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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hello Volker,

    thank you for your proposal, I did it but I get still the same Failure message:

    "Die Navigation zu der Webseite wurde abgebrochen.

    Mögliche Vorgehensweise: Geben sie die Adresse erneut ein."

    This messaage is only with the German Version, the english version is working.

    On the PC where I have installed the FSC is the Windows XP installed.



    Hallo Werner,

    in my case the LINK works perfect.

    In any case of a problem, go to our website, download adn download the german help file.



  2. FS 2004 (FS9), FSUIPC3.98, FSC86-DB86, Build 101209, Windows XP,

    Hallo Volker,

    ist folgender Fehler bei euch schon mal aufgetreten.

    Beim speichern des Lockbook als PDF_Datei erschien die Fehlermeldung Laufzeitfehler, das ging so schnell das der FS Commander abstürzte. Leider habe ich mir die Fehlernummer nicht gemerkt 3…. oder 4… Nummerfolge. Danach war die Komplette Datei von der Festplatte gelöscht und ist auch nicht mehr auffindbar.

    Gruß Reinhold

    Hallo Reinhold,

    bisher ging ich davon aus das ich unserer Programm gut kenne und deshalb habe ich keine Ahnungt

    wo Du das Logbook und dann noch als PDF SPEICHERN kannst.

    Wenn Du allerdings meinst den Druck des Logbooks in eine PDF umzuleiten, so funktioniert das bei uns problemlos.

    Klär mich bitte auf.



  3. Hello Volker and Sacha.

    I have just registered the v9.0 and so I created and saved a flight (SBGL-SBBR)with both SID and STAR included.

    When I click 'Show Position on Google Earth' I get this error message.

    Laufzeitfehler '53'

    Datei nicht gefunden

    Best regards


    Hi Schmid,

    please check that following file FSCPOSCall.kmz in the FSC mainfolder subfolder \user\blackbox exist

    and this file is not setting to hidden or read only.



  4. Hello,

    I just installed the FSC9 and would like to implement the german version in the help area.

    Can somebody tell me, how I have to do this, please?

    Just replacing it does'nt work because it cannot find the internet connection.

    kind regards


    Hi Werner,

    download the german help here: http://www.fscommander.com/files/fschelp90_german.zip

    and replace the existing file in the help folder with the downloaded one.



  5. Hi Sascha,

    You're absolutely right. I erred in that I indeed was able to have FSBuild generate FSC8 compatible flightplans. Now these flightplans no longer seem compatible with FSC. (They were in FSC8, I am 102% sure :)).

    I tried to load such a flightplan (a FSC8 one generated by FSBuild) in FSC9 and was slapped around the head with the message "Sorry! This is not a valid FSC flight plan". Is there a way to make this flightplan valid again?



    Hi Hans,

    the answer is NO because the new flightplan contains also the data for the transition.



  6. Hi all out there,

    I have been fooling around a little with different tests and could find out following:

    All flightplans are saved in the C:\FSC9\Flightplan\FSC\ folder. If in the window "flight plan - save as" Flight simiulator X is marked, the flight plan will also be saved in the FSX flight plan folder (logic isn't it). In my case "Y:\"

    To open a saved flight plan, it only can be done from the C:\FSC9\Flightplan\FSC\ folder.

    Since I don't make other flight plans than with FSC, this is Ok for me.

    I hope this clears a little bit how it works and my own confusion, for all struggeling with the same, if any. icon_redface.gif



    Hi Etienne,

    as you can see on the attached screenshot: I have mounted My Documents on my Laptop as Drive Z:\\.

    And you see below Drive Z:\ the folder Flight Simulator files.

    In your screenshot the Box below your Y:\ drive are empty.

    Read also the manual, chapter Appendix, Page 120 and watch the screenshots



    post-6634-075195300 1288807412_thumb.jpg

  7. Same happened with me. However, when I uninstalled FSC9 and removed the installation folder, after reinstallation registration seemed to work flawlessly. Unfortunately when I exited FSC and later started it up again, FSC9 was unregistered again. Reregistering failed again, no matter how many attempts I made.

    I am running FSC on the E: partition of my harddrive, using Win7-x64 Ultimate, registered version of FSUIPC and FSX SP2.

    Also when I open the FlightPlan tab and then click Open, the right side of the window is greyed out. I just can't select FSX to be included in the flightplans display, despite the fact that I had all path settings correct in Options. Anybody able to advise how to solve both mentioned problems?

    Kind regards,

    Hans vanWyhe

    Hi Hans,

    have you RUN the Installation as administrator?



  8. Sascha/Volker

    Thanks for the new version guys - all working as far as I can see with one minor problem (for me at least) - with 8.6 and before I could copy a route from another source and paste it into the route box but find I cannot do that now. Any reason why this is so?



    just use the right mouse button (copy and paste)


  9. Hi Sascha,

    I copy/paste what I see in my simmarket account (name, e-mail and key) in FSC9 and I still get the message Registration failed! Incorrect data entered. If you wish I can sent you an e-mail with a screenshot. To what e-mail adress ?

    Kind regards, hans van Oers

    Hi Hans,

    please send the SimMarket information about your key that you received and also a screenshot to my e-mail adress, which you find at the bottom on our homepage.



  10. I don't remember now where, but I think I have red today anywhere that before install FS9 you must uninstal FS8 ...... Can I have both versions together using of course only one at same time ???


    J J Gómez Prieto

    Hi Gomez,

    read the readme file inside the installation ZIP file!!!


  11. Hi Sascha & Volker,

    Just downoaded the FSC90.zip from the FSC web site.

    When I tried to run the installer, it said it could not continue due to a fatal error.

    Tried downloading again with same result unfortunately.

    Also, would it be possible to see a list of what as changed in v9 for owners of v8 ?

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi David,

    no more information from the OS about the fatal error, because thats not an Installer error?

    The most detailed information can you get while download the manual here:




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