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Thomas Richter

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Everything posted by Thomas Richter

  1. Hi, just look above Download Links --> Updated Modules
  2. Hi, search for Latitude and Longitude in FSUIPC4 Offset Status.pdf, they are listed there in two different formats.
  3. Hi, I have manually and copy and pasted the code from simmarket and get same results. make sure you use also the exact name and the email address from that time! I you changed your email address in the mean time you still have to use the one you used at the time you bought the license!
  4. Hi, your functions are declared without a return type and 'return' a local declared variable (no public scope).
  5. Hi Juergen, I see what you want it for, makes sense when your app is running on the server/master pc. Maybe Paul could compile a XPlane version in 64Bit? :razz:
  6. Hi, you need a registered version for full functionality. You will have to buy a registration key from SimMarket for FSUIPC4 (FSX/ FSX-SE/ P3D). http://secure.simmarket.com/pete-dowson-fsuipc4.phtml
  7. Hi, you just use the registration details you got when you bought it with the original email address from that time.
  8. Hi, XPUIPC is not from Pete and has nothing to do with FSUIPC or WideClient, it is done by Tosi. XPUIPC is available in 32 and 64 bit that installs in XPlane but the XPWideClient is 32 Bit, so it keeps existing app's compatible even with XPlane 64, as far as I know. There is also only one XPWideClient version available. For app's they run on XPLane-PC it will be needed to connect as 64 Bit but not for networked app's.
  9. Hi, there is no 64 bit FSUIPCClient because there is no application that would need one. FS9/ FSX/ FSX-SE and any P3D are all 32 bit applications and so is of course FSUIPC/ FSUIPC4 to run with them. Because of that there are no 64 bit applications to run with FS. Frohe Weihnachten
  10. Hi, there are two versions of FSUIPC, 1) FSUIPC (FSUIPC3) for FS2004 and older 2) FSUIPC4 for FSX/ FSX-SE and Prepar3D v1.x/ v2.x/ v3.x When you bought FSUIPC4 from SimMarket it clearly stated as well that it will work only for FS listed under 2). If you want to use FSUIPC in FS2004 or older you need to buy FSUIPC (FSUIPC3) from SimMarket.
  11. Hi, FSX-SE (Steam Edition) is on sale for 7.49 Euro (instead of 24.99 Euro). Just saw it, maybe some are interested :razz:
  12. Hi, FSUIPC for FS9 is FSUIPC3, where FSUIPC4 is for FSX/ FSX-SE and Prepar3D v1.xx/ v2.xx. So you need to purchase FSUIPC4.
  13. Hi, as long you don't tell FSUIPC to do something with that controller or one it axis then FSUIPC will only see it but not touch it ! So very simple as long you don't enable a function for a controller in FSUIPC then that controller is disabled in FSUIPC. It is the same in FS/ P3D, as long you don't enable a controller axis or button then that controller is disabled, and of course it is seen in FS/ P3D. No need to disable something that isn't enabled.
  14. Hi, did you calibrate the controller in Windows first?
  15. Hi, just as in FSX press e.g. CTRL+K key that disables/ enables Controller or go to menu->Options->Settings->Controls and disable the Box 'Enable Controller(s)'.
  16. Hi, I use the Cirrus 2 Professional console from PFC and the Radio Stack, FSX and P3Dv2.x. Of course always latest FSUIPC4 from the link in downloads, current version 4.943. I don't use the PFC driver but Pete's driver, PFCFSX driver version 4.41 for FSX, ESP and P3D PFCFSX 4.41 I don't know if that suites your PFC hardware as well? The DLL and CSV macro file goes into Modules folder where FSUIPC4.dll is located, no installation ...
  17. Hi Pete, What does the PMDG aircraft need t get "idle reverse"? What actually IS "idle reverse"? How much thrust if not 0? in real you actually have three stages of reverse thrust. Reverse Idle - Opens just the Reverser doors but the engine stays in idle 25% N1 Reverse Thrust - 25% N1 to 40% N1 (ish) adjustable with the reverse Lever Reverse Full Thrust - up to 60% N1 (ish), it is used for emergency and short RWY's only In FS it would be value -1 to open the Reverser Doors only with engine in idle. For the other both the value, as you already said, has to be adjusted. The real Throttle Reverser Lever has mechanical gates you go through to get to the next position.
  18. Hi, WideClient is as the word already says a client and a client needs a server to communicate with. So the server is WideServer, for FSUIPC4 it is included in its dll file, but the client needs to run on the other side. So the normal and only working setup is that WideClient has to run on the client PC to get the info from WideServer that FS has successfully started. This will be done by having it in Autostart of Windows or starting WideClient manually. In WideClient you have to start and close programs two options: 1) start programs when WideClient has been started and close when WideClient closes 2) start programs when FS has successfully started and close when FS closes Also you need AllowShutdown=... Check page 11 to 14 in WideFS Technical.pdf
  19. Hi, just press 'Yes' and it will load next time without the MSG. It happens any time you update FSUIPC because the signature is removed some time ago.
  20. Hi, make sure on Miscellaneous tab you didn't select on the left half way down for Mousewheel: Trim or Move because that does inhibit the mouse wheel for gauges.
  21. Hi, ... never had any issues with FSUIPC but now im doing some upgrades and im changing from FS9 to FSX, I purchased this product a while ago ... Did you purchase some time ago FSUIPC (FSUIPC3 for FS9) or actually already FSUIPC4 for FSX? If you at the time purchased FSUIPC for FS9 only, then the provided Key will not work for FSUIPC4 for FSX, you would need to buy the correct version for FSX.
  22. Hi, just set the time direct to your needs, hh and mm, with the different available Offsets. 0238 1 Hour of local time in FS (0–23) 0239 1 Minute of local time in FS (0–59) 023B 1 Hour of Zulu time in FS (also known at UTC or GMT) 023C 1 Minute of Zulu time in FS2 023E 2 Day number in year in FS (counting from 1) 0240 2 Zulu year in FS
  23. Hi, did you change the switch inputs for the rotary to Rotary-Input with the tool from Bodnar for that?
  24. Hi, just a small question. You want to use the Bodnar board to change Offset values via rotary? If so, you can do that much easier direct in FSUIPC without any lua overhead, increase/ decrease Offset (byte/ word) by value to max/ min value.
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