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About CXA001

  • Birthday 03/06/1968

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  1. This was a big help for me as well. Thanks John! Marc
  2. I figured as much, but I wanted to put it out there. Note that it is being released November 19th. Thanks for the quick response John. Marc
  3. I know it is still some time before its release, but is there any FSUIPC road map with Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Compatibility? Regards, Marc
  4. They do not. As this is the only aircraft that has this issue, I am not going to worry about it as I have invested enough time on this already. Thanks anyways John. 🙂 Marc
  5. It seems that we are not the only ones with this issue. It seems that Little Nav Map does the same thing. FBW response: This is not something we can fix as we can't write to the simulator's fuel variables, and we use a custom engine and fuel system model. https://github.com/flybywiresim/aircraft/issues/5876#issuecomment-924586956
  6. I am not sure when this changed, but it seems that FSUIPC no longer returns any data (value of 0) for offsets 0x0918 Engine 1 Fuel Flow PPH & 0x09B0 Engine 2 Fuel Flow PPH with the FBW A320 Neo. All other MSFS 2020 payware & freeware aircraft return data without any issues. Does anyone know of a work around for this? Thanks in advance, Marc
  7. I am not sure when this changed, but it seems that FSUIPC no longer returns any data (value of 0) for offsets 0x0918 Engine 1 Fuel Flow PPH & 0x09B0 Engine 2 Fuel Flow PPH with the FBW A320 Neo. All other MSFS 2020 payware & freeware aircraft return data without any issues. Does anyone know of a work around for this? Thanks in advance, Marc
  8. Excellent news!
  9. Thanks for the reply John. Looks like I have some reading to do. 🙂 Marc
  10. In regards to fuel flow offsets (lbs per hour), there are currently offsets for Engines 1 to 4. Is it possible to offsets for Engines 5 & 6? Thanks in advance, Marc
  11. Will do. Thanks for the response. Marc
  12. In regards to fuel flow offsets (lbs per hour), there are currently offsets for Engines 1 to 4. Are there any plans to add for Engines 5 & 6? Thanks in advance, Marc
  13. Hi John, After generating more logs, I was able to determine that the LUA script was in fact running which was affecting the offset for all other MSFS 2020 aircraft.. I modified the FSUIPC.ini and put the LUA entries in separate profiles for each FBW livery and this seems to have resolved the issue. Thanks for your guidance. Marc
  14. I posted in the programmers form as a habit. It is rare, that I cannot resolve FSUIPC issues myself. Sorry about that! This happens with all MSFS 2020 aircraft except the FBW A320 which works fine with the LVAR script. Regards, Marc
  15. *** Moved from 'FSUIPC Client dll for .NET' sub-forum to FSUIPC7/MSFS sub-forum *** Hello, One of our pilots & I are having an issue w/ FSUIPC7 & MSFS 2020 where none of our software detects the parking brake which uses Offset 0x0BC8. I started a flight with parking brake on and activated logging for the offset. Regardless if I activate or release the parking brake the log shows the following: 104687 Monitor IPC:0BC8 (S8) = 0 I also have some other FSUIPC logging tools that I use and regardless if I release or activate the parking brake I am no longer getting a value of 32767 when the parking brake is on. ***COLLECTING RAW FSUIPC DATA *** FSUIPC version 0x3306: 7.303 WideFS Client client detected: True Parking brake 0x0BC8: 0 I have uninstalled FSUIPC and reinstalled it but we still have the same issue. Any insight as to what may be going on? Marc
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