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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hello Volker,

    Sorry, for not meeting your demands for posting. Here are the additional data.

    FS2004 version 9.1 build 40901.01

    FSUIPC / WideFS version 3.98a

    FSC version 9.0 build 11.112010

    DBManager idem

    PC1 -> FS2004 -> Windows 7

    PC4 -> FSC -> Windows XP

    PC4 virtual drives:

    W: FSX Flightplans

    X: FS9 Flightplans

    Y: FSX

    Z: FS2004

    All the Fs2004 scenery is in the folders PC1:\D:\Fs2004:\Addon scenery, PC1:\D:\Fs2004:\Aerosoft and PC1:\D:\Fs2004:\Scenery

    I hope this will do.

    Best regards,

    Hans Hartvelt

    The Netherlands

    Hi Hans,

    in my previous post I asked you have you read this: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66473-file-not-found-or-no-access-only-for-network-users/

    and I have received no answer.

    In your first post you talk about an error message in the log file ... V:\\ADDONSCENERY\Scenery ...

    In your previous post you talk about a configuaration like this

    PC4 virtual drives:

    W: FSX Flightplans

    X: FS9 Flightplans

    Y: FSX

    Z: FS2004

    The Flight Simulator drive should be assigned a drive letter which is at the end of the alphabeth, more precisely Z:/. If further scenery files are on drives other than the Flight Simulator drive, then these must directly precede Z:/. E.g. suppose you have additional scenery files on two different drives other than the FS drive. Then these should be X:\ and Y:\.

    In your case, you have to mount only ONE drive as Z:\\ for your FS2004.

    After successfull running the DBManager you can disconnect the drive Z:\\ for your FS2004 and connect the next drive Z:\\ for your FSX.



  2. OK, I recopied scenery.cfg to scenerycfg.fsc and then ran the database program again and I have attached it for FSX and the one for FS9. I have come up with a work around by installing FSC on my Flight Sim pc and running the database program on it successfully and then copying the Database file to my remote pc. It does work. I had to do that with Flight Sim Flight Keeper at first also. Don't know why but it works and I can live with it. I would like to get it sorted out so the two files are attached and hopefully will help you guys figure it out. My FSX is installed on D drive and FS9 is installed on E drive. Thanks for your help with this. Ken

    Hi Ken,

    both Log files contains, that the Databasemanager has no access to the drive.

    To investigate you problem, please contact me via e-mail.

    You find my e-mail adress at the bottom on our homepage.



  3. Hello,

    I installed FSC 9.0 en ran the DB Manager. Halfway it stuck with an error message. I looked in the log file and found that the DB Manager was scanning the folder FS2004 / Addon Scenery / Myworld Airports. The last file which was read was splp_obj.BGL. The error message was: source: cmdworld_Click = 52 = Bad file name or number. V:\\ADDONSCENERY\Scenery.

    I don't know what kind of files are in the Myworld Airports folder. As far as I know I have only installed Aerosoft scenery and I use REX and MyTraffic2010.

    What to do now?

    Hans Hartvelt

    The Netherlands

    Hi Hans,

    have you read this:

    and also this: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66473-file-not-found-or-no-access-only-for-network-users/



  4. My system comprises:





    There are two problems

    1 FSC works fine but on a two monitor set up, as soon as I fly in FS fsc goes blank on the second screen

    2 After setting up a flight plan in FSC it does not find a GPS when I try to connect to FS.



    Hi Ian,

    1. Please read in the current manual, chapter 1.2 Installation, "Important: You should bear in mind that FlightSim Commander...

    2. Have you read this http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66198-vista-and-windows-7-users-please-read/

    and have you following the instruction?



  5. Hello

    A question or understanding about transitions. First Great upgrade but I miss the way the approach button worked before.

    Using radar contact you might not know what your landing runway is until your 40 miles out. Using FSC app botton really helped

    with the approach. I can seen how you add a transition to a flight plan BEFORE the flight but whats the best way to add (if you can)at the end for the flight as you find out what the landing runway is?

    Thanks in advance

    Ray P

    Hi Ray,

    please read here:



  6. I have followed the instructions here and in the manual provided and have had no luck running the database manager. It continues to give me the error code 52. I mapped my Flight Sim drive to z.


    Hi Ken,

    in your post you let us know, that you have mapped your Flight Sim drive to Z:.

    If you are reading the log file, you are reading following information: ... based on: F: \\scenerycfg.fsc ...

    I'm sure you see the Inconsistency.

    Also in the Scenery.cfg entries appears for add-ons located on drive D:. Is on Drive D: your Flight Simulator installed?


  7. Hello,

    I bought an old version yesterday. as it now shows, of Flightsim Commander (8.2.1)

    My OS is Windows 7. Everytime I try to connect I get through GPS I get the message: unable to connect to Flight Simulator Msg #10, or sometimes Msg#2.

    I have the FSPUIC 4.60. My Flightsimulator is FSX deluxe version.

    Can somebody help me?


    Anders T

    Hi Anders,

    Where did you buy this version and is it a box version?

    Have you read this: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66198-vista-and-windows-7-users-please-read/

    and did you following the instruction?



  8. hi all,

    I can not use the "copy and paste" function in the "flight plan panel" window to create my own flightplan (eg copied from the navigraph website or my VA website).This was however possible with FSC8.6 platform.

    I am using a W7professional.Any help welcome!



    Hi Hans,

    you can following Ian's suggestion or you can also read our announcement here: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66334-fsc-90-bug-fix-new-11112010/


  9. Volker - Thanks for the reply. I have and as I say there is no problem with the PMDG 747's. I am not doing anything different - once I have saved the flight plan or opened one - I get the message in the FMS of the MD 11 "not in the data base". I am trying a number of combinations but this has got me puzzled - all the Navigraph data is being saved in the correct files for PMDG - they are all in the same folder. Thanks. Shaun

    Hi Shaun,

    i can not verifying your problem. I'm also flying the 747 and the MD11.

    In both cases I can load the saved flight plan into both FMS'es.



  10. I am using FSC 8.6 with no problem with saving flights and the transfer to Co Route of flight plans with the PMDG 747's. Unfortunately this is not the case with PMDG MD11 for some reason. All the PMDG products are updated with Navigraph aswell as FSC. I would be grateful for any help or advice. Shaun Keegan

    Hi Shaun,

    if you have read the manual of the PMDG, then you've probably also read the information, that the 747 as well as the MD11 using the same folder for there flight plans. Where is the problem?



  11. With FSC9 loaded with a flight plan and connected to FSX, the GPS display only appears on top of FSX when FSX is in windowed mode. Switching from windowed mode to full screen causes the GPS window to disappear behind the FSX window. Is this normal and expected? I prefer running FSX in full screen mode, since I think it reduces the load on the graphics processor.

    Hi Anonymous,

    while you read the manual, Chapter 1.2 Installation, you will find following information:

    Important: You should bear in mind that FlightSim Commander...


  12. Hi.

    I am using FSC 9.0 Build 051110 for FSX SP2. When I try to download NATracks and PACOTS all seems to go well, but when I click to display them I always get the same out-dated tracks coming up. The NATS are appanently from 19th July 2010 and the PACOTS from 1st August 2010. The attached screenshots were taken today (12th November 2010) and illustrate what I mean.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi Philip,

    are you sure that you are saving the NATrak under "your drive\FSC9\database\North Atlantic Tracks.mht" ?


  13. Hey folks,

    I have a small issue with the Airport Info search. I would like to find the runway length of some small airfields, ie O69 (Petaluma Municipal) but I am unable to type in numbers in the ICAO search box. Is this a known bug? I have the Aerosoft version if that makes a difference or not.



    Hi TJ,

    it's aknown bug and will be fixed within the next version.

    Meanwhile use the button "GO TO AIRPORT".



  14. Hello,As per the manual/Help there should be a Logbook.fsc under the User folder in FSC9. Unfortunately is not there and pressing the Autolog option does not create/start logs of my flights.

    Hope to hear from you guys soon as not sure why FSC9 is not automatically logging unlike FSC8.6 which I didn't had a problem with doing.



    Hi Kelvyn,

    there is no BUG with the Logbook because I can NOT verifying your problem.

    If you have install the program the first time, still can no logbook be present in the \user folder.

    There are some condition there must be true that FSCommander can create and writing into the logbook:

    1) you must filed a flight plan

    2) you must switch on the LOG button (must be red)

    3) you must fly this fligt plan as a minimum from 5 minutes

    3) you must landing at the departure airport and the speed must be lower then 60 kts.



  15. In March this year I bought a key for the FSX on my PC and everything worked fine.

    Now I got a new notebook (ASUS G73 JH, a top "Gamer") , downloaded FSUIPC but my key, which I purchased in March from Simmarket was not accepted.

    Quote: "Sorry this key is not a valid key ".

    Do I have to buy a second key for my notebook , and would I get a discountor any other reduction/courtesy ?

    I bought the notebook because I want to run FSX when traveling.

    By the way: This possibility of a key failure was not mentioned in another new (locked) post


    Hi Flugente,

    you are on the wrong forum, go to here: http://forums.simflight.com/viewforum.php?f=54


  16. I have FSX, and thus the PMDG folder on Drive E:, and FSX flight plans are on C: in "My Documents" as normal.

    If anyone can help me please make it simple. I am an airplane guy, not a computer person.



    Hi Jerry,

    while reading the manual, chapter 19, Options Window, you will find on page 107 the item Flight Plan.

    The text and the screenshot shows any information about settings. You must set the Folder Flight Simulator X installation.

    Thats the folder where your Flight Simulator is installed. In this case the FSCommander knows, where the program has to

    save the flight plan for the PMDG.



  17. Hi Sascha,

    No those fonts are not in Windows/Font:.

    There is a font folder in my fsc9 folder with those fonts in.

    should i copy them into Windows/Fonts:?

    I installed fsc9 into c/\program files as i am using winxp32, should i install to a different folder?.



    Hi Richard,

    not only copy. Open the fonts folder, in the menu select file -> install new fonts ...



  18. Change of plan....

    I think the answer to that was because I was also running another flightplan software behind FSC which also uses GE.

    However, now what I get when selecting GE is a program error (Run-time error '53' File not found) then FSC crashes to desktop :roll:

    Yes, I do have GE on my system and it works okay.


    I'm sure that you have GE but I'm not sure that you have set the correctly path in the options window.

    The path must be looking simelare like : \...Programme\Google\Google Earth\client .



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