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Everything posted by wsuch

  1. HI Tracon 2012 SE just updated on steam, is there a list of what was changed Thanks Wayne
  2. thanks Pete after much stuffing around identified it was Linda capturing the controllers, just had to disable them in Linda Wayne
  3. Thanks pete its an odd one
  4. Hi Pete I have just got back into Sim and purchased P3dV4.2 and everything working great however I installed FSUIPC V5.124 initially just to map some buttons before fully using the profiles to set up my controllers but on my CS Yoke it or something kills my yoke,CS throttle quadrant and track IR when FSUIPC is enabled, however the CS rudders seem to work fine, its working for the first 2 seconds in P3D then it just stops, also not working in windows then some weird beeping sounds even at the desktop after P3d has closed that requires me to reboot the PC to get rid off, If I remove the FSUIPC DLL from the modules folder in P3Dv4.2 all is great and all the controls are working as expected including track IR. I'm not necessarily saying the issue is FSUIPC as there may be some other item loading that's conflicting with FSUIPC, I also have Ultimate traffic live and Linda initialising at about the same time. I may need to just keep isolating stuff and testing but I though somebody may have come across this Thanks Wayne
  5. your welcome I had the same annoying issue
  6. I had an issue with anti virus blocking So i disable before i run game and all good, you can add exception into av but didnt work for me
  7. That is a great idea sometimes its overwhelming and this would give a clear direction
  8. Hi feel there Any chance of any australian sectors for tracon se such as brisbane or sydney, cheers
  9. Lol going senile
  10. it would be great too if the wind could be known in advance so the runways could be set up in preparation rather than having to click onto the start and take a look first then go back and set the correct active runways Regards Wayne
  11. Vic Also the occasional go around for commercial and ga traffic from the tower to be re sequenced by aporoach would be good
  12. Hi I have realistic winds set for KSAN sector in Tracon 2012 SE and probably as in the real world they are mostly blowing from the west to the east making runway 27 the duty runway, is there any way to set the wind to blow from the east to the west so 09 is the active at KSAN without having to set the winds to no forecast and have zero winds on the start screen Thanks Wayne
  13. HI Is there any way of resetting the ATC Profile data stats without deleting and recreating the profile.datx file, I want to reset the stats but not delete all the duty runways I have set up as I am creating multiple profiles for different flows and using a batch to swap them out as needed, if that makes sense Regards Wayne
  14. thanks I stand corrected unfortunately lol
  15. Hi vic Perhaps some additional pilots voices female and male and the ability to add voice commands, i know its possible in tower 3d but not sure about tracon
  16. Hi Vic I guess it would be nice if the existing evolved and just got better and better rather than being left as is but was just curious if there was anything else in the pipeline for ATC, for Tracon 2012 SE the couple of things I think it needs 1.) User settable winds from the config screen 2.) Ability to change the SID or STAR if necessary, there is currently a limitation whereby an inbound aircraft STAR may take it directly to the runway not in use as opposed to giving a correct star based on winds for the duty runway 3.) GA IFR traffic from satellite airports follow SIDS on departure, currently they do not 4: Overfly traffic that's just transiting the sector Other than those things I think its pretty dam good and a hell of a lot of fun so well done Regards Wayne
  17. Hi Feelthere Any further development happening re tracon 2012se such as a pro version or further updates, or any new atc stuff in the pipe line Thanks Wayne
  18. Thanks guys very helpful as usual Wayne
  19. Ok thanks for your help think i understand so essentially the wind set in the game does not control star assignments at all, would that be the aircraft file where you would change the star assignments for individual aircraft if you wanted an east west flow ir is there a global setting for all aircraft entering the sector
  20. Sorry im an idiot its a star arrival not a sid in my example, are you then saying you would have to reorder it in the sid star file for ksan so that it selects that star first, is that what you mean by choose best option to facilitate all runways, thanks
  21. Hi I have noticed as example in san diego sector a heavy is arriving from the north east on baret5 sid from memory and the prevailing winds facilitate a landing on 27 at ksan, the sid however routes right to the south of ksan to line up for a 09 landing at ksan. This is ideal if the wind requires a 09 landing at ksan naturally but does not work for 27 I have realistic winds set so i just assumed that tracon would select the suitable sid corresponding to the duty runway of 27 in this scenario, is this a limitation as i would have expected tracon to identify the wind and select a sid to line up for ksan 27 runway or what ever the active is based on wind. I know its an easy fix to simply break of the sid and proceed direct or vector to a suitable intercept for 27, but just wanted to confirm this as a limitation and tracon wont select the appropriate sid to match the runway in use in all cases, i have not tested any other sectors yet though, thanks Wayne
  22. Thanks very much thats great must say im loving the new tracon now that i have taken the time to understand it, the speech recognition is amazing
  23. cheers really enjoying it, the speech recognition is Tracon SE is very good and I didn't realise you could control all airports in the sector at once which really increases the realism big time, do you know if inflight emergencies are modelled its says they are but I have never come across one yet thanks Wayne
  24. Hey Andrew Maybe its supposed to have them but its broken, as below from the ATC Suite website for Tracon 2012, Maybe Vic can clarify 3 sectors including Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Miami Compatibility with Tower! 2011 Advanced artificial intelligence (AI) pilots follow complex tower commands when they fly their SID/STAR tracks Multiplayer eiditions includes the single player version too Full voice control possible using Microsoft's speech SDK voice recognition technology * Dynamic weather simulation Complex simulation allow you to experience the real life duties of a tower controller Create new Tracons, schedules and airplanes using the same editors used by the development team Aircraft will follow complex instructions Many of the newly issued FAA commands are simulated Climb via the SID, Descend via the STAR commands are included Visual approach clearance is simulated Realistic distance measuring including calculation of the closest point between moving targets Realistic airplane performances In-flight emergencies Cheers Wayne
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