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Everything posted by wsuch

  1. Strange not sure whats going on for me, do you have a profile button in tracon se version
  2. Hi I will have a look tonight and also send a screen shot, i simply ran the tracon real traffic installer and pointed to the steam path, i know when i ran a verify of the files in steam it replaced five files back with the originals so maybe the sid file is not coming across for some reason
  3. Vic I'm pretty sure based on the testing I have done that Real Traffic SP2 for Tracon 2012 is not compatable with Tracon SE 2012, I have both programs running side by side as below Tracon 2012 original with Real Traffic SP2 - Works fine with all traffic coming up and moving Tracon 2012 SE with Real Traffic SP2- Totally different traffic usual Taka all 3 and none move on the screen just freeze, I see no real Airline names so far even though the file is there Bar the issue with the Profile button missing Tracon SE 2012 seems to be working otherwise without Real Traffic as best I can tell but totally broken with real traffic added in
  4. Vic This is just a mess for me, I have not been able to use it since I got it, I removed everything and just installed Tracon 2012 SE and I see traffic at least but no profile buttons so cant select a profile, when I install real Traffic for Tracon 2012 SP2 into Tracon 2012 SE I have bugger all traffic and what traffic I have is stuck in position, this happens in all sectors, surely these issues would have been evident when testing, how frustrating, almost makes you want to give up when you have to stuff around with something that should just work like the older version did Wayne
  5. Hi vic All the buttons are working for me on the radar screen as far as i can tell, i just dont have the buttons for profile and for some reason no traffic, i am running windows 10 pro english
  6. you probably cant do anything until this is fixed by Feel There I suspect, Wayne
  7. I have removed and reinstalled just the Tracon 2012 SE and there is no profile button on the main screen where you select the player and on the information screen there are no buttons to create a profile, anyone else seeing this, looks like a bug to me,Note if I install and run the old version works perfectly. You can see in the screen shots attached the missing profile buttons compared to the old program No Profile buttons.docx
  8. well I reinstalled it fully but still not seeing any traffic for any sector including KSAN, I can see the data in the files its all set to full density and I leave it on time advance but nothing, I also cant create a profile not of the buttons on that screen are selectable, wonder if that has anything to do with it, I will keep troubleshooting
  9. can I assume they are 100% compatible with the Tracon 2012 SE Steam version Wayne
  10. Hi I brought real traffic and ksan for the original tracon 2012 and have installed them into the new steam version, i have also added the ksan sids and stars, will check further tonight via some troubleshooting but assuming they are compatable with the steam version of tracon se
  11. Yes i did manually i might remove it all and try again i did want confirmation that real traffic and ksan will work on the new version of tracon 2012 se, maybe feelthere can confirm
  12. Hi Vic Awesome, I have purchased this just a question regarding programs for the original Tracon 2012. I have installed the latest version of Real traffic and KSAN sector addon from the old Tracon 2012 for use with Tracon 2012 SE but KSAN and MIA so far never get any traffic. Are these addons fully compatible with Tracon 2012 SE. I am yet to verify that Airlines are using real traffic as I cant seem to get enough traffic at the others and no traffic at all at said sectors, thanks Wayne
  13. Sky king I just meant its had its day and clearly its not getting fixed by feel there so im moving on and just enjoy the sim, it bothers me also but we are beating a dead horse so to speak, no doubt it will be rectified in the next version
  14. Its definently 180 out but we know it and can live with it
  15. ok that's doable maybe even easier to just memorise I suppose, how far away might Tracon 2012 SE for steam be , days ,weeks, months Thanks Wayne
  16. Sorry vic i dont follow, if i wanted to add a 9000 graphic label in to depict 9000 feet lsalt in a certain area on the sector map is that possible and if so how, thanks
  17. Vic I took a look at the editor but I have no clue how to add lSALT values to the map overlay, is it even possible to add in numerical digits in the applicable areas to depict LSALT Wayne
  18. Ok thanks im looking forward to buying this
  19. Ok thats Great so essentially i could add numerics at suitable locations on the map eg 9000 at one area of the map and 4000 at another area to indicate terrain lsalt
  20. There should be
  21. Ok thanks
  22. Thanks ariel for your reply and whilst i accept that limited reply it suprises me how you guys made such a realistic program but left out a critical element such as lsalt sector overlays, how did that not get picked up in beta surely someone with knowledge of tracon would have commented on this at the planning and testing phases. Anyways i will improvise and enjoy this game none the less but confused about the omission of lsalt which is a vital component of all flying activities at the most basic level, i would hope you would consider adding it into tracon 2012 se, thanks Wayne
  23. Yes but im talking about lsalt data that should be an overlay for all sectors, there is usually an option on the radar to turn lsalt on so one is aware of terrain heights when giving aircraft climb and descent instructions
  24. Thanks i have done that
  25. Vic Will there be a good discount for tracon 2012 owners and will existing tracon 2012 addon sectors such as ksan sector work in tracon 2012 se, also any reason there are no lsalt details for the tracon 2012 sectors in the tracon 2012 documentation, im also looking for ksan sector lsalt and im not sure where to find them, sorry for all the questions Vic. thanks Wayne
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