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Posts posted by Ravenblack

  1. I have created a range of hats and t-shirts.

    The hats come down to the neck at the back. They have a photo of your face on, so the wife can still see what you look like. The shirt is designed so the back looks like the front.

    I also have an add on mirror, so no need to turn away from the screen to look at the events going on in the house....although with the lights off and curtains drawn, all that illuminates the room is the RGB hues from the twin monitors.

    I am currently working on the be all and end all add on to the sim - a voice activated response system that is tuned to the wifes voice. Upon tone of voice, the VARS will respond with either grunts, uh-huhs or even the vocalized responses - 'just a few more minutes' to the big ' let me just do this and I'll come on up'.

    Any buyers?

  2. I remember F-15 Strike Eagle for the C64. I had a ZX48 whilst my mate had a kick-ass C64! It was amazing - and even better was that he would have the joystick, I had the keyboard and acted as 'weapons man'.

    It was the game where you had to move the site around the screen for certain weapons, then hold it on target whilst the missile was homing - so for two players we were untouchable!

    Ah! those were the days. My all time top sim prior to the PC was AH-64 Apache for the ZX48 (for helicopter) and Spitfire 40 for the ZX128 (for fixed wing).

    The SEGA MEGA DRIVE had some good games, and the PS1 also had a pretty good game, but I can't really remember much about them!

  3. For the Spectrum AH-64 Apache game, there was an item caled LENSLOCK. It was a plastic holder with a clear plastic lens. The holder held the lens about 3cm from the screen. The lens had cuts and angle slots cut into it which 'warped' the image on the screen.

    The opening screen would come up with a messed up image in the middle, and you used zoom keys to 'tune' the LENSLOCK until it warped the image until it showed the word 'OK' being made from the mess!

    Then another blurry mess of an image would come up, and you had to use the LENSLOCK to read what the coded letters in that were.

    All great fun!

  4. http://www.twa2lb.co.uk now has a LIVE CHAT feature.

    If anything goes wrong in the flight, we can use this to meet and discuss - as some of you don't have MSN Messenger.

    Also new pictures have been added, and a revamp to the links and downloads pages.

    Please email me if you want to know flight times and other info. Although all flight info will be put on the site, there is a better chance that you will get the up to date info if you join the mail list.



  5. Well that got you to look!


    Yet more has been thrown onto the Tiger Tour site.

    (Click my sky writer below to visit!)

    If anyone wants to go on the tour mailing list, then please let me know - you have more chance of finding out about non-scheduled tour legs this way.

    A grear few legs from Friday to Saturday - nothing simple - problems and everything...again - but that's what makes it fun.

    More tourers have become 'full leggers' and we have several more 'Tiger Cubs'.

    I really appreciate thew way people have taken to this. What a great bunch you all are! :wink:


  6. My favorite story is one told to me by my apprentice instructor all those years ago...

    Back in his RAF days he was working around Sunderlands (right up your street Toph!).

    A young engineer was looking quite annoyed, and when asked why? he stated that he'd lost yet another spanner off of the wing whilst working on the number 4 engine. Now as you all know, that's into the water....

    My Instructor told him to look at the experience engineers. The young man saw that these guys tied their spanners and tools to a piece of string around their waists - so if they drop, they can be retrieved. The young engineer realised that this was the way forward - no more expensive tool loss for him.

    Several weeks later and my Instructor has spotted the young engineer, working once more on an engine over the water....

    ...this time he was spotted waddling out along the wing, struggling under the weight of an engine generator.......tied to his waist with a short length of rope....

  7. I figure that if it works for you, then it works for.

    Why argue about framerates and whatever - if you have a way of fixing your own system, then do what you want. If you want FS-GS to help you out, then let them help you out. It's different things for different people.

    I can't see how squabbling and arguing can help fix a pc and make it faster. I'd just walk away and do things how I like to do them in a way that works for me.

    FS-GS offer a service, but you don'y have to take them up on it. If you have the service and they really let you down, then MAYBE you would have a grounds and reason to complain! :shock:

  8. You know when your car won't start, but you're an engineer, no one asks if you actually tried turning the key in the ignition....

    Well.....there are somethings in fs9 I never use, so don't know anything about. These things may be actual functions, and as such would not be considered as a problem for trouble shooting. Also, someone with a little knowledge (myself) would be expected to know what he was doing by some one with god like knowledge (Yourself). Due to this, the very simple 'take for granted' things can be over looked.

    Since my last post - no problems....until one fateful flight....where the solution appeared.

    I lost aileron and elevator on stick, game pad and keyboard. I saved to make sure I could get back to the field I carried out an emegency landing...tried EVERYTHING to get the controls working again....but this time they were totally dead....follow the link to find the result and solution. I admit to this as it may help other people who 'think' they have a problem.

    As for FSUIPC and Peter Dowson - well - so good I put a link to the home page on my site.

    Cheers Peter!


  9. Trouble with your controls?

    Ailerons and Elevator not reacting correctly...if at all?

    Did you knock 'Z' during a chat or flight?

    How long has my intermittent control problem gone on for....when all along it was because I knocked 'Z' and switched auto pilot on.

    I never use it, so didn't know to look!

    Thanks guys, and a special thanks to Pitt - you saved me a re-install...... :oops:

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