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Posts posted by alaskabydon

  1. OK!!!!....now I know who you are!!! I downloaded ALL your Virginia scenery and the other, bigger package too! LOVE IT!!! :) I live in Roanoke, Lauren. I never really flew arounf ROA until I found that scenery add-on. I was even thinking of making a SMALL VA for the area. I am also going to open up 1 in Florida too, but it will also be small. Like I need more to do! LOL! I am rebuilding my website and should have it done in the next month. (I hope!) :) Keep up the GREAT work with dressing up those airfields. They all look great! I wish someone would make some afcad flights and som AI for here. It needs some airline activity! Great to be here amongst good people. You are also welcomed to my site and forums. I have my forums on the main forum page at Avsim. Stop in and say HI. Would LOVE to see you drop in! Take care! :)


  2. Hi Lauren, Don. You come from one of my favorite cities! We spent a weekend up there in the Inner Harbor area. GREAT PLACE! GREAT food and lots to see. Try to get back there again one day! It's about a 5 hour drive for me, so THAT'S NOT an excuse! LOL! Take care and Merry Christmas to you.


  3. Thanks buddy! I was here before and lost my password/name and had to re-register! LOL! DUH! I'll be here daily. Another stop! :) All look like great folks, especially since I know most already! This is cool. Another bush hideout. Have a Merry Christmas everyone!


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