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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. Well, I have good news and bad news. I get the same results here as you. The bad news is that I cannot at present figure out why. All the code is c/c++ source re-compiled for 64-bits. There are no actual "precompiled chunks", at least not unless they are well buried in some of this lua source code. I've traced through to where it gets the error and I'm none the wiser at present -- the code is very dense, very obscure. If I don't get anywhere I'll have to seek assistance over in the Lua website. Pete
  2. Perhaps the program being invoked to play the mp4 file is not 64-bit compatible? I'm not sure if a 64-bit program can shell a 32-bit program or not, though it would indeed seem illogical for it not to, as it isn't part of the same process. Your other test proves that the shell call is working. Perhaps you can google it, or if not I'll try when I catch up with things. The bat file itself can contain command-line parameters. Pete
  3. Ah! Thanks ... I'll check. Maybe I'm inadvertently building in some 32-bit code myself Pete
  4. Please don't create identical multiple threads! Pete
  5. But GearStateVal is the addition of three values, 16383 + 16383 + 16383 is NOT = 16383. Sorry, but I don't understand your code or what you are trying to do. It makes no sense to me adding three gear state values together. Pete
  6. You might need to find another way. Doesn't the documentation for the aircraft suggest anything? Some aircraft have assignable keypress combinations already. I assume you've tried the obvious one, "AP PANEL VS HOLD"? "AP APR HOLD ON" perhaps? All FS and FSUIPC controls are just names for event IDs. There's a list of control names and the equivalent IDs provided in your FSUIPC documents subfolder. Unfortunately not many add-on (or default) aircraft support muse macros these days. most did back in FS2002 and even FS2004 days. The Advanced User's guide gives details, but first try using the FSUIPC control to list L:Vars, after loading the aircraft. Then, if you see one which may be a candidate, operate the switch with the mouse and see if its value has changed when you list them again. There is even a Lua plug-in provided to load them as they change in real time (see the example plug-ins ZIP). After that it's a matter of hand building a macro to set it. Pete
  7. I found the problem and it will be fixed in the next interim update. Meanwhilse you can merely change the new documented parameter in the INI file "Auto" to "Yes": PMDG777offsets=Auto => PMDG777offsets=Yes Pete
  8. Not sure whether you need that. I have you checked the network examples in the example plug-ins ZIP in your FSUIPC documents folder. I'll have to revise all that stuff myself as know little about it and have forgotten whay i did know! Have you tried removing the 32-bit module? That certainly cannot be used. Pete
  9. Sorry, I am lost with LINDA stuff. I thought there was an updated LINDA for 64-bit use? Isn't there a LINDA support site? One of the LINDA developers is a frequent visitor here and would no doubt have spotted your post if you'd have put LINDA in the title. I'll see if I can change that now ... Pete
  10. The Axes entries in the INI file are added by you, by going to FSUIPC's Axis assignments tab and assigning as you want. The throttle quadrant assignments are flexible, according to PFC device, and assigned according to the aircraft you are flying. You must have done that in the past sometime with FSUIPC4 and PFCHid.DLL. Please see this part of the PFCHid user guide:
  11. Okay. Thanks. Investigating now. Pete
  12. Is this your own compiled LUA code? Naturally compiled code needs to be 64-bit compiled for a 64-bit program. the Lua interpreter in FSUIPC5 is of course compiled in 64-bit mode. If you compiled it with a 32-bit compiler, then, yes. If it's a precompiled Lua library then maybe there's a 64-bit one already available? There's another thread near here where a user tried to use the 5.2 or 5.3 version 64-bit Lua compile, and the didn't work, but he did find a 5.1 version I think. FSUIPC's Lua version is 5.1, and i don't think later versions are compatible. My only source for data on Lua is the main Lua website, but like you I don't know a lot about compiled lua nor external libraries. .FSUIPC just provides the basic interpreter and the most common libraries, which i think include much of what you need for Luasockets. If there are other parts with source code available which should be bolted into the FSUIPC4 code to make all this easier I am willing to look at them. Pete
  13. Weird indeed. I get the same with 5.103 as you got with 5.102. I've traced through the code and Windows is returning "not found" for the HKLM entry, even though the registry path is exactly right. I don't understand. If I export the iten from the Registry then incorporate the path into my code, it is still the same! Makes no sense. What I have tried is reversing the two, looking for HKCU first, then HKLM. Try it for me please: Install_FSUIPC5103g.zip Pete
  14. There's no change in the PMDG offset facilities in any recent FSUIPC 4 version. There have been problems in FSUIPC5 for P3D version 4 which I'm investigating, but the offset faciliries for PMDg aircraft in FSUIPC have not changed for a long long time. Maybe it's a problem with some recent PMDG update? Please always quote version numbers, and what you changed to make it "no more active". Pete
  15. Then something has got corrupted in those aircraft. There's no reason for you not to get the freezes then suddently get them, and, as I say, the AutoSave is the same as saving a flight using ; and entering the filename. It's just a couple of lines in FSUIPC, calling SimConnect to do everything as per normal flight saves. The crashes are suspicious. Try reinstalling one of the affected aircraft. And maybe repairing FSX. Pete
  16. On my system, with a normal P3D4 install, I get this sequence: Installer for FSUIPC5.DLL version 5.103 Looking in registry for Prepar3D v4 install path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 Parameter"SetupPath" Not there, so looking in: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 Parameter"AppPath" ... >>> OK! FOUND Prepar3D v4! <<< ... AppPath=E:\Prepar3D v4\ =========================================================== Not sure about the "..." though. That's not a valid part of a path. I'll try putting a SetupPath for my installation into HKLM as well, so it does the same as yours ... Pete
  17. So the crash happens right at the beginning. How odd! I'll see if I can add more details. Was the portion of Registry you showed in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER? Pete
  18. And 65A2 should have what value? Have you checked any of the other 777 offset values? The CDU is read separately I think. Please also show me the FSUIPC5 log. Pete
  19. It sounds like you are using PMDG aircraft or something just as complex which does freeze the PC when saving flights do it can collect correct data from all of its subsystems and save its own files. For autosave, FSUIPC merely call the SimConnect function to do the save. It does nothing other than provide a filename, just as you can by typing ; and entrering a filename. The rest of the time is taken by the add-on aircraft. ALWAYS CHECK FOR UPDATES IN DOWNLOAD LINKS SUBFORUM! The latest interim update (4.969d) does contain a longer timeout to stop FSUIPC forcing a SimConnect reconnection on the normal 1 second freeze, which can exacerbate the pausing. However, you will still get pausing caused by the aircraft and generally it just isn't a good idea to use Autosave with such. Pete
  20. The entire first section is bad. Delete it all from [ !1 = down to SimConnectUsed=10.0.61259.0 Your FSUIPC4 is out of date and not supported. Please update and try again. You'll need to be more specific about what you mean by "input orders" -- keyprersses, buttons, axes? Which and what? Your INI file shows very few if any valid assignments to anything! Somehow you seem to have the comments BEFORE the paramters, so the latter won't be seen at all. How did you accomplish that? It looks like a lot of hand editing! Or have you pasted it inot your message in some strange way? If your INI file is really in such a mess then as well as updating to a current version of FSUIPC4 I'd strongly advise deleting the INI file and starting again. Pete
  21. For one axis to affect another there must either be a dual assignment, or it has to be a hardware or connection issue. If this is with no software or parameter settings change, it most certainly points to hardware/connection problems then! Incidentally, for clarification, with PMDG aircraft, for throttles, you should normally only assign to the FS controls (Axis throttleN set) and NOT calibrate in FSUIPC. The PMDG throttles are read from SimConnect at the same level that FSUIPC gets them for claibration. If they are calibrated the result is routed into FS at a lower level, bypassing the interception (to avoid an infinite loop) and that will conflict inside the sim with what the PMDG aircraft code is doing. Generally, for reverse, folks find they need to use the "throttle decr" control 9same as F) to reduce a throttle value from idle. A separate reverser should, in theorty, work though. Pete
  22. That is very strange. In that case, does the window with the on-screen log still display after the crash? If so, would it be possible to see a screen pic of it so I can at least see what it thinks it is doing at the time. Currently I have no clues -- the Windows crash details provided earlier just point deep inside so Windows functions. I assume, for the log, you are looking in the same place as the Installer EXE as well as in the Modules folder? The actual code for the FSUIPC5 installer is identical in every way to the FSUIPC4 installer code, so it is very odd that no one has reported a problem with that. The only difference is in the data it has telling it which registry entry to use for the path (one digit difference for P3D3 to P3D4), and the actual files bonded with it to copied over. Are any files installed at all? If you rename the Modules folder in P3D4 to, say ModulesX, does the Installer create a new one? Does it even tell you it has found P3D4? Like you, I am using Win7 64, and have Avast installed but not disabled whilst installing. The firewall should be irrelevant. My Avast is only the freeware version, just checking files, emails, websites for viruses only. One difference may be to do with the location in which your P3D4 is installed. I never ever accept default locations (they always prove to be problematic, not specifically for FSUIPC but for many other add-ons). All my Sims are installed in simple paths like, in this case, E:\Prepar3D v4. Where's yours? I just need more information at present. If I can narrow it down a little bit I could add more diagnostic details, and also perhaps ensure that the log is flushed out more oftern (seems very odd it isn't, in fact, because FSUIPC's log, which uses the same sort of mechanism, is produced as it runs and can be viewed at any time. I'll have to have another look at that. The Windows crash report isn't needed unless it shows something different to the earlier one, though it never hurts to attach such. Pete
  23. Yes, the code is there to do it, but having no PMDG aircraft installed myself I have to rely on others reporting back on this matter. Pete
  24. Have you specific examples? There are many more assignable controls in the FSUIPC facilities than those supported directly in the FSX assignment menus. Very few add-on aircraft provide their own set of controls in the same way as, for example, the PMDG aircraft. If they have uniquely implemented facilities which are truly usable from the keyboard or buttons, without resorting to the mouse on screen, they should be documented in the aircraft's documentation. Alternatively, depending how the gauges and so on are written, it might be a matter of using "L:Vars" (local panel variables) via FSUIPC macros, or even "mouse macros" (though that seems to be less likely there days. It would be worth browsing through the "User Contributions" subforum here, to see if snyone else has come up with what you need, or, of course, QW's own support forum. Pete
  25. BTW you can get more specific version information from offset 3124. giving you 1-4 for FSX versions, 101-109 for FSX-SE versions, and full n.n data for P3D versions. Pete
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