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Posts posted by alaskabydon

  1. Hi Todd! There is still some freeware kicking around these days, but it is few and far between. Most of it requires other designer programs that are used to place objects in scenery. It would be similar to the Lago program from a few years ago. Now for payware ......... There is some EXCELLENT stuff out there, Todd! Richard Goldstein's Georender packages are a must have. Also, Holger Sandman's Misty Fjords is another must. Misty has a bunch of FREE addons, but you must have the scenery for them to work. These sceneries are like nothing that was around two years ago. I know it's tight on a student budget (I'm still there too) but even grabbing one every month or every other month will give you a nice selection by Fall. Have fun, buddy!


  2. Our good friend Milton has been putting some extra time in over at the hangar. He's burning the midnight oil again! His efforts have so far produced these beauties:




    These are sweet, folks. They are in beta now, and will make a great contribution to your freight/passenger hauling in and out of the bush.


  3. I have to ditto what Francois said above. ALL the sceneries he suggested are top notch, state of the art sceneries. The best part about bush flying, besides the great planes and terrific sceneries, are the bonds that you will form. No other area in simming is like the bush end of the biz. We're also just a little bit crazy too! LOL!


  4. Doing good, my friend! Had a scare of a heart attack, but it ended up being a part of my cold and tight chest. Had me scared! Looks like I'm heading back to Alaska. I'm going to change the name back to Alaska By Don and play around with more "goodies." :D

    Wie geht es Ihnen?


  5. I have a real quick question for you all. I've been away from AK. for a bit, and am getting hooked on it again. Imagine that! LOL! I need to know what the popular mesh of the day is now for AK., or are most running default? Thanks for any help.


  6. I added more to the post above while you were answering it. Glenn has talked of Norway. We need to figure this all out before we buy tickets. If we're not careful, we're going to end up back where we started from! LOL!


  7. I'm going to major in history, with a minor in political science. Then I can go stand on a bread line! LOL! You can hire me. :) You know how badly I want to move to Europe!

    You'll do fine! By using ideas from the past that were successful, how can you go wrong? You know what works and what doesn't. You have an edge on most. You have been there and were successful before. I know you can do it again! Don't forget, the wife can work two or three jobs if necessary! LOL! Don't tell her I said that though! LOL! I haven't been able to sell mine on that idea at all, and I can usually sell her on anything!! :wink:


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