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Posts posted by alaskabydon

  1. Hi all! Great new find! Freeware too!! I found this over at Flightsim.Com. It is the FI-156C STORCH, by Tim Piglet Conrad. She's a German WWII design, and is a pure STOL aircraft. She comes with about 7 different paint schemes. Some are the original WWII German markings, Swiss, an Italian, and a U.S. civilian set of markings. (see pic) Nice panel and a real nice VC. This is framerate friendly and is a joy to fly. If you think the Porter can land in tight spaces, try this one. This is where STOL started.



  2. LOL! It is mid semester already. I can't believe it. BUT.....we don't get a break in the fall. That sucks!!! I could use a few days off right now. If I hadn't been sick a couple weeks ago and missed two days, I'd be taking a break right now! LOL! I


  3. Hi all!!!! I FINALLY have updated the site!!!! Here is what was added:

    I added the straight float version of the Beaver, so we have now the wheel, float, and amphib. all together. I also added the repaints that I have been promising. There are two for the wheeled version and one for the amphib. All 3 contain registrations for either U.S. OR Canadian aircraft, for a total of 6 aircraft. Follow the read-me carefully. In addition, I also added in a repaint of the default DC-3 in REEVES ALEUTIAN markings by Bill Schulz. Follow his read-me and you'll have a nice Alaskan DC-3 to fly around in. Have fun!!!


  4. I tried, but it won't let me! When I first had signed up, I had a name with that e-mail. Then when something happened to the forum here, it wouldn't let me use the name. When I re-registered, I had to come up with another name and another e-mail address, as the other was "taken". It was taken, but didn't work! That's why it's still Dasluftaxi! LOL!


  5. You and about 20 others! LOL! I am swamped with schoolwork this week and some heavy-duty tests on Monday, but I am going to TRY to squeeze in some time to update the site and switch her back to bush this weekend. It will be pretty much empty, but one has to start somewhere! I'm not going to put any old sceneries up. What ever goes on the site now, will be new. I am almost finished with a Beaver repaint (amphib), so it will have something new on it!! NO A.B.C. either. Just bush stuff for general use. Hope to see you in the forums again!! I'll be in here kicking rocks in this bush forum too! :)


    (I sent you an e-mail a couple of weeks ago and never got a return. I figured you were out of town.)

  6. Hi all! I have decided to reopen ABD again. I miss the bush and the folks involved in it. Bush folks are the best in the hobby (incoming!!!) and I missed the friendship and chatter of it all. It will start off small, but being '04 is so new and we have no sdk's, it will take a while to unlock all the goodies in there; Plus my 6 classes this semester will hamper my time a bit! LOL! But....it will be open within the week. I'll post something when it is open. This s*** is just TOO addicting!! I have FS '04 running as smoothly as '02 was, so I can enjoy it now! It took a month to do it, but now I have to look up and actually check to see which sim I am flying!


  7. I have recently started to fly in Germany and have become hooked on the area. Not only is Germany a beautiful country, but so are the neighboring countries. The mountains are a wonder to fly in. After flying in Alaska for 3 1/2 years, everything seems so close in Europe! I have been downloading some beautiful sceneries and also using some payware to increase the beauty and realism of Germany. I felt I had to contribute something back to all those who made those fantastic sceneries I have been using. I have just finished a well needed scenery for the area. Munich was lacking any real detail, and being my German VA is based there, I thought I would take care of that.

    I have made the complete inner loop of downtown Munich. There are 20 custom made buildings in the area. Some of those include the Feldherrnhalle, a new Olympiaturm and Konigsplatz. In addition to those, I have added almost 250 buildings to the area. The scenery is framerate friendly, and requires little more to run it. This is my way of thanking all

    those for their work.

    The scenery will only be available at my site. Drop on by and pick up a copy. It's located at: http://www.avsim.com/alaska Just follow the Deutschland flags to the Deutschland Air Service page and click on SCENERY. I hope you enjoy it.

    Don Moser

  8. As far as know, it was never made. I believe the man (Manuel) left them and was making the one on floats. He had some family problems and never went back to it. That's been at least a year ago. I beleive that is the story. Like I said it's been a while.


    ***NOTE*** As Lauren said, Bill Lyon's Cub is SWEET, and is worth much more then the little money he asks for it. Plus you get all sorts of goodies with it. When the name along side of a product says "Bill Lyons", buy it. You will not be disappointed!


  9. The scenery is almost finished. Due to numerous requests, I also have made a new Olympiaturm with the correct shapes and lighting. It is almost ready for my beta person to test. It shouldn't be much longer.

    Don Moser

  10. Hi Martin. I have looked at maps and your scenery and my scenery. Here's what I am going to do. I am going to finish and upload this to my site. When you and I both have time, we'll site down and look at making a joint effort. The scale in FS compared to real world is WAY off! I do hope you are still interested in trying something later on. I need this for my VA right now. We can always have a phase 2! Thanks my friend. Keep me posted.

    Don Moser

  11. That sure does look nice. It's a lot better than what is there! How are the framerates with that ground in place? Here is my e-mail address. We can talk about this. My buildings are not photo realistic. You would be able to identify them by their looks, but they aren't exact copies. I drew them myself for their arial effect. Drop me a line. Thanks!



  12. Hi Christoph. It is mainly the inner loop of the city. The only area I did outside of the loop is Konigsplatz and Karolinenplatz. I have added 200+ buildings to it. Framerates vary with aircraft flown, but my lowest framerates have been mid teens with all sliders maxxed.


  13. I apologize for not speaking German. I start my course this fall! I am making a scenery of Munich. It is almost finished. Below is a screenshot. I will be posting it on my site when finished. (Freeware) I would appreciate it if one of you fine English/German speaking folks could translate this for the common good of the rest to read. Also, if anyone has questions, please address them in some form of English and I will try to answer them.

    Don Moser


  14. Hi all! Steven Grant and Fred Choate have produced another fine machine. She's a Found Bush Hawk on floats. Very nice plane folks. I am a big fan of his wheeled version, and this makes it even better. Here's a screenshot taken today. I picked her up at AVSIM, so go grab one and have fun too! She's a beauty!!



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