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mikced76 last won the day on November 2 2022

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  1. Very nice image of KRDU Vic ๐Ÿ™‚ "In Tower! Simulator 3 we use shortcut keys to jump between saved views". Not as optimal as eye or head tracking I guess but still a way better solution than the good old mouse to move around the outside view. Not a big fan of those large airports so my eyes will still be out that window fairly often for sure. Looking forward to Tower 3 and the ambition with before............ "This weekend" ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. Something that was not mentioned in the Tower 3 coming soon page was if it will support eye and (or) head moving software/hardware like Tobii Eye Tracker or TrackIR. It would perhaps make a bit of sense in a Tower simulator in my opinion where otherwise you would have to constantly move your eyepoint with the mouse. I see it was discussed back in september 2021 and added by Vic to the wish list. Tower 3 from the coming soon page looks very promising in my opinion and I will for sure pick it up regardless ๐Ÿ™‚
  3. Will there be small details like cars in the airport parking lot, baggage trucks, cones etc in Tower Sim 3. The reason I ask is because when comparing your MSFS TIST with your Tower Sim 3 version of TIST the latter seem to lack some of the small details that make it look busy and a bit more immersive. Hopefully the shots on the Coming soon page are early development shots of TIST.
  4. I really hope Stuttgart airport will be included with Tower Sim 3 or if nothing else sold as an addon later on. I really like those single runway airports and I do notice Stuttgart is available from Feelthere in MSFS so hopefully a good sign it will be there at some point.
  5. I have said it many times and will probably add it again when time comes for suggestions. Please, please add better surporit for GA airplanes. Traffic patterns and such. Its one thing to have the big guys come in one after the other on a straight approach angle. Basically its all about "Cleared to land" and "taxi to parking". Thats not how it works on many airports, at least not the small and medium sized ones. You have Cessna 172s and Pipers Cherokees coming in from all angles that you need to calculate for a good flow and not to mention the patterns for traffic doing T&G. Thats where the fun begins and situations many controllers need to face every day. I admit perhaps this is nothing that happends on the worlds largest airport like KSEA, KLAX or Heathrow etc but on so many other airports. Mike
  6. Hi I would like to thank the team for a great Tower Product, I have had many hours of fun controlling, a huge step forward in ATC simulators. I just want to know if you will ever create a smaller single runway airport with more mixed traffic. At present I have a hard time to find motivation to control LAX or LAS by myself. A single controller for any of these airports would never happend in real Life so that puts me of a bit realism wise :) I hope next version of Tower 3D will expand even further in realism. Personally I would prefer smaller airports with much less traffic but much more features like gate assignments, controlling GA Aircraft on traffic patterns and such. Mike
  7. Oh, so you can have additional voices in Tower3D as long as you run Windows 10? Thats great news if true, I have long requested this feature. I agree it gets a little boring after a while with the same default voices and it just seem like an easy fix. I thought this was a limitation in Tower3D not a limitation in Windows version. Can someone confirm this and I will switch operating system at once to Windows 10. I own several Ivona voices and they would really add to the immersion. Mike
  8. With Tracon!2012, do you still need to vector aircraft on a 20 dregree or so angle towards the ILS approach before handing them off to tower? I beleive in real life for large commercial aircraft they dont really vector traffic that way, I have LAX long incoming arrivals from the east in mind. Please correct me if Iยดm wrong. Mike
  9. There are T&G aircraft in Tower since 2011?? I have never seen that. Could it be that its not part of the Nyerges real world schedule? I have only every played Tower with it. Mike
  10. Hi all I listened to some real world live ATC and realised civil ATC controllers deal with a lot more rotor wings than I imagined. Could really be a nice feature to introduce helicopters and all the challenges that brings to the next version of Tower3D. This in addition to local flights, T&G and overflights non of which I have seen in the present version would be very cool. Mike
  11. Would also be interesting to know what airport / airports we can expect for Tower 3D in the near future.
  12. Vic, you got the face only a mother can love :) hope you're not up to any monkey business with those Tower 3D addon airports. Mike
  13. Anyone tried the Honolulu addon for Tracon? I just got it yesterday and am trying to figure out a good strategy. Obviously its both PHNL and Molokai. - Aircraft landing Molokai, should they be directed towards a fix for ILS clearance rwy 5? cant get them to accept any ILS or Visual approach clearance, a least not for rwy 5. - Aircraft departing PHNL towards the mainland US I guess 16000 feet clearance is about right and have them fly their complete SID. Once reachng altitude I just hand them over to Honolulu center? - Aicraft departing PHNL towards any of the other Hawaii islands, about what altitude should they be cleared? I guess like 8000 or so? If so I guess they should remain on your frequency unti leaving the airspace boundy? Any good stratefy for them? Thanks for any help. Mike
  14. Russellfire, you are not the only one with requests in this crowd. What if everyone with an airport they want would keep bending Vics and the teams ears, they would have no ears left to listen to our request with :) just a thought..
  15. Hi Cant figure out how to move the command bar to my second monitor. Radars and strips no problem but what about the command bar? Would be nice to have my primary monitor without anything but the actual Tower view. Mike
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