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The simFlight Network Forums


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scoobflight last won the day on November 1 2022

scoobflight had the most liked content!


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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Floating on the Salish Sea
  • Interests
    flightsim, sailing, camping, hunting and reading

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  1. see -
  2. feelThere does support products. Issues must be reported through the official support channels - https://feelthere.com/contact-us-support/ This forum has not been used for support since 2023 (explained as a pinned post in each sub-forum).
  3. feelThere does support products but you need to contact through the official support channels - https://feelthere.com/contact-us-support/
  4. see -
  5. This forum is no longer formal support. Create a formal support ticket with all the details at feelthere.zendesk.com
  6. Create a formal support ticket with all the details at feelthere.zendesk.com.
  7. This forum is no longer for official support m. Create a support ticket at - https://feelthere.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  8. Have you re-download the installer to assure you don't have a bad bit/bite?
  9. Running the iinstaller as administrator? Turning off antivirus?
  10. Game was released in December '22. See - feelThere.com
  11. TGB? What is that?
  12. Try this - https://discord.com/invite/dekC7EBee3
  13. Support is at - https://discord.gg/WqqnZCyw. Once on Discord create a #support ticket.
  14. Official support now at - https://discord.gg/VUHpgEWw Once there create a #support ticket. Describe concerns and post screenshots.
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