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because this is my first post in this forum, I want to start with a big THANK YOU Pete, for your wonderfull FSUIPC and WideFS.

Here my question:

I'm using the CH Yoke, CH Pedals and the CH Throttle. Also I'm using the PM software. For the CH Throttle I have assigned one axis for the spoiler, two for the engine throttles and one for the Flaps. Now I want assign the two other axis for the Engine Start Levers. But I can't find it in the drop-down.

Am I blind or are they renamed, or isn't it possible to assign axis for the Engine Start Levers?

Best Regards



Hello Thomas,

first also a big THANK YOU to you, for your work, like the PM air files for the PMDG.

Yes, I was looking for the "Idle / Cutoff". I have now assigned the Mixture-Axis 1 and 2 and it works, BUT only phisikaly. That means, I can move the levers.

Normaly I have moved the Lever at about 18% N2 from Cutoff to Idle. But after I have moved them now from Cutoff to Idle, some seconds later they moved by himself to Cutoff. So I never can start the engines now.

Do you have a nother idea for me?

Thank you


  Norbert Woeller said:

But after I have moved them now from Cutoff to Idle, some seconds later they moved by himself to Cutoff. So I never can start the engines now.

Sounds like you have something else also assigned to the mixture levers. Check the assignments in FS.


  Norbert Woeller said:

yes it works now, but only without the PMSystems. If I'm using PMSystems I have to klick on the Engine Start Levers on the screen to get the Engines to work. Do you know the solution?

Ah .. with pmSystems you have to have everything else right too. Evidently you haven't. Do you have the handbook for the aircraft? That's what I use.

Please post questions about pmsystems to the PM webgroup site. There are folks there who will help. it sounds like you need to learn more about the overhead. ;-)



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