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V. Heine

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Posts posted by V. Heine

  1. Hi David,

    now you have post the problem here and also send an e-mail to Sascha and me.

    Hope that we are now quick enough with our feedback.

    To investigate your problem, please send me the AF2_EHAM.bgl and also the FSCDBM_FS09.LOG file.



    EDIT 27.10.2010 - 20:31 UTC

    Hi David,

    after receiving your AFCad file...

    ...sorry to let you know, that the FSCommander DatabaseManager has made a perfect job.

    That means, that the DatabaseManager can only read what he found in the AFCad file.

    The problem is the AFCad File. The input for the runway 36R / 18L for the ILS are wrong.

    With other words, there is nothing what WE can do.



  2. I am flying into Buffalo (FlyTampa version) with CS 757. I have updated everying to Navigraph version 1011. FSC shows ILS to Rwy 23 as course 235, while the FMC is showing 233. Course 233 bring me right down the center

    of the runway. Can you tell me why there is difference?

    Hi Bill,

    You can not compare simulator airport data with real data from the airac cycle.

    Read also the manual chapter 2 Database Manager, ..."Note that FlightSim Commander uses data ..."



  3. Hi Bob,

    I have load your flightplan into the FSCommander, save it as PMDG file and ... no error.

    Anyway, we try to investigate your problem.

    1) load this flightplan again into your FSC

    2) save this file into the PMDG format

    3) if the error message is shown, close the programm.

    4) send the following file - FSC_Protocol.log - located in the FSC folder,

    to my e-mail adress, which you find at the bottom on our homepage.



    Edit 27.10.2010

    There is now way to write a plan on a drive in a network if the network is not running


  4. Hi Volker,

    Today I had the same problem as Royann only my message gave "error in writing PMDG plan". Could you please tell me what you found using his information, maybe it can applicable for my situation.


    Bob van Arend

    Hi Bob,

    As you can see, I have received no response from Royann. In this case, attach your saved FSCommander flightplan,

    which produce this error message, within your next answer here.


  5. Hello

    I'm trying to write a flight plan to the ifly B747-400 but I keep getting an "Error in writing Ifly B747plan" anybody and idea what might be causing this.

    I have FSCommander 8.6 with AIRAC 1008 installed and I am able to send to all the other plan locations.

    Regards Royann

    Hi Royann,

    I can NOT verify your problem. To investigate it, attach your saved FSCommander flightplan within your next answer.



  6. Hi Egbert,

    there is no your FSC or my FSC, because there is no your FSUIPC or my FSUIPC.

    The SDK about the FSUIPC tell us, it's GS. (see below a part of the SDK)

    This value is valid for all AI AC inside the FS.

    If you are flying online, for example IVAO, VatSim ... the data are dependig from IVAO, VatSim ... Volker

    from the SDK

    The data this structure should contain is as follows:

    id = Any id number UNIQUE to all aircraft you supply.

    data = lat, lon, alt, hdg, gs, vs, com1

  7. Hi Egbert,

    there is no your FSC or my FSC, because there is no your FSUIPC or my FSUIPC.

    The SDK about the FSUIPC tell us, it's GS. (see below a part of the SDK)

    This value is valid for all AI AC inside the FS.

    If you are flying onlöine, for example IVAO, VatSim ... the data are dependig from them.


    from the SDK

    The data this structure should contain is as follows:

    id = Any id number UNIQUE to all aircraft you supply.

    data = lat, lon, alt, hdg, gs, vs, com1

  8. Hi Peter,

    connect to FS must be activ and in the titelbar the message "connected to flight simulator" must be visible

    GPS window must be activ

    Menu Map -> Allways on top must be inactiv

    If this not works send following files to my e-mail adress, which you find at the bottom on our homepage:

    FSC_Protocol.log and fsc.ini


  9. Hi Peter,

    there are a setting in the GPS menu "GPS Window".

    There are also a setting in the Window->Options->Display "Remembe GPS Window position"

    Maybe you have move it away from screen.

    If this all not helps, there is a workaround:

    1)Open the FSC.INI file with an editor

    2)search for REMGPSWINPOS= and edit REMGPSWINPOS=0

    3)search for GPSWINX= and GPSWINY= and edit all value to 0 (zero)

    4)save the FSC.INI file

    5)restart your FSCCommander



  10. I have no idea, how come the Yahoo mail failed ?

    By the way, I bought another one from Aerosoft. Installment with register works, but shows "fsc_vatsim.dat is missing or zero


    I do not know the reason for this problem, but anyway.

    I need your e-mail adress to send the missing file to you as an attachment.


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