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Posts posted by alaskabydon

  1. Hi all! Steven Grant and Fred Choate have produced another fine machine. She's a Found Bush Hawk on floats. Very nice plane folks. I am a big fan of his wheeled version, and this makes it even better. Here's a screenshot taken today. I picked her up at AVSIM, so go grab one and have fun too! She's a beauty!!



  2. Hi all! I just updated the site and have added the following:

    In the Bushplanes by Don section - Beech B65 Queen Air.

    In the ABC section - The ABC Caribou on Fleet page 2.

    New to ABD is a Bushplanes Go To War section, available from the MAIN menu.

    Have FUN!


  3. Hi all, Don. I see old Tom Fica is at it again. He has a new scenery called "Hellsgate" at AVSIM. Nice scenery. Tom, and also Paul Kane, recently made some scenery for my VA just outside of Bethel, Ak. Do a search for them at AVSIM and pick all 3 up. Nice stuff!!!! Thanks guys!!!


  4. You bet, my friend. I too am going to put some color onthe ATR. I am painting her in Bangkok Air colors. It looks like a challenge, but I feel I can do it. I don't fly there, but the plane looks pretty! LOL! It has waves and boats and fish all over it. I'll post a shot when I'm finished.


  5. The hub captains do make up the flights, but anyone can freeflight or even post a flight if they wanted to. One of the reasons I went to hub captains is that person will know the area better then anyone and can make up really good flights for that area. With 4 main areas in different parts of Alaska, it was a good idea to specialize. Those folks were volunteers too. (poor souls! LOL!) You bet being a member of a couple or so VA's is good. You folks mostly fly down in the SE corner. I fly pretty much mid to Western Alaska. All these areas are so different and being part of both gives the pilots more scenery to look at and different challenges too. The only problem with Alaska is that it is SOOOOO big! I wonder if Rhode Island needs a VA! LOL! Unless your flying in the 200-300kt areas, it takes too long to do some distant flying. Most r/w bush flying is under 50 miles, usually less then 25. But the truth is, I have gained more friends thru bush flying then any other flying I have done in the sim. We always share info and tell our stories for all to enjoy. I think the bush community is the tightest in the VA world. Beats 35,000 feet in some jet and missing all that great scenery! :)


  6. Peter, we also offer the same as you. No schedules, no ranks, no stress, just good fun and flying. The only thing we do have that is different are hub captains, who write and post flights. Those aren't required to be flown, just suggested. You can freelance anytime. You guys do that too. What BFU does offer that nobody else does is multi-sim usage. That's nice for the other sim users. Especially since more bush stuff is coming out for FU. BUT......no matter what bush VA you use or fly, you won't find any better people anywhere. Almost all VA's (bush) work with each other at times and that makes it fun too. Some folks fly in several VA's as they all do have their uniqueness which makes them interesting. The more, the merrier! :)


  7. Hi all, Don. Just wanted to drop a line to tell you about 2 new bush sceneries. Tom Fica and Paul Kane have made some nice outposts to support my Bethel hub for Alaskan Bush Charters. They are both on Avsim and can be had as you read this. These guys did an excellent job on these and they are both a keeper. Bethel was originally set up for cargo, but we needed some regular bush outposts for the visiting sportsmen too. We have it now. Load them up and get the Bethel hub, also available from Avsim and have some fun on the Western side of the state. IF you have Alaskan Airlines AI, they also come into Bethel and there is also a lot of default AI in Bethel too. It's pretty active for such an little place . Joe Watsons Alaskan Landclass also improves Bethel township and makes it a great place to fly into. Have fun all!


  8. Is that Mikkos Maule? I know he and a team of folks are making one (3) up and they will be freeware. There are sooooooo many planes out there and that are being developed right now, it's hard to suggest a bush plane. Browse thru Airliners.com and pick something "bush-like." There were some old Fairchild planes which they use to use years ago in the bush. Tough old planes. Good planes too.


  9. Hi Laur, Don. Thanks for the updates! I got SO involved with this AI stuff, I havent (at this minute) installed them, but will do so in the next few minutes. I was having trouble getting some "unofficial" add-ons in, but finally (after 12 hours!) got it working. Now I have Comair traffic in Roanoke! I'm working on adding in American Eagle and going to look for some ASA to. This is slick. Once you do one the long way, the rest is easy! I'm off to install your scenery now! Thanks again!


    Thanks for sending Tinman over. I hope he enjoyed himself!


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