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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, Autopilot doesn't control the rudder, it is the Yaw Damper that does. If the Aircraft's Autopilot you use doesn't support have a Yaw Damper then it is uncontrolled. But in any case also with Yaw Damper ON you will be able to overwrite the rudder with you rudder input but not fully, just damped.
  2. Hi, there are couple Offsets special for FSX only and also couple FS9 Offsets they don't work in FSX, but those are clearly highlighted and described. You will find under ->Download Links -> Documention the link for FSUIPC3.999 (Documention Only). The PDF 'Documention for Programmer' is for FSUIPC3, it should be the same you will find after full installation in FS9 Moduls/FSUIPC Documents folder. Also with any update you get a PDF file that contains all changes since last document update
  3. Hi Paul, that's really fast !! Works perfect, fantastic. Thanks again.
  4. Hi Paul, that sounds great (the fix of course) :-) Thanks a mill!
  5. Hi Paul, thanks for fast answer. Ups ... Tried that but that doesn't work either If I use FSUIPCConnection.Open(0, FlightSim.Any); for WideClient Class0 or local FS it is OK. But when I use FSUIPCConnection.Open(1, FlightSim.Any); for WideClient Class1 I just get the following exception [5132] FSUIPC - FSUIPC.FSUIPCException: FSUIPC Error #9: FSUIPC_ERR_NOTOPEN. The connection to FSUIPC is not open. [5132] bei FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(Byte ClassInstance, IEnumerable`1 GroupNames) [5132] bei FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Process(Byte ClassInstance, String GroupName) [5132] bei FSUIPC.UserInputServices..ctor() [5132] bei FSUIPC.FSUIPCConnection.Open(Byte ClassInstance, Int32 RequiredFlightSimVersion) [5132] bei FRM_IO.IPC_try_00_Tick(Object sender, EventArgs e)
  6. Hi Paul, to connect to a different Class other than the local or 'Class 0' you 'need' to have a connected local or 'class 0'. If not than you can not connect to a different class? Lets say you have FS running local and a WideClient local that connects with Class 1. FSUIPCConnection.Open(); or FSUIPCConnection.Open(0); and when it is connected you can connet to any other class FSUIPCConnection.Open(1); But to connect direct to Class 1 or any other than zero doesn't work? FSUIPCConnection.Open(1); Thanks
  7. Hi Paul, perfect! Thanks a mill.
  8. Hi Paul, thanks for the updated version 2.3. I'm working with both .Net2.0 and .Net4.0. The latest version is recognised in .Net4.0 but not in .Net2.0?
  9. Hi, make sure you install with latest Install FSUIPC 3.999z2 not any version before like you may be did with 'FSUIPC 3.999z'. As there were windows updates two days ago it might be that windows removes the FSUIPC.dll because of the signature problem (used by a virus).
  10. Hi Did yoy see the missing number 10 (ten), should be in line I think (8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - ...).
  11. Hi 1. Did you use the Installer for FSUIPC to install? 2. Is your FSUIPC registered? I "think" you will need to to use PFC.dll. 3. Did you try to run without the PFC.dll, because of above?
  12. Hi Just check this viewtopic.php?f=54&t=74550 It is may be what you are looking for and VB.NET is just similar to C#.NET.
  13. Hi Paul I'm writing in C# by using Visual Studio 2005 Pro version. For this your FSUIPCClient.dll works really perfect Just now I'm trying to use VC++. I just got it to work and it seems to work here as well okay :-)
  14. Hi Paul Is it possible to use the DLL as well in VC++ like in C#?
  15. Hi What you are using is the FSUIPC Client DLL by Paul Henty for Visual-Basic .NET. With (&H3364, 256) you try to read the Offset 0x3364 with 256 Byte length. Just read the Documention from Paul Henty and try the examples what is really very well described. The example code gives you also a clear way to follow to get anything you need to read from or write to FSUIPC.
  16. Hi BCD is the Hex format! The current version of FSUIPC I use is 3.811. The HiWord 3306, 2 Byte length gives the value 14353 14353 to Hex gives the result 3811 :D
  17. Hi I think you mean version 4.28 but anyway. Just check the below link where it is described what is to do to get the correct Simconnect installation. viewtopic.php?f=54&t=58095 (Help with FSUIPC4 code signature problem)
  18. Hi This values just display how far you are out of Center (value = 0), as long the GS is captured. You need to read the GS available Offset as well to know that value zero means it is in Center or just that GS is not captured, then the value is of course zero too. ------------------- Best Regards Thomas Richter Info@technical-service-richter.de www.technical-service-richter.de thomas@projectmagenta.com support@projectmagenta.com
  19. Of Course yes, with Key assignments. That is all clearly described in the FSUIPC documentation.
  20. There is the program GFDisplay from Pete that can control this. http://www.schiratti.com/files/dowson/GFdisplay.zip
  21. Just use the Offset 0x31E8, Water = value 2.
  22. This is Graphic Card related. Do you use its latest driver?
  23. You need to select the REV checkbox for the Brake axis in FSUIPC.
  24. With Offset 3324 you can read ft or m, depends of FS setting. 3324, 4 This is the altimeter reading in feet (or metres, if the user is running with the preference for altitudes in metres), as a 32-bit signed integer. Please check offset 0C18 to determine when metres are used (0C18 contains ‘2’). The same value can be calculated from the actual altitude and the difference between the QNH and the altimeter “Kollsman” pressure setting, but this value ensures agreement.
  25. SIOC needs to be installed (for normal use with hardware) only on the PC where your hardware is connected to. You should in any case decide what connection to FS you would like to use. WideFS or IOCP, I would not use both at the same time! When you like to use WideFS, I prefer, remove IOCP (FS modules folder) and make sure in SIOC ini FSUIPC is selected and IOCP is deselected! Then you don't need any IP address because the connection works only by WideClient to FS with all is "advantage".
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