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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Uninstalled, but FSC9 still asking to uninstall.

    I have uninstalled both FSC8 & demo FSC9.Downloaded new version from Aerosoft site & when installed got message to uninstall old version.

    Is there a list of locations where files are stored so I can check for leftovers of the old programs?


    1. FSX SP2 AccPack & FS9

    2. FSUIPC4.5.3.0 / WideFS

    3. FS Commander Download

    4. Database Manager Version ?been deleted.

    5. Operating System XP


    would you please contact the aerosoft support.


  2. Hello All!

    A few days ago I order FSC 9. I am very pleased with my purchase so far. Everything works as stated.

    There is one "little" problem that I am having, and I'm pretty sure it's not strickly an FSC problem. Here it is...

    When I "CTRL + Left Click" on a pilot's tag from my VA, "Canadian Xpress Virtual"(while connected to VATSIM), the information that is displayed for the VA is not Canadian Xpress but instead it displays Xiamen Air.

    Any advice on how to sort this!

    Thanks in advance for your help!



    Software: FSC9, FSX (with accelerator), Windows 7 64, SB4 (on client), ASE, FSCARS, VATSpy

    Hardware: i7-920 @3.8, 6GB RAM, GTX8800, Matrox THTG, TrackIR 4, Saitek Gear (all except the guages... soon though!!!)

    Hi Murray,

    do you know the IATA code for your Canadian Xpress?

    1. Open following file with an editor: \FSC9\Database\Online\fsc_accomp.txt

    2. if the IATA code is MF search for MF,Xiamen,Xiamen Air and replace Xiamen,Xiamen Air with Canadian, Canadian Xpress

    3. if the IATA code is CXA search for CXA,Xiamen,Xiamen Air and replace Xiamen,Xiamen Air with Canadian, Canadian Xpress

    4. save the file

    If this works fine for you please send the above file to my e-mail adress, which you find at the bottom on our homepage.



  3. my bad, maybe i should make it a little clearer =)

    you probably know, if you press "S" in fsx the camera view changes

    ie. from cockpit to exterior view

    (assuming 3d cockpit is used)

    well it seems as if fsc would be pressing "S" from time to time

    its not always an equal time interval unfortunately

    first i thaught it might be a different addon

    but then i tried flying without fsc open and the problem didnt occur anymore

    i dont know if it might also be causing other key presses

    but "S" is quite an obvious one

    my thaught comes from vbscripting, as i sometimes use keypresses there

    to controll gui actions ie. filling the online form for the pizza order

    nb: i dont use vbscripts within or while fsx is running...

    so i thaught fsc might be using a similar technique

    theoretically the programmer should know


    I'm sure that the FSCommander do not press, simulate or send a "S" as keypress, because Sascha and myself have written the source code.

    If the FSC is connected with your FSX, the FSC receives only data via the FSUIPC and ... if you are using a standard FSX aircraft and

    you also using the GPS Autoheading features, then the FSCommander sends only the heading via the FSUIPC to your aircraft every second.

    I can not verifying your problem on my own system and ... believe me that I spend hours by hours to testing the FSCommander software while flying around the world.


    • Upvote 1
  4. Volker why don't you actually explain what you want rather than just posting a link as it's not clear what you want, it seems the information you require is in the ops signature.

    Hi Andy,

    my fault, I have not seen the greyed out information on his post.

    Hi HBE66,

    I do not understand your problem with the "S" keypress.


  5. Hallo...

    Bei mir kommt im Database Manager immer die Meldung "Please copy scebery.cfg from your windows....."

    Woran liet das?

    Ich habe Windows 7 auf 2 Rechnern. Auf einem FSX und auf dem anderen wollte ich FSC9 instalieren.

    Ich habe den FSX Ordner freigegen so wie es in der anleiting steht aber irgendetwas mache ich falsch und ich weis nicht was. Kann mir jemand helfen?

    Freundliche Grüsse


    Hallo Roland,

    sehr ausführlich wird dieses Thema im Deutschen Handbuch,Kapitel 2, Datenbank Manager,

    Absatz Aktualisierung der Airports des FS X im Netzwerk Seite 12 - 14 beschrieben.



  6. Hi,

    I installed the latest video drivers. Still the same problem.

    I tried on two different Platforms Vista 32 bit and Vista 64bit ultimate. No difference on the problem appearance.

    And now the big thing.

    I changed the Font size of the Desktop from a Scale of 120 DPI back to the

    standard of 96 DPI. Everything worked fine. Whow.!! Problem solved!

    It's a great product.

    regards Pilo

    Hi Pilo,

    this information can you also find in the current manual:

    Make sure that the font size on your system is

    set to normal: control panel > display > appearance > font size = normal and control panel > display

    > settings > advanced > general > dpi settings = normal size (96dpi).



  7. Hi all

    I am running

    SF9 with latest patch 9.1

    FSC 8.6 Build 200210

    Database 2010-08-13 08:09:30 AIRAC-1010 Rev 1. SEP23-OCT20/10

    FSUIPC 3.96

    Aerosoft ???

    Vista 64 with latest patch.

    I use to have an older version of fsuipc and everything was working ok.

    Then some of my airracts necessitating an new fsuipc so I donwloaded 3.96 and it solved my problems with my aircrafts but now

    FSC cannont connect.

    Any suggestions.


    Hi ???,

    are you sure that you have read this: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66198-vista-and-windows-7-users-please-read/

    and... you are also sure that you have install the FSC as administrator?


  8. Hello,

    Have little problem chancing the flight level after creating a new flight plan.

    After filling in a dep and arr airport fl=60.

    Then i choose high alt plan and get the following message:"illegal flight plan for current aicraft! 20000 minimal altitude required on airway UN873"

    So i try to change it but it won't get higher then fl 140!!!!!

    Regards john

    Hi John,

    this message tells you, that you you've selected an aircraft which has a max. ceiling height from <= FL 140.

    With other words, if you want to fly higher, you have to select another aircraft which ceiling height is higher.



  9. Ok after using ver 9 for a couple of weeks the one thing I miss is the old Approach button...Thought of going back to ver 8 but you new GPS is great!

    Really miss it in the out of the way airports.

    Sure would be nice if it could be added in a future update as a selection in the transition section. My thought,its more important than all the google arth stuff!

    Great product



    Hi Ray,

    please read here:



  10. Volker & Sascha,

    The KML file that GE uses to update has an invalid entry from what I noticed. The Altitude XML tag reads as follows:


    As per Google documentation it should be:





    thank you for pointing and this will be quickly fixed. Has no effect on the file function.


  11. I have FSC 8.2.

    In FS2004 when I switch to the moving map, my aircraft appears, as well as others, and I can see it moving along the map.

    However in FSX when I switch to the moving map, the map is in a "PAUSE" state. My aircraft does not move.

    Is there something I need to do in FSX to correct this, or is in in FSC that I need to make the change?



    PS when in FSX and I switch back to the FSX mode, the sim is in a PAUSE state.

    Hi Stanner,

    please read here:


  12. Hallo an alle!

    Ich habe heute endlich die Box vom FSC 9 erhalten und wollte sie sofort installieren. Beim Auto Setup erhielt ich die Meldung, dass ich zuerst die Vorgängerversion deinstallieren müsse. Wollte ich zwar nicht unbedingt, aber ich tat es dann doch. Die Installation verlief ansonsten reibungslos, auch das Update vom 23.11. von der Aerosoft HP. Das Problem welches ich jedoch jetzt habe ist, daß der Speicherpfad der Flugpläne (egal wie ich es in den "WINDOW->OPTIONS->Flightplan->Folder Flight Simulator einstelle) immer im Ordner Aerosoft/FSC9/Flightplan/FSC abgespeichert wird. Dies passiert bei beiden FS 9/X Versionen, obwohl im Folder Flight Simulator (flight Plans) der richtige Pfad aufscheint.

    Ich hoffe es aknn mir jemand helfen.

    Betriebsystem ist WIN7, und ich bin Admin.


    Hi Michael,

    starte den FSCommander erneut für den FSX -> setze die richtigen Pfade für die Flugpläne -> verlasse das Programm

    und sichere folgende Datei FSC.INI extern als FSX.INI.FSX sowie FSC_Protocol.log extern als FSC_Protocol.log.FSX

    Danach die ganze Prozedure noch einmal für Deinen FS9 -> -> setze die richtigen Pfade für die Flugpläne -> verlasse das Programm

    und sichere folgende Datei FSC.INI extern als FSX.INI.FS9 sowie FSC_Protocol.log extern als FSC_Protocol.log.FS9

    Diese 4 Dateien sendest Du mir in einem e-mail an meine Adresse die Du auf unserer Webseite ganz unten findest.



  13. Hi Volker,

    I don't know if my problem is related to this.

    These fonts were missing but I had no problem changing font sizes on the map. Since I have installed these fonts, the "small" size is HUGE. Medium and large are OK.This is not a big issue. My real problem is that the font size on the left column buttons is microscopic; also the pop-up window appearing when the mouse flies over the buttons.

    I have checked the display settings in Windows (XP) as per para 1.1 of the manual. I have Version 23/11/2010.

    Thanks for your help,


    Hi Philippe,

    sorry, but I can not verifying your problem. Maybe a solution can be that you deinstall FSCommander and also the 3 fonts

    sserife.fon, cour.ttf, smalle.fon.

    After done install the FSCommander again.



  14. Hi Guys

    However, At least two addon airports are not showing correctly in FSC9.

    In Fly Tampa Kai Tak, the ILS is not visible and in Aerosoft Madeira, the airport is not there at all.

    As in the previous FSC, it's possible to have them show by copying the data folder from the FSC installation on the main PC

    Hope I've made myself understood and that you can shed some light on it for me?


    Hi Dougal,

    to investigate your problem please send following files to my e-mail adress which you find at the bottom on our homepage:

    1. Kai Tak the AFCad file

    2. depending which FS is involved; FSCDBM_FS09.LOG and/or FSCDBM_FS10.LOG



  15. Sascha,

    Hmm... interesting. Thanks, I'll do another run tomorrow and watch out for the active waypoint status vs my position, but unfortunately it doesn't explain why my landing at the destination airport didn't registered. I know we discussed this before and you mentioned the criteria, but sure looks like I landed way to slow and it might have caused it to not register. I'll see how my third flight on this BE1900D works out.

    So we're in the same page... I take the GPS Window you're talking about is the FSX (in my case) GPS gauge that shows your route, etc...


    Hi Kelvyn,

    if the next time you notice this problem, close the program and send the following files FSC_Protocol.log

    and FSC_Protocol.old to my e-mail address which you find at the botton on our homepage.



  16. anderst

    Installation problems for FS Commander 8.2.1 (OS Windows 7, 64-bits-version)

    Hi Volker,

    Still have the problem by not beeing able to install my FS Commander.

    i've created an administrator's account. But when do you get this "run as administrator" by right-clicking?

    When you put the disc in the computer? I have tried but it didn't work. FSX is much easier, because there's a checkbox

    in the menu when you install and it's already checked "for all users" by default.

    I can't figure this out with the Commander, so could you please be more precise when you are able to right-click and get this" run as administrator"?



    Hi Anders,

    Please contact me via e-mail with a reference to your posting here in our Forum.

    You find my e-mail adress at the bottom on our homepage.



  17. Hi Volker,

    Still have the problem by not beeing able to install my FS Commander.

    i've created an administrator's account. But when do you get this "run as administrator" by right-clicking?

    When you put the disc in the computer? I have tried but it didn't work. FSX is much easier, because there's a checkbox

    in the menu when you install and it's already checked by default.

    I can't figure this out with the Commander, so could you please be more precise when you are able to right-click and get this" run as administrator"?



    Hi Anders,

    Please contact me via e-mail with a reference to your posting here in our Forum.

    You find my e-mail adress at the bottom on our homepage.



  18. Hello Volker,

    I have some additional information for you.

    As I said, all scenery for FS2004 is on one drive (PC1:\D). It is in the folders Addon scenery, Aerosoft, FSDreamteam and Scenery. The folder Addon scenery has 3 subfolders: MyWorldAirports and Scenery and Texture. I suppose that the last 2 come with FS2009. Both are empty.

    I checked the scenery.cfg file. All entries refer to one of the four above mentioned folders. There is no referring to another drive. I noticed however that some entries are missing. There is a list with Area.057 as last entry; the next is Area.063. In Area.057 I see the line: local=aerosoft\AESLiteforgap-EDDP. In Area.063 I see the line: local=Addon Scenery/MyWorldAirports. Maybe a similar line was found in the now missing entries 058 - 062 and maybe DBManager is looking for these entries, but cannot find them.

    I hope this will give you input for a new advice to me.


    Hans Hartvelt

    The Netherlands

    Hi Hans,

    please read here: http://forum.simflight.com/topic/66334-fsc-90-bug-fix-new-23112010/ and download the BugFix.

    Please run the new DataBaseManager and independing from the result please send me the FSCDBM_FS09.LOG file

    to my e-mail adress, which you find at the bottom on our homepage.



  19. The new airport opened in may this year for the world cup in South Africa. Can be downloaded with Navigraph nDAC 3.0 no problem but not FSCommander. Has anyone a solution?


    Are you sure that you have read the manual. Especially the part about the database manager.

    If you have installed this airport as an Addon, you must run the database manager.

    If not, how can the airport visible in the FSCommander?


  20. Greetings from Munich

    I have the following problem. I bought last year, the version 8 of the FSC and then stopped with the hobby of flight simulation.

    Last week I bought FSX. I would like to use the FSC 8 again, but I have no more information (emails, registry keys, etc..) for the purchase.

    Is there a way to get back the key. How can I prove that I have purchased a license legally. Are there registry keys in the Windows Registry, which could still be present?

    Thank you for the answer



    Hi Daniel,

    please read here:



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