any more and I won't do those other changes either. It will save wasting a day or two. On the other hand, maybe a simple re-compilation will actually help, though I really can't see why.

    I would most certainly do that Pete, specially, that I know that an officially unsupported prg, written for an earlier version of the sim, is really something that I could not truly beg for support, specially that I know how valuable your time is.

    However, as it is a wonderful small prg, that just does exactly what I wish for, please forgive me if I give up upon it a bit reluctantly...

    A non-DirectSound version would definitely be lacking the looping facility, that is the MOST important for me in this case, as when it works, it gives the most precise, fast and clearest result.

    Another route for me would be to write gauges, as they could do just the same, but as I have never done that in my 15 yrs of FS ventures, I thought it would be simpler, and possibly more beneficial for others too, if I just requested you to look into something, which may not be perfect for the latest FS patch, but is ready and does it easyly and nicely.

    If you could just try what you have said, a simple re-compilation, perhaps it would solve all problems, and I am certain that a quick look into what troubles the interaction with panels.dll, would solve it all. I'd be (and hopefully others as well) truly grateful for that, as giving up on it would be a mistake in my view...

    I have been thinking of going back to FS9.0 just for this simple reason, but in the long run, I'd be silly to do that I guess.

    It would be a *lot* easier and quicker, I think, for pmSounds to be enhanced a little. Why don'y you put your needs together and ask Enrico?

    He is very busy nowadays, and the very fact that PMSounds is having the OGL interface makes it much slower. It is good for the basic stuff if run on another PC, still having timing problems, and the lack of looping makes it just incapable. enrico said once that he might add loops to it, but that was almost a year ago...

    Of course I can not force you into it, but if I can just friendly request you not to give up on it once and forever...



  11. Hi Pete,

    Sorry, I'm back again with some updates on this issue.

    After almost a day of experiments, it turned out that the problem is not only with the tokens, but I also get ntdll crashes when using the FSUIPC offsets.

    There are two variations of crashes.

    The first when it just crashes affter some time, I couldn't find any particular way to trigger it.

    The second is more interesting, it happens with all wav files that are shorter than 1 second. They always crash with ntdll.



  12. Hi Pete,

    How do you start up FS -- does it go into the selection dialogue where you eventually press "fly Now", or have you got it going straight into the default flight? And when EXACTLY does the crash occur?

    I never use the selection dialogue, rather load FS directly into the 'flight'.

    The crash occures before FS starts loading the scenery, meaning before the slider for 'loading scenery' appears.

    The great news is that now everything works fine with FSUIPC offsets. Sorry for misleading you yesterday by saying that they didn't. I made a silly syntax error, that was all. No loading crashes when these are used, everything is perfect. This what I did for testing:

    1 = VB028C = 1, 1, 0 //Landing lights on

    2 = VW07BC = 1, 1, 0 //Autopilot master on

    3 = VW0BCC = 1, 1, 0 //spoiler armed

    4 = VW0BD0 >= 4800 & VW0BD0 <= 16383, 1, 0 //spoilers deployed

    So it seems the timing error has to do with Tokens only.



  13. Hi Pete,

    We still seem to be talking at cross-purposes here.

    Truly sorry for not being clear enough.

    All I can derive from this is that

    (a) it happens when loading the plane, AND

    (b) it happens when you operate the A/P switch in FS

    It ONLY happens when I load the plane.

    It does NOT happen when I operate the AP switch it works fine once FS is up. But works at all, if I enter the trigger line WHILE FS is running. If I do it before FS is started it crashes with the panels.dll. After it worked fine in FS it also crashes the next time I load it.

    So, please, can you be more specific? Just a simple statement of what you do and what you see, including WHEN you actually operate the A/P switch itself.

    Same here, once FS is up and running without the trigger line and I add it while FS is up, all is well, the A/P switch works, the sound works.

    Have you tried using the FSUIPC offsets instead yet? Does this fix the aircraft loading problem but not the sound-crashing problem when you operate the switch?

    I tried the entire thing on two other (XP) machines. The results were the same.

    Also tried FSUIPC offsets, but couldn't get any of them working, but it might be my fault, as the syntax was new to me. But no errors, FS LOADS up with an FSUIPC trigger, just nothing happens.

    Thanks and have a nice weekend



  14. Hi Pete,

    Ah, so I did misunderstand you when you said "Whenever I tried to change a trigger ..." -- you did NOT mean actually operating the A/P switch, for example? That's how I read it.

    Yes, it also happened. After I got the FIRST error message, I tried to change the trigger, thinking that it might be a syntax error. But the error appeared every time after that, regardless what I actually entered. The only cure was to disable all triggers and restart FS. So you are probably right, and it happens when loading the plane.

    In fact you now seem to be saying that the error occurs during the load of the aircraft -- Esound is somehow getting to run before FS has loaded the aircraft, hence the panels crash. Right?

    Yes, that seems to be the case.

    OR do you really mean this apparently conflicting statement (in answer to me asking "It occurred whilst everything was relatively stable?":

    Sorry, I meant that answer to state that it happened when no "strange" or 3rd part plane was loaded or rather I was trying to load it.

    But my main problem is that Esound isn't suitable, as it stands, for re-compiling using my current development system. If it was then either of these solutions could be achieved quite quickly. As it is, it is about a day's work to move it over. I can probably fit that in soon, but not this week or weekend, I'm afraid.

    Any help from you Pete at any time is truly a wonderful thing, so of course I am not at all forcing you impatiently to do anything, specially that your wonderful module is 'officially' unsupported. By just the few sentences by me you took care of shows, that your support is the the best on global scale...

    I will also try it on other machines, as so far I have only experimented on my main one. BTW, all are XP-pro I don't have other OS left here.

    Thanks for everything



  15. Hi Pete,

    I've just tried your exact CFG file, except with my devices and different (FS) sounds, and it works fine here in FS9.1. How can I make it fail?

    If I fire up FS with NO trigger in the cfg file, it loads ok. Then I change the cfg (Fs still running) and remove the comments before the trigger, and it works just fine. I fly around, no problems. But when I close FS and start it again, the panels.dll error appears and repeats it at each startup, until I remove the trigger again...

    Incidentally, I note that you start the Autopilot Active sound in a loop when the autopilot is switched on, but you have nothing to terminate the loop, so it will continue forever after then.

    Oh yes, but that was just a test. If it loops, I can hear what happens.

    Sorry, I don't fully understand that part. You mean the Panels DLL error did NOT occur whilst loading an aircraft? It occurred whilst everything was relatively stable?

    Yes, everything stable, using the default 737 at Meigs.

    1. Are you using the current version of Esound? (2.572).

    2. Does this occur with the default FS panels?

    3. Does it occur with default FS sounds or only your own creations?

    1. Yes.

    2. Yes.

    3. Yes, I changed my file to one of the default 16 bit mono 22500 FS sound. Mine was the same, just 8 bit instead of 16.



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