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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. Come on....lets get the Ball rolling - same bridge as last time (Vancouver way)....but you know that little stone bridge right next to the main road bridge....well...fly under both....

    I managed to go through the brick bridge diagonally!!! In one arch, across and out the next one over and on the other side!

    It took a while....but the missus said ' I'll make you a cup of tea if you can do it...'

    I'm still waiting for the tea though....grrrrr.

    Quite confident a Tonka is just too big for this one....sorry Chads!







  2. ROLL UP ROLL UP!!!!

    Getcha EFFC Banners Here!!!!!

    Honestly though, if you want one (anyone) - I'll give it a go :lol:

    It is just a hobby - but ask Pitt - I like to get it right! 8)

    I also have a bit of space on a non-listed Tiger Tour page (where I keep a few other banners for people). For Toph's avatar I just supplied a URL for him to post - no need for messy graphics if you don't need them!

  3. Simon pulls through....again!

    I must admit mate, that without your most appreciated help, the tour would lack that certain required 'thing' that makes it work that little bit better. Definately a team tour - and I'm pleased as hell to be part of that team. My tour.....well.....my idea to tour the world in a long winded route and in a Tiger.....but everyone else has helped make it what it now is (eh - Timbo!)

  4. I looked into Bombarier, but they seem to want the French thing - and I only have a very very limited knowledge and skill in french. I forgot about Pratts, so will look into that - As for location - mid - southern Canadian border area? In land but maybe lake/river areas? Looking at general climate I'd prefer a less harsh area of Canada - 1/2hr 1hr from a reasonable town, maybe 1 1/2hr to 2 hr from a built up major town area. Local poulation is a good thing for the board and stables, but not too closse...I really like my open space!

  5. Yeah, well...Once I saw the still images...my head put it together before I did!

    I'm actually jealous of my own work on this one!

    Let me know what you want, and I'll try fit it in - I have Toph's, Timbo's and mine to do yet - but no worries!

  6. Hate to burst the bubble, but the thing was a hoax - She is tall, yes, but not as tall as that. It was going around B3TA for a while before christmas.

    Great idea if you could find one though....she could spin the prop to start a dirigable with out a step lader!

  7. What speed is high speed?

    My Broadband cable is 600k

    (phone line 'broad - medium' band is 128k)

    Canada is looking good. We blew the points away and have to really REALLY screw up to not get in.

    Canada oh CANADA - So much space! The UK is so cramped!

    My terraced house is £100,000 - all it has - 2 small double rooms upstairs....2 identical rooms downstairs with a cramped kitchen tagged on the back, and a bathroom tagged on the back of that!. The garden out back is so small you can spit at the wall at the end and get hit by the splash.

    To get space in this country you need money! To get a town house, you need money!!! This country is, face it, over crowded. I live in the most densely populated city in Europe - I really need space!

  8. GIMP is meant to be damn fine FREE software for paint, although I use steam driven COREL 8 - Why use fancy tools, when a bit of time and effort you can achieve the required results without the salesman selling you a tool that can do it just the same, but with a fancier name?! (I have also got Adobe's 8 - but far to tricky....I like my whittle away and hard work Corel!). Mind you....given the time and need - the top graphics progs are very desirable....drool!

    If anyone wants anything, then feel free to call me up - It's a hobby, so feel free to ask!




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