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Everything posted by wsuch

  1. Hi Is there any way to change the middle mouse button having to be depressed to pan, I would prefer to depress the mouse button or perhaps depress the space bar with the other hand and move the move the slew around the tower, thanks Wayne
  2. Hi Alan Feel There are on the money for me, I remember when I installed the program it did block some files and this indeed caused the issue, I havent totally resolved it as I have not had time yet but as soon as I disable my anti Virus it immediately worked thanks Wayne
  3. Hi Just brought and can move airport diagram to second monitor but when attempting to move data strips and radar to second monitor after selecting the second monitor icon the window flashes up fully maximised on second monitor then vanished, this does not happen with airport diagram window, thanks anybody who can help
  4. wsuch

    Pete's Cockpit

    Wow Pete your Sim is awesome how much does it cost to put something like that together, I guess you probably did most of it yourself so would probably cost the average person a lot more, do you get lost in the sim and think you are actually flying a real 737 it looks superb Wayne
  5. Hey Pete I played around with this again yesterday and found the sweet spot, I guess I am used to flying standard FS planes which mostly are easy to fly but the C172 brings back memories of flying a real plane you have fly properly and precisely I love it, thanks Wayne
  6. Hi Pete No worries thanks for the advice, I must have an issue with my rudder because I have over 100 hours in real Cessna 150 and 172 and its nothing like my A2A rudder, I will play around with it and see how I go, thanks Wayne
  7. Hi pete I have done a little research on this but still not sure, I have been having bad control issues with the a2a c172, all my controls are exclusively calibrated through fsuipc, ch products all other planes can be controlled fine but the a2a c172 is virtually unflyable so I am wondering if there is a way to reduce axis sensitivity I have tried slope but did not help, particularly the rudder is extremely sensitive. I have logged with a2a but they say its accurate. Its so sensitive I cant even trim, any advice appreciated wayne
  8. Hi Pete I have been playing around and doing some testing with ASN and since upgrading to FSUIPC 4925 I get a consistent one second stutter every 30 seconds, if I disable the loading of FSUIPC and fly with the keyboard its gone and I can consistently repeat this behaviour I have tried to reinstall FSUIPC but still an issue. I don't know what is causing this because if I disable the loading of the ASN DLL the stutter is also gone. I have logged this on the ASN forum as well, so FSUIPC and AS don't seem to be playing well together, thanks Wayne Update I did see another report of this in the forum same issue with FSGRW running but I do not use any other weather programs and don't use fscopilot of FSinn but I do have ASN running on a client PC however I don't have it running at the time of the occurring issue its just the loading of the AS DLL and FSUIPC that seem to be clashing, thanks Wayne
  9. Hello Pete I don't know if its possible but is there any way FSUIPC can monitor actions from with in FSX and pass to linda in order to synchronize the connected devices through Linda EG A third party copilot say Fs2crew pushes Vnav as commanded by the pilot using voice command for example from within the virtual cockpit in the PMDG 737NGX so there fore the Virtual MCP in the NGX now does not match what's currently set on the VRinsight MCP2 Boeing IE according to the MCP2 VNAV is off but its been switched on from the virtual cockpit by the copilot. Is there anything that may ensure they are in synch both ways, thanks Regards Wayne
  10. Hello I have an annoying issue with the CH throttle quadrant configured through the latest version of FSUIPC for FSX, when I configure the reverse thrust detents on the CH Throttle quadrant there is a large dead spot when moving the throttles before I get an N1 increase seen on the throttle quadrant in the 737 NGX also. In FSUIPC on the throttle calibration page if I select no reverse thrust zone the dead spot is gone and n1 increases immediately when I move the throttles, the reverse zone seems to work for all other aircraft except the NGX IE i dont see the dead zone with other aircraft configured this way, worked fine in FS9 with the old 737 PMDG. I have logged this with PMDG in the hope that someone there might known what is causing this but on the off chance there is a know fix I post here, thanks very much Wayne
  11. hmmm I have confused my self as well, I will have a crack and see if it is working now, thanks again Wayne
  12. Pete So sorry to waste your time, i stupidly forgot that i still have to map in FS9 for it to become active in FSUIPC, just cost myself a day HE HE. Easy how you forget simple stuff when you dont do it very often. Thank you for jogging my memory, I was devastated cant live without FSUIPC, its made a world of difference to my sim experience, thank you Wayne
  13. HI Pete thanks for your reply, I have tried the latest version of fsuipc for FS9 also but it just does not see the joystick axis on my CH throttle quadrant. Worked beautifully on vista but no go on win 7 32 bit. I can see the buttons and assign them in fsuipc just not the Joystick axis. FS9 sees my Yoke and rudder pedals and even the throttle quadrant just FSUIPC that can not detect my throttle quadrant, very strange indeed. I am doing some testing on another win7 PC to rule out any issues with my PC. I think there is an issue in win 7 somewhere as FSUIPC has been very solid. I dont beleive there are any drivers required for the throttle quadrant, thanks for any advice I will keep troubleshooting Wayne
  14. Hi Pete I have installed win 7 on my pc and everything is working great in FS9 expect FSUIPC does not recognise my ch throttle quadrant at all, cant assign any throttles etc, is this a known issue, thanks Wayne
  15. Hi Pete Thanks for your response, I cant explain why it does it, even with a vanilla install of FS2004 as soon as I drop the autosave DLL in even using the standard autosave.cfg I get stutters, definently not a system resource issue as I have new 200 Gig Sata 1 Gig Ram P4 3 Gig New Asus Motherboard, all else runs well, write cache is enabled and drive does not need defragmenting. I will just play around a bit, thanks anyway Regards Wayne
  16. Hi I have an issue when I install AUTO Save 1.5.0 with FS2004 V9.1, as soon as I install the dll into the modules folder I get a stutter in FS when flying roughly every 17 seconds then another 2 seconds after in a continuos loop, as soon as I remove the DLL all is well again, any body seen this issue Regards Wayne
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