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Posts posted by Andras

  1. Tibor,

    Örülök, hogy megoldódott az önkézzel okozott probléma.

    Füst: Mivel mindig a hegy felől fúj a szél, vagy beleütközik, ez a gőz, merthogy nem füst, valami ilyesminek látszik. Én már legalább hússzor elrepültem felette és mindig ilyennek láttam a valóságban. Mindazonáltal lehet, hogy igazad van, és ronda...

    Bokor: már lassan egy éve hogy arra repkedtem, de úgy emlékeztem van ott valami ilyesmi. Sorry ha tévedtem, ha annyira zavaró kivehetem természetesen.



  2. mit ronthattam el az installáláskor, de sajnos elég sok helyen nem jelennek meg a textúrák. :cry: Ezek általában a beton- ill. a gurulóutak, de van köztük hiányzó bokor, és épület textúra is, mint pl.: LHDK hangár,

    Hány db file van a texture directoriban?

    Mekkora a géped?



  3. Is it possible that the airbus demands more power (in conjunction with the scenery) than my system is able to offer ?

    I will try several "big ones" (meaning complex ones) tomorrow if possible.


    Probably you are right. But: we know that this scenery needs lots of resources and if one thing: I can't take responsibility for its compatibility with all 3rd party planes and the like, specially those that initially eat up almost all available resources in the sim.

    Budapest needs to read 990 bitmaps and 990 agn files... not to mention the 3d objects...



  4. When I try to load the following airports LHBP, LHDK, and LHBS FS shuts down. And ask if I want to send error report. I also noticed that 3 out of the 4 airports I am able to load don't have runways Is that normal?


    Normal? Good joke...

    If it does at certain airports, it seems something is screwed up with your afd files, but I'm just guessing.

    If it quits with a standard FS-error message, would you kindly post error details to me?

    The airports: you may not have read the manual. yes there are no stock grass runways at the grass field, because they took highly unrealistic. It is the real fun of the GA pilot to find these airports, and not to mixe them with fields around. Fortunately photorealism makes it possible, and hence 100% more realistic.



  5. It's working fine now (with the latest fx-file). Very beautiful scenery (and town!).

    Also, as I said, it's running very smooth here on my machine - is it made with gMax ? It seems to me that gMax - sceneries are faster than sceneries made with other tools...


    I am glad the beat runs fine there.

    Gmax? Yes, some parts were done by Gmax, but it is a widely accepted myth that Gmax made sceneries are faster. In some relations the new code made objects are gaster, regardless if Gmax is the tool or anything else. To sum it up: the new code works a bit better with objects containing a large number of points and vertices. But: if well made, the old one works just as fine...



  6. When using Budapest 2003 FS2K2 crashes after about 5 minutes or so...

    I've already tried the replacement fx-file, but it didn't change anything for me..(I've also tried several aircraft).

    I think the error message says that the file visualfx.dll is the problem...

    IMHO this file is used in several other addons I use, and I never had this problem so far...


    If the visualfx.dll error appears, it is a straight indication that one of the Budapest related effect files do something. Please try the following: remove all four effect (they start with Bp_) and see if the problem remains. In case this cures the problem, I need to further investigate.

    There were no custom made effects in the previous version... :cry:



  7. Magyaránszólva, driverproblémára, vagy valami hasonló szoftveres nyügre gyanaxol? Megjegyzem sok helyről hallottam már hogy a W98 nem a legszerencsésebb az FS-hez...

    Van 1-2 add-on repülőgépem is amelyek ki szoktak akadni, de nem rendszeresen, és nem következetesen ugyanott, ugyanakkor, hanem teljesen véletlenül..

    Egy biztos, a W98 az FS-ben mindig a leggyoprsabb. Ugyanakkor memória ügyben sokkal gyengébb mint a következő verziók, azt akarám mondani, hogy memória-kezelésben.

    Ha más dolgok is kiakadnak, akkor valami nem stimmel, az biztos. Nekem pl. fél évig akadt ki az XP, mire rájöttem, hogy az audigy hangkártya okozza. Szerintem valami IRQ-related dolog okozhatja a memóriában, persze ez csak találgatás.

    Az új Budapest scenery sokkal gyorsabb mint elődje, mert olyan technikával készült.



  8. az előző verzió (BudME) is pontosan itt akadt ki mindig. Néha néha rendszertelen kiakadások is előfordulnak, este küldök screenshotot.

    A hibaüzenet paraméterekkel 1ütt jelenik meg, a felsorolásban többnyire az éppen használt repülőgép műszer (xx.gau) file-ok jelennek meg mint hibaokozók, vagy tudjaisten miért.

    Nem merek felelőséggel tippelni, de ehhez valószinüleg a scenery-nek magának csak annyi köze van, hogy bizonyos densityt (ami a 2B terminálnál egyértelmű) bufferileg nem tud lekezelni valami valahol, de hogy mi és hol....

    Ha oprendszert kellene ajánlanom természetesen XP-t mondanék...



  9. I tried the attached file, and it worked well. I reloaded the sim a couple times and each time it worked just fine. This solved the problem on my system.


    Many thanks!

    If it really solves the problem, than it seems there are limitations in certain values in the fx files, that I wasn't aware of.

    thanks again


  10. I have a little problem with the static aircrafts in the small airfields: All of them appear "floating at 100- 200 ft from the ground. I guess that the reason is that I have installed the Gaia mesh of R.Taburet for East Europe.

    Can you give me a tip to solve this problem? Maybe deleting or moving some *.bgl files that contain that aircrafts?

    The mesh used in Budapest is of course is not compatible with other meshes, specially with low-res ones. Try to remove the other mesh pls. The static planes are not in a separate bgl, but I have never seen them floating here, so please try to disable other meshes first and tell me if it cures.



  11. Tudom nagy butaság, de meg lehet azt oldani, hogy pl az én házam ( lakótelepi tipus épület) mintegy kiegészítőként rákerülne?

    Ha véletlenül nem lenne rajta, akkor természetesen. :lol:

    Csak le kell töltened az annotator-t és megkeresni azt a bitmepet, ahol a ház található és módosítani egy picit.

    Megtalálni lesz nehéz.



  12. Csakhogy, 10-15 perc repülés után a szokások "Critical error occured" MSFS hibaüzenettel következetesen kiakad. Azt is észrevettem hogy ha egy bizonyos helyre repülök akkor OTT mindig előjön a hibajelenség.


    Mit jelent az, hogy "szokásos"? Mikor máskor fordul elő?

    És még fontosabb: Melyik az a bizonyos hely? Kaphatnék koordinátákat egy kis leírással?



  13. Thanks again, Andras, and I want to remark that my anger was with the people of Simmarket, for change their conditions of the upgrade (from free to 24 euros) without any explication to us . I think that it wasn't very right by their side


    Yes, it seems to be a misunderstanding and also a bad communication between me and simflight. Aplogies.



  14. I have the problem with autogen on or off. I just turned it off because I have a better framerate, but the appears in both.

    I will try the scenery in a few days on my uncle's system which is newer than mine


    I am certain that it has to do something with the system on the operation level. Although I haven't tested the scenery under WinME, what you get is a typical buffer-overflow kind of sysmptom, and believe me there is no way the scenery itself can cause it, as it just doesn't contain anything that could result in it.

    I will install ME on another machine and see the result tomorrow. I am terribly sorry for the inconvenience of yours.



  15. In the Simmarket page of this product, the price of the upgrade for old customers of Budapest ME is now 5 euros.

    Well, it's no free, as they said in their News page, but is a different thing...

    I have decided to buy the upgrade now....

    Thank you, Andras, if you have participated in this change...


    This was the max I could negossiate with the people running the site, because they are also damn right saying that a 245 MB download costs them a lot in bandwidth and server time, so a completely free update was not possible.

    Initially I did not know that, so I do apologize to all who took my words as gold.



  16. How can i use the "AI Traffic" if i don't have for example any "Malev AI Repaints" ? I've deleted all "big" MS Boeings from the aircraft.txt because i only want to see real Traffic. I use Project AI. And it works fine. But u "only" delivered Flightplans... But no Aircrafts.. So i can't use them without the MS Boeings ? The Problem is, that i can't use your Flightplans with my Aircraft.txt because i don't have the MS Boeings left... :? Is there any way, that u will realease a static Aircraft Package ? Then everybody can choose to install them or not, like the SimFlyers Airports...


    Had I tried to make the 'real' flightplan match those 'real' airlines, I would have either needed or should have designed dozens of repaints. As I tried to concentrate on the scenery as much as possible, this would have meant the scenery being late by months. Nowaday the AI settlement is so widespread and there are so many planes on the net to be specifically used for this purpose, that it would be silly to provide an entire fleet with such a huge scenery.

    One of the largest and best companies in the flightsim line wanted this scenery, but later they withdrew their request just because they found the scenery being to large for download. Thus attaching a complete fleet would just have made it much worse, and I wanted to keep the dl size as small as possible.

    The plans that are included can easily be re-configued to use planes of your choice and of course those that you posess. There are many tools (sorry I forgot the names and titles) on the net which just do that.



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