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Everything posted by FS1TR

  1. If you install tower SP3, do you then have to install each of the addons?
  2. For the files below the in-game voice was set to female and the default text-to-speech was Microsoft David. game.log speech.log
  3. Anyone?
  4. I am using Windows 10 and have Microsoft David and Zira installed. The problem occurs when the in-game speech selection is not the same as the Text-to-Speech default. If TTS is male and in-game is female, the female voice reads back what sounds like the some underlying HTML code and not the game commands. Again, this happens anytime the in-game voice is not the same gender as the default text-to-speech setting. Any ideas?
  5. Joe: A quick question on the terminal file. Does Ethiopian Air actually use terminal 6 or should it be at TBIT? Tom
  6. Joe. Do you have any statistics as to the number of arrivals and departures by hour? Tom
  7. What is the most common operation at KSAN - rwy 9 or rwy 27? If it is, as I fear, runway 27, what is the strategy to avoid conflicts on taxiway B? I was surprised to see that aircraft exiting runway 27 block taxiway B.
  8. At KLAX and KATL, is there a normal altitude at which aircraft are handed off to Departure?
  9. I was looking to purchase KSAN during the current sale but I can't find a PRO version. Are the add-ons now compatible with both the PRO and non-PRO?
  10. bcooley66, I compared the airlines in your terminal file with those that are included in a schedule created using Dick Parker's Schedule Creator. I find the following airlines are included in the schedule but are not in your terminal file: NAC, UPS, RPA, THT, EVA, SIA, and THY. I'm guessing that these airlines should be added as follows: Terminal_GA: NAC, UPS Terminal_TBIT: EVA, THT, THY, SIA Do you have a suggestion for RPA? The following airlines do not appear in Dick's schedule but you have assigned them a terminal. Do they appear in the Real Traffic schedule? I couldn't check this because I don't know their two character code: CHH, EVE, WOW, TCX, BUG, BTQ, and MEO. I agree with you that this will make the sim nore realistic. Unfortunately it will also require me to completely reorganize my brain when it comes to taxiing arrivals. Tom
  11. Using Dick Parker's Schedule Creator, one of the busiest times at KATL is between 1 and 4 in the morning. Is this true in real life?
  12. Real Traffic SP3 seems to have done the trick. Thanks for the help Tom
  13. I've purchased and installed KATL. However, I'm not getting Real Traffic. I do get Real Traffic at KLAX. Do I have to do something in addition to the installation of KATL. I also note that if I look in the KATL folder I have no schedule, airlines, terminal and other files that I do have a KLAX. Tom
  14. After issuing the command "Pushback approved, expect runway 24R" I realize that I meant runway 25R. Is there a command to correct this? Tom
  15. Thank you Andrew. It's now time to try Atlanta. However, I'm sure I'm going to miss the one way ramps from Tower 2011. Tom
  16. Click HELP on the start-up screen and make sure that you are running as Administrator.
  17. Assuming West Ops, is there a procedure for which aircraft go to 27R and which to 26L? Also are 26L and 27R far enough apart that they can handle simultaneous departures without a heading change?
  18. Andrew, Which aircraft are not permitted on V. I know nothing about wingspans.
  19. Thank you.
  20. I am trying to coordinate the times listed in a schedule by Dick Parker's schedule creator and the starting time used on the start screen. My assumption is that Dick's is UTC and the game uses local time. Is this correct? Is Daylight Savings time reflected, for example, Is the difference between UTC and LAX 8 hours or 7 hours?
  21. Alittle more info. Aircraft light up all over the adirs but I never hear any request for pushback. Is there a delay between when they appear and when they ask for pushback? OK I MADE THE STUPID MISTAKE OF NOT RUNNING AS ADMIN. PLEASE IGNORE THIS QUESTION.
  22. OK I purchased Tower!3d Pro and loaded it up. Downhill from there. I get no voice control. Tower 2011 started voice by itself. Is that not the case with pro? I get a little beep when I press the left shift key but nothing I say registers. Everything was working perfectly with Tower 2011.
  23. The second question, do you still need to make all the changes to the airlines.txt and other recommended files?
  24. A couple of questions I forgot to ask. I'm coming from Tower 2011 where I used Dick Parker's schedule creator. Is this program still good for Pro? If so, do you still need to make all the changes to the airlines.txt and other recommended files?
  25. I am about to purchase Tower!3D Pro and Real Traffic. Is Real Traffic for both the Pro and non Pro versions? I only see one llisted in the Feelthere store.
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