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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. Man of the Flight is Men of the Flight before it's even started.

    Tiptop and Simon - The trip would be over before it even started if it hadn't been for Simon's all night temporary airfield construction (at 2 old run-down listening post strips in Greenland), and to Tiptop, for ferrying the fuel to the pumps ready for the Moth Squad to drink.

    You will be mentioned in dispatches on http://www.twa2lb.co.uk when I update.

  2. What can I say guys....you made the trip for me! That would've been hell alone, but that 4 hours just seemed like 3 hours 59!

    ...but really, thank you all for showing....go to http://www.twa2lb.co.uk to pick up your Tiger Tour numbers (Only available if you complete a leg from start to finish!)

    Anyway...that Vagar approach.....who the heck puts an runway in line with the only massive mountain for miles! That approach was HELL! Mind you, it was one of my better landings...peer pressure!



  3. No!!!!

    Don't do that Mr Hobbit! I look forwad to your posts....a little moderation will come on it's own as you settle in - but just remember the ammended rules...

    1.Have Fun

    2.See 1

    3.If point 1 cannot be attained, go to point 2.

  4. Tale of Two Tigers leaves Stornoway in Scotland (real weather and time) at 1800hrs Friday......ish. We are talking about some very serious light hearted flying here....or light hearted serious flying.....?!?

    Seat of pants and tally ho!

    Tigers available from Golden Eagle or flightsim.com

    Repaints at Simon's one stop shop. (repaints-other aircraft)

  5. Gah Horrible thing!

    I worked on far too many of them to love 'em!

    One was quite amazing though.....came in to us for repair - of bullet and blast damage....apparently some rebels had taken shots at it!

    Another one had a slight hump along its back - it had been damaged, but a special repair was allowed.....it looked terrible - like a 1/2" plank had been riveted on along the spine....which it pretty well had!

  6. Francois!

    I'm still shocked that you pull it out 15" before you can get your hand comfortable on it....

    Mine scares the cats when I get it out and it starts vibrating....

    Kenneth Williams...OOoeeeerrr Matron!

    Sid James... Phwaaharharhar!!!!

  7. One monitor?

    Get Snap shot from Peter Dowsons site. Great little freebe.

    Scenery and no cash? I've not spent a penny on scenery.....yet....

    Go to Simons One Stop for all the scenery that isn't dependent on FSE or what ever - there's even a useable free EFFC (the restoration pack actually works as a stand alone airfield!).

  8. ...erm....well, you could use your prop, wheels and wing tips....but in general all that happened is Timbo and I were checking out the Tigers with the extra weight of an auxillary tank in the pax seat. We then experimented with ground effect to see if it would help on the long and almost impossible sea crossings we have planned.....the next thing you know, he's flown up a side street as we hit the beach....I go through the trees....I pull up....and see a Tiger bearing down on me.

    We both break left, performing a rather nice split, then carry on close formation, stall turns, cross overs etc...it all helps for the long flight ahead - who knows what turbulence and weather we may see?!

  9. From what I've gethered in your posts Mr Hobbit, you are quite new to sim flight.

    In this case, I highly recommend you go for the Microsoft Force Feedback 2. It is the one that the tutorials use, and is also the most compatable with Microsoft Flight Sim.

    This is the easiest and probably best option, as everything in ms flight sim is set up for a ms stick initially.

  10. Bill Lyons place for the Tigers (Avsim or Flightsim should do them - FREE)

    And Simons one stop shop for the memorial flight skins package.

    Due to finishing of a thesis and the sorting out of my fathers estate, the trip was postponed for a short time....so even though it started a while ago, it has only managed to get from Portsmouth, England, to Stornoway, Scotland!

    Yes....no sea crossings yet! at least, non to other isles or countries.

    Friday evening should see the first major sea hop as we travel from Stornoway over to the Faroes.

  11. No.....not free!

    There is a free registration for every 30th FSnav activated, but that is a bit of luck and no dead certainty.

    So, register.....get ready to pay.....and maybe you'll get lucky and win the free registration......or maybe not :roll:

  12. Put it in the fs9 directory.

    I can't remember how I did it - but I do know that on other software if it says C:/Somewhereinyourpc/microsoftgames/fs2002 then I just put it in C:/Somewhereinyourpc/microsoftgames/fs9. Seems to work for me.

    No money back - no gaurantee!

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