soldano Posted October 17, 2010 Report Posted October 17, 2010 I just acquired the Go Flight Efis module, but my programming capabilities are null, so maybe somebody can help me with an already made profile for PDMGB747, CS757/767, or Level D B767.- Maybe a easy to understand tutorial should help.- Thanks
Pete Dowson Posted October 18, 2010 Report Posted October 18, 2010 I just acquired the Go Flight Efis module, but my programming capabilities are null, so maybe somebody can help me with an already made profile for PDMGB747, CS757/767, or Level D B767.- Maybe a easy to understand tutorial should help. The EFIS module is just a collection of knobs and switches -- no indicators or displays. So there is no "programming" involved! It is merely a process of assignment of "buttons and Switches" to the controls specific to your aircraft. Assigning buttons is covered completely in the FSUIPC documentation, along with pictures. Regards Pete
Steve38 Posted October 18, 2010 Report Posted October 18, 2010 I built some EFIS mouse macros and assignments for the Level D 767. You can get it at this post on the Level D forum:
soldano Posted October 21, 2010 Author Report Posted October 21, 2010 I built some EFIS mouse macros and assignments for the Level D 767. You can get it at this post on the Level D forum: Thanks Steveo38
soldano Posted October 27, 2010 Author Report Posted October 27, 2010 The macros in that post for the Go Flight EFIS apply to the old FSUIPC aircraft specific settings method, now I am using the actual aircraft profiles, so how can I merge the buttons list ? I have a unique profile for all my comercial jet aircrafts including the Level D B767.- This is my FSUIPC.ini: [General] UpdatedByVersion=4628 History=4YVYY92NMA2VSR5UVPI30 TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 JoystickTimeout=15 FixControlAccel=Yes FixMachSpeedBug=No VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=Yes SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=Yes TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=No WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=Yes PressureSmoothness=0 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=No ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=No LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring UseProfiles=Yes Console=No PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No GetNearestAirports=No LuaRerunDelay=66 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=CH PRO PEDALS USB 0.GUID={631A6290-C9A3-11DF-8001-444553540000} 1=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 1.GUID={631A6290-C9A3-11DF-8002-444553540000} 2=CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 2.GUID={631A89A0-C9A3-11DF-8003-444553540000} [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes [buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=P1,0,K54,8 2=P1,1,K55,8 3=P1,4,K52,9 4=P1,5,K90,8 5=P1,7,K191,9 6=P1,8,K82,9 7=P1,9,K90,8 8=P1,10,K117,8 9=P1,11,K118,8 10=P2,4,K121,8 11=P2,5,K120,8 12=P2,7,K122,8 13=R2,10,K36,8 14=R2,11,K35,8 15=R2,8,K13,9 16=R2,9,K8,9 17=P2,1,K190,8 18=R2,3,K135,10 19=R2,2,K45,10 [AutoSave] AutoSaveEnabled=No [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=COM0 Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=<none set> Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [Axes] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 4=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 5=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 6=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 7=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 8=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,0,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,512,16383 Throttle1=-16253,-10532,512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-8842,512,15232 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383 [Profile.Jets] 1=PMDG 2=FeelThere Boeing 3=Learjet 45 4=Level D Simulations B767-300ER 5=Commercial Level 6=Boeing 737-800 7=Boeing 747-400 8=Bombardier CRJ 700 9=CS 727-200 10=CS 727-100 11=Captain Sim 757-200 11=CS 767-300 12=Boeing 777-223ER 13=CS 767-300 14=CS 767 Captain AWACS 15=MS-760_AAF 16=LSH MD-82 17=Super 80 Professional 18=Eaglesoft Citation 19=PIC Citation X 20=jf_A320-211 CFM56 21=jf_A320-232_IAE 22=Airbus A321 23=A330-200 24=Feelthere A340-300 Airbus 25=Feelthere A340-600 Airbus 26=CS_B707-300 27=Concorde [Axes.Jets] 0=0X,256,D,7,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,11,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,43,44,0,0 7=1U,256,D,12,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,41,42,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2U,256,D,22,0,0,0 12=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [Profile.Prop Twin] 1=FSD Panther 2=RealAir Beech Duke 3=Beech Baron 4=PA-34 SENECA II 5=FSD Navajo Flair 6=Douglas DC-3 7=RealAir Beech Duke 8=IA-35 Huanquero 9=Piper PA-44 Seminole 10=Navajo 11=Eaglesoft Piper TC [Axes.Prop Twin] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 7=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 12=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 13=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 14=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [Profile.Turboprop BAE] 1=PMDG J-41 [Axes.Turboprop BAE] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1R,256,D,18,0,0,0 6=1V,256,D,17,0,0,0 7=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 8=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 9=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 10=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 11=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 12=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Turboprop BAE] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,-130,-130,16128 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-11963,512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-8582,512,15232 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,-16384,14848 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,-16384,14208 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No SlopeRudder=15 [Profile.Turboprop Cheyenne] 1=Piper PA31T 2=Piper PA31T1 3=Piper PA31T2 4=de Havilland Canadian Twin Otter [Axes.Turboprop Cheyenne] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 7=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 12=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 13=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 14=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Turboprop Cheyenne] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-11703,-512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-11312,-512,15232 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383 Mixture1=-16384,8192,8192,14976/32 Mixture2=-16384,8192,8192,14208/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,-16384,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,-16384,14976 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No [MacroFiles] 1=747 OHD 2=APchart [JoystickCalibration.Jets] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-512,512,14208/32 Throttle2=-16253,-512,512,15360/32 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720/32 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26,33/33,44/47,62/66,85/86,104/104,127/128 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,14848/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,0,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,512,16383 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16253,14848/8 Reverser2=-16253,14848/8 Reverser3=-16253,14208/8 Reverser4=-16253,14208/8 SyncSlopeThrottle4=26/33,30/47,53/66,81/86,109/104,127/128 [JoystickCalibration.Prop Twin] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-14043,-260,-260,16256 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-512,512,14208/32 Throttle2=-16384,-512,512,15360/32 SyncSlopeThrottle2=26/26 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720/32 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,0,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,512,16383 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 [Profile.Turboprop ATR] 1=Flight 1 ATR 72-500 [Axes.Turboprop ATR] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 6=1R,256,F,14,0,0,0 7=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 12=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 13=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 14=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [sounds] Path=E:\FS10\Sound\ Device1=Controlador primario de sonido Device2=Altavoces (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio) Device3=Interfaz SPDIF (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio) [Window.Radar Contact] Docked=56, 13546, 3531, 2442 I tested the EFIS and all buttons are recognized within FSUIPC as joystick 170 Thanks Jorge
Pete Dowson Posted October 27, 2010 Report Posted October 27, 2010 The macros in that post for the Go Flight EFIS apply to the old FSUIPC aircraft specific settings method, now I am using the actual aircraft profiles, so how can I merge the buttons list ? You just need to take the actual parameter lines, make sure their numbering doesn't clash with any you have already, and paste them into the [buttons.xxxxx] section applicable to whatever Profile you wish to use them in. Or if you want them applicable to all, paste them into your [buttons] section I tested the EFIS and all buttons are recognized within FSUIPC as joystick 170 If that's not the same joystick number used in the stuff you want to include you'll need to edit those too. Regards Pete
Steve38 Posted October 28, 2010 Report Posted October 28, 2010 This is what I currently use (its been tweaked since my post of a couple of years ago), if this helps you: [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] 7=P170,21,CM2:5,0 8=P170,21,CM2:5,0 9=P170,21,CM2:5,0 10=P170,21,CM2:5,0 11=P170,21,CM2:5,0 12=P170,21,CM2:4,0 13=P170,20,CM2:5,0 14=P170,20,CM2:5,0 15=P170,20,CM2:5,0 16=P170,20,CM2:5,0 17=P170,20,CM2:5,0 18=P170,22,CM2:5,0 19=P170,22,CM2:5,0 20=P170,22,CM2:5,0 21=P170,22,CM2:5,0 22=P170,22,CM2:5,0 23=P170,22,CM2:4,0 24=P170,22,CM2:4,0 25=P170,23,CM2:5,0 26=P170,23,CM2:5,0 27=P170,23,CM2:5,0 28=P170,23,CM2:5,0 29=P170,23,CM2:5,0 30=P170,23,CM2:4,0 31=P170,23,CM2:4,0 32=P170,23,CM2:4,0 33=P170,24,CM2:5,0 34=P170,24,CM2:5,0 35=P170,24,CM2:5,0 36=P170,24,CM2:5,0 37=P170,24,CM2:5,0 38=P170,24,CM2:4,0 39=P170,24,CM2:4,0 40=P170,24,CM2:4,0 41=P170,24,CM2:4,0 42=P170,16,CM2:1,0 43=P170,16,CM2:1,0 44=P170,16,CM2:1,0 45=P170,16,CM2:1,0 46=P170,16,CM2:1,0 47=P170,16,CM2:2,0 48=P170,16,CM2:2,0 49=P170,17,CM2:1,0 50=P170,17,CM2:1,0 51=P170,17,CM2:1,0 52=P170,17,CM2:1,0 53=P170,17,CM2:1,0 54=P170,17,CM2:2,0 55=P170,17,CM2:2,0 56=P170,17,CM2:2,0 57=P170,18,CM2:1,0 58=P170,18,CM2:1,0 59=P170,18,CM2:1,0 60=P170,18,CM2:1,0 61=P170,18,CM2:1,0 62=P170,18,CM2:2,0 63=P170,19,CM2:1,0 64=P170,19,CM2:1,0 65=P170,19,CM2:1,0 66=P170,19,CM2:1,0 67=P170,19,CM2:1,0 68=P170,9,CM2:6,0 69=P170,8,CM2:6,0 70=P170,11,CM2:7,0 71=P170,10,CM2:7,0 //72=P170,28,CM2:10,0 //73=P170,29,CM2:11,0 //74=P170,30,CM2:8,0 //75=P170,31,CM2:9,0 74=P170,1,CM2:56,0 76=P170,5,CM2:12,0 77=P170,4,CM2:15,0 78=P170,3,CM2:13,0 79=P170,2,CM2:14,0 81=P174,10,CM2:17,0 82=P174,9,CM2:18,0 83=P174,11,CM2:19,0 84=P174,8,CM2:20,0 95=P174,0,CM2:33,0 //96=P170,14,CM2:3,0 98=P170,13,CM2:34,0 99=P170,12,CM2:35,0 100=P170,25,CM2:5,0 101=P170,25,CM2:5,0 102=P170,25,CM2:5,0 103=P170,25,CM2:5,0 104=P170,25,CM2:5,0 105=P170,25,CM2:4,0 106=P170,25,CM2:4,0 107=P170,25,CM2:4,0 108=P170,25,CM2:4,0 109=P170,25,CM2:4,0 112=P101,7,CM2:41,0 113=P109,5,CM2:37,0 114=U109,5,CM2:39,0 118=P101,9,CM2:43,0 120=P170,0,CM2:54,0 121=P1,6,K54,9 122=P1,5,K55,9 123=P1,4,K53,9 124=P101,15,CM2:41,0 125=P170,15,C1005,43535 126=CP(F+170,15)170,28,CM2:49,0 127=CP(F+170,15)170,29,CM2:50,0 128=CP(F-170,15)170,28,CM2:10,0 129=CP(F-170,15)170,29,CM2:11,0 130=CU(F+170,15)170,28,CM2:49,0 131=CU(F+170,15)170,29,CM2:50,0 132=CU(F-170,15)170,28,CM2:10,0 133=CU(F-170,15)170,29,CM2:11,0 134=P170,6,CM2:16,0 //135=U170,31,CM2:9,0 //136=U170,30,CM2:8,0 137=P173,0,CM2:3,0 138=P170,14,C1005,43535 139=CP(F+170,14)170,30,CM2:51,0 140=CP(F+170,14)170,31,CM2:52,0 141=CP(F-170,14)170,30,CM2:8,0 142=CP(F-170,14)170,31,CM2:9,0 143=CU(F+170,14)170,30,CM2:51,0 144=CU(F+170,14)170,31,CM2:52,0 145=CU(F-170,14)170,30,CM2:8,0 146=CU(F-170,14)170,31,CM2:9,0 151=P0,18,K53,9 152=P0,19,K54,9 153=P0,16,CM2:45,0 155=P165,2,CM2:53,0 156=P165,1,CM2:3,0 163=P0,14,K87,11 167=P158,14,CL23:R,0 168=U158,14,CL23:K,0 169=P0,15,K75,11 170=R169,1,C66635,0 171=U169,1,C65967,0 172=R169,2,C66636,0 173=U169,2,C65972,0 174=P0,17,C65876,0 with the following macro file: [Macros] Module="B767main.GAU" 1=HSI+=RX30a0*X8bcc 2=HSI-=RX30c0*X8bcc 3=SETBUGS=RX3970*X8bcc 4=RANGE+=RX3060*Xa1cc 5=RANGE-=RX3080*Xa1cc 6=LEFTVORADF=RX7470*X83cc 7=RIGHTVORADF=RX74f0*X83cc 10=BARO+=RX3330*Xa1cc 11=BARO-=RX3250*Xa1cc 12=EFISNAV=RX2f50*Xa1cc 13=EFISARPT=RX2f90*Xa1cc 14=EFISDATA=RX2fd0*Xa1cc 15=EFISWPT=RX3010*Xa1cc 16=EFISTCAS=RX30e0*Xa1cc 27=THRUSTTEMP+=RX6f50*Xa1cc 28=THRUSTTEMP-=RX6df0*X55cc 34=ENGINEDISPLAY=RX1d60*Xa1cc 35=STATUSDISPLAY=RX1d90*Xa1cc 37=CLOCKRUN=RX2850*Xa100 38=CLOCKHOLD=RX2890*Xa1cc 39=CLOCKRESET=RX2820*Xa1cc 40=CHRTOGGLE=RX27b0*Xddcc 49=MDA+=RX34a0*Xa1cc 50=MDA-=RX34d0*Xa1cc Module1="B767pedestal.GAU" 8=DH+=R1:X4540*Xa1cc 9=DH-=R1:X44d0*Xa1cc Module2="B767Afds.GAU" 17=NAVMIN+=R2:X2130*Xa1cc 18=NAVMIN-=R2:X21d0*Xa1cc 19=NAVMJR+=R2:X2030*Xa1cc 20=NAVMJR-=R2:X2070*Xa1cc 23=AUTOBRAKES- 23.1=R3:Xf330*X8bcc 23.2=R2:X1f00*Xa1cc 24=AUTOBRAKES+ 24.1=R3:Xf330*X8bcc,31 24.2=R2:X1ed0*Xa1cc 25=ALTNFLAPS+=R2:X1bb0*Xa1cc 26=ALTNFLAPS-=R2:X1b60*Xa1cc 33=FOVORDME=R2:X22c0*X6acc 36=CAUTIONCANCEL=R2:X1d30*X56cc 41=GOAROUND=R2:Xdeb0*X55cc 51=BANKANGLE+=R2:X17f0*Xa100 52=BANKANGLE-=R2:X1810*Xa1cc 53=WARNINGCANCEL 53.1=R2:X1cc0*X8bcc 53.2=R2:X1cc0*X8bcc 54=RECALL 54.1=R2:X1e40*X6acc 54.2=R2:X1e40*X6acc 56=CANCEL=R2:X1d30*X56cc Module3="window.dll" 42=ASILESTANDLGT=R3:Xf330*X8bcc 43=ASLGT=R3:Xf330*X8bcc 46=FMC=R3:Xf330*X8bcc 47=RADIOPANEL=R3:Xf330*X8bcc 48=OVERHEADPANEL=R3:Xf330*X8bcc Module4="B767Overhead.GAU" 21=LPACK-=R4:X33e0*Xa1cc 22=RPACK-=R4:X3420*Xa1cc 29=LPACK+=R4:X3400*Xa1cc 30=APU+=R4:X24a0*Xa1cc 31=RPACK+=R4:X3440*Xa1cc 32=APU-=R4:X23a0*Xa1cc Module5="rxpDrop.DLL" 44=WXR 44.1=R5:X7740*X83cc 44.2=R6:Xf480*X83cc Module6="rxpWX500.DLL" Module7="fcrew3.GAU" 45=FS2CREWMAIN 45.1=R7:1 45.2=R8:Xb9c0*X8bcc 45.3=R8:Xb9a0*X8bcc Module8="FS2CrewLDS767.GAU"
Pete Dowson Posted October 28, 2010 Report Posted October 28, 2010 This is what I currently use (its been tweaked since my post of a couple of years ago), if this helps you: WARNING: The "CM2" in many of those lines refers to the macro File number (2) in the list in the [MacroFiles] section of the INI, so that will have to be checked , or edited, to make sure it refers to the Macro file you list. Regards Pete
soldano Posted October 28, 2010 Author Report Posted October 28, 2010 Thanks Pete Steveo38, I know about your patience, so I dare asking you how do I include the buttons list in the context of my ini ? Thanks again Jorge
Steve38 Posted October 29, 2010 Report Posted October 29, 2010 WARNING: The "CM2" in many of those lines refers to the macro File number (2) in the list in the [MacroFiles] section of the INI, so that will have to be checked , or edited, to make sure it refers to the Macro file you list. Regards Pete That is correct Pete, the orginal post over at LevelD includes all the relevent entries for the ini file, the post I made was simply to show soldano about the [buttons] entry and to provide an updated command list.
Steve38 Posted October 29, 2010 Report Posted October 29, 2010 Thanks Pete Steveo38, I know about your patience, so I dare asking you how do I include the buttons list in the context of my ini ? Thanks again Jorge It's as per the LevelD post I orginally referred you to and you need to follow that. In summary simply paste the [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] entry into your ini file (assuming you don't have one already). Create the macro file - details in the LevelD post, change your macro's section in the ini file to this [MacroFiles] 1=747 OHD 2=LVLD767 3=APchart and you are done. If you use the APchart macro's they may not work now since the number has changed. If thats the case, as Pete has pointed out, change all the CM2 entries in [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] to CM3 and change the macro's section to this: [MacroFiles] 1=747 OHD 2=APchart 3=LVLD767 Hopefully thats cleared everything up.
soldano Posted October 29, 2010 Author Report Posted October 29, 2010 It's as per the LevelD post I orginally referred you to and you need to follow that. In summary simply paste the [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] entry into your ini file (assuming you don't have one already). Create the macro file - details in the LevelD post, change your macro's section in the ini file to this [MacroFiles] 1=747 OHD 2=LVLD767 3=APchart and you are done. If you use the APchart macro's they may not work now since the number has changed. If thats the case, as Pete has pointed out, change all the CM2 entries in [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] to CM3 and change the macro's section to this: [MacroFiles] 1=747 OHD 2=APchart 3=LVLD767 Hopefully thats cleared everything up. As can be seen in the ini I sent before, I have already the Level D B767 included in my jets profile, provided that, is still valid to paste the buttons list as you said in your post ? Thanks
Steve38 Posted October 29, 2010 Report Posted October 29, 2010 You don't appear to have a [buttons.jets] section so all will be well, just follow the instructions in my previous post.
soldano Posted October 30, 2010 Author Report Posted October 30, 2010 You don't appear to have a [buttons.jets] section so all will be well, just follow the instructions in my previous post. Steveo38, GREAT, IT WORKS !! Some questions: I noticed that the mode selector rotary knob has only 4 positions, so full rose VOR and ILS are missing.- How can I make them work ?, or instead how can I replace the actual VOR and APP positions for full rose VOR and ILS, which I use best ? The DH MDA rotary works OK, but when I push it, it comands the banking angle positions of the heading AP system, is that correct ?.- Did you make other profiles such as for the PDMG B747, Wilco B737 or Capt Sim B757/767 ?.- Thanks
Steve38 Posted November 2, 2010 Report Posted November 2, 2010 I noticed that the mode selector rotary knob has only 4 positions, so full rose VOR and ILS are missing.- How can I make them work ?, or instead how can I replace the actual VOR and APP positions for full rose VOR and ILS, which I use best ? I have just spent some time and sorted this out for you. Change the line numbers 42 through to 56 with the following: 42=P170,16,CM2:2,0 43=P170,16,CM2:2,0 44=P170,16,CM2:2,0 45=P170,16,CM2:2,0 46=P170,16,CM2:2,0 //47=P170,16,CM2:2,0 //48=P170,16,CM2:2,0 49=P170,17,CM2:2,0 50=P170,17,CM2:2,0 51=P170,17,CM2:2,0 52=P170,17,CM2:2,0 53=P170,17,CM2:2,0 54=P170,17,CM2:1,0 //55=P170,17,CM2:2,0 //56=P170,17,CM2:2,0 The DH MDA rotary works OK, but when I push it, it comands the banking angle positions of the heading AP system, is that correct ? Yes, that how I have configured it since I use FS2Crew alot. You can change lines 139,140,143,144 to assign something else to it if you wish. Did you make other profiles such as for the PDMG B747, Wilco B737 or Capt Sim B757/767 ?.- No, I dont fly those planes.
soldano Posted November 2, 2010 Author Report Posted November 2, 2010 Thanks Steve38 Really you are very helpfull and patient with this newbee.- Sorry for my English.- Regards Jorge
Steve38 Posted November 2, 2010 Report Posted November 2, 2010 No worries, your English is fine. Enjoy the EFIS. Best wishes Steve
Gnacino Posted January 11, 2011 Report Posted January 11, 2011 Hi, I posted in the Level D forum, but I noticed that those posts were 2 years old. These posts seem more up to date. I am having a hell of time trying to get the GF EFIS to work with my 767. I pasted and did as Steve instructed but no joy. I pasted this in my FSIUPC config in the modules folder in FSX, this what it looks like, [buttons] 1=P2,4,K65,9 2=P2,1,K190,10 3=P0,1,K74,10 4=P1,1,K51,9 ButtonRepeat=20,10 9=P158,7,C65585,0 10=P1,0,K80,9 11=P1,2,K50,8 12=P1,4,K49,8 13=P2,8,K74,10 14=P2,9,K69,9 15=R1,11,K69,10 16=P1,10,K112,11 17=P1,8,C66477,0 19=P1,5,C66391,0 20=P1,3,C66390,0 21=R1,7,C65607,0 22=R1,6,C65615,0 25=H64,1,K101,10 26=P64,2,K56,10 28=P64,3,K56,10 29=P64,0,K101,10 31=P64,4,K99,10 32=P64,5,K101,10 33=P64,6,K100,10 34=P64,8,K97,10 35=P64,9,K96,10 36=P64,10,K96,10 ///37=P170,30,K68,8 ///38=P170,31,K68,12 [MacroFiles] 2=LVLD767 [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER ] 7=P170,21,CM2:5,0 8=P170,21,CM2:5,0 9=P170,21,CM2:5,0 10=P170,21,CM2:5,0 11=P170,21,CM2:5,0 12=P170,21,CM2:4,0 13=P170,20,CM2:5,0 14=P170,20,CM2:5,0 15=P170,20,CM2:5,0 16=P170,20,CM2:5,0 17=P170,20,CM2:5,0 18=P170,22,CM2:5,0 19=P170,22,CM2:5,0 20=P170,22,CM2:5,0 21=P170,22,CM2:5,0 22=P170,22,CM2:5,0 23=P170,22,CM2:4,0 24=P170,22,CM2:4,0 25=P170,23,CM2:5,0 26=P170,23,CM2:5,0 27=P170,23,CM2:5,0 28=P170,23,CM2:5,0 29=P170,23,CM2:5,0 30=P170,23,CM2:4,0 31=P170,23,CM2:4,0 32=P170,23,CM2:4,0 33=P170,24,CM2:5,0 34=P170,24,CM2:5,0 35=P170,24,CM2:5,0 36=P170,24,CM2:5,0 37=P170,24,CM2:5,0 38=P170,24,CM2:4,0 39=P170,24,CM2:4,0 40=P170,24,CM2:4,0 41=P170,24,CM2:4,0 42=P170,16,CM2:1,0 43=P170,16,CM2:1,0 44=P170,16,CM2:1,0 45=P170,16,CM2:1,0 46=P170,16,CM2:1,0 47=P170,16,CM2:2,0 48=P170,16,CM2:2,0 49=P170,17,CM2:1,0 50=P170,17,CM2:1,0 51=P170,17,CM2:1,0 52=P170,17,CM2:1,0 53=P170,17,CM2:1,0 54=P170,17,CM2:2,0 55=P170,17,CM2:2,0 56=P170,17,CM2:2,0 57=P170,18,CM2:1,0 58=P170,18,CM2:1,0 59=P170,18,CM2:1,0 60=P170,18,CM2:1,0 61=P170,18,CM2:1,0 62=P170,18,CM2:2,0 63=P170,19,CM2:1,0 64=P170,19,CM2:1,0 65=P170,19,CM2:1,0 66=P170,19,CM2:1,0 67=P170,19,CM2:1,0 68=P170,9,CM2:6,0 69=P170,8,CM2:6,0 70=P170,11,CM2:7,0 71=P170,10,CM2:7,0 72=P170,28,CM2:10,0 73=P170,29,CM2:11,0 74=P170,30,CM2:8,0 75=P170,31,CM2:9,0 76=P170,5,CM2:12,0 77=P170,4,CM2:15,0 78=P170,3,CM2:13,0 79=P170,2,CM2:14,0 80=P170,1,CM2:16,0 96=P170,14,CM2:3,0 97=P170,15,CM2:36,0 98=P170,13,CM2:34,0 99=P170,12,CM2:35,0 100=P170,25,CM2:5,0 101=P170,25,CM2:5,0 102=P170,25,CM2:5,0 103=P170,25,CM2:5,0 104=P170,25,CM2:5,0 105=P170,25,CM2:4,0 106=P170,25,CM2:4,0 107=P170,25,CM2:4,0 108=P170,25,CM2:4,0 109=P170,25,CM2:4,0 Then, I made a text file in the modules folder titled "LVLD767.MCRO" and this is what is in that folder, [Macros] Module="B767main.GAU" 1=HSI+=RX30a0*X8bcc 2=HSI-=RX30c0*X8bcc 3=SETBUGS=RX3970*X8bcc 4=RANGE+=RX3060*Xa1cc 5=RANGE-=RX3080*Xa1cc 6=LEFTVORADF=RX7470*X83cc 7=RIGHTVORADF=RX74f0*X83cc 10=BARO+=RX3330*Xa1cc 11=BARO-=RX3250*Xa1cc 12=EFISNAV=RX2f50*Xa1cc 13=EFISARPT=RX2f90*Xa1cc 14=EFISDATA=RX2fd0*Xa1cc 15=EFISWPT=RX3010*Xa1cc 16=EFISTCAS=RX30e0*Xa1cc 27=THRUSTTEMP+=RX6f50*Xa1cc 28=THRUSTTEMP-=RX6df0*X55cc 34=ENGINEDISPLAY=RX1d60*Xa1cc 35=STATUSDISPLAY=RX1d90*Xa1cc 37=CLOCKRUN=RX2850*Xa100 38=CLOCKHOLD=RX2890*Xa1cc 39=CLOCKRESET=RX2820*Xa1cc 40=CHRTOGGLE=RX27b0*Xddcc Module1="B767pedestal.GAU" 8=DH+=R1:X4540*Xa1cc 9=DH-=R1:X44d0*Xa1cc Module2="B767Afds.GAU" 17=NAVMIN+=R2:X2130*Xa1cc 18=NAVMIN-=R2:X21d0*Xa1cc 19=NAVMJR+=R2:X2030*Xa1cc 20=NAVMJR-=R2:X2070*Xa1cc 23=AUTOBRAKES- 23.1=R3:Xf330*X8bcc 23.2=R2:X1f00*Xa1cc 24=AUTOBRAKES+ 24.1=R3:Xf330*X8bcc,31 24.2=R2:X1ed0*Xa1cc 25=ALTNFLAPS+=R2:X1bb0*Xa1cc 26=ALTNFLAPS-=R2:X1b60*Xa1cc 33=FOVORDME=R2:X22c0*X6acc 36=CAUTIONCANCEL=R2:X1d30*X56cc 41=GOAROUND=R2:Xdeb0*X55cc None of the buttons, switches or knobs do anything. Just got the unit this am and it is 11:00 pm now. I have been messing with this all day. In fact, I am possesed! I have been going over and over and I cannot see what is wrong. If you can take the time to look over my data and see if you can find what is wrong it will be very much appreciated. I am running Vista HP 32 bits, UAC off, FSUIPC 4.5 registered, and have the latest driver from Goflight 1.93 build 20, FSX with SP1 & 2 and the latest update from Level D Thanks, Gnacino
Andydigital Posted January 11, 2011 Report Posted January 11, 2011 The version of FSUIPC you have installed is much too old, to update please see the download links sub forum which is one level up from this forum area.
Pete Dowson Posted January 11, 2011 Report Posted January 11, 2011 I pasted and did as Steve instructed but no joy. I pasted this in my FSIUPC config in the modules folder in FSX, this what it looks like, Pasting someone else's assignments for things like buttons and macros rarely works, because the joystick and button numbers will not be the same on your PC, and nor will the Macro numbers. For instance, though you say "None of the buttons, switches or knobs do anything", these entries: 1=P2,4,K65,92=P2,1,K190,10 3=P0,1,K74,10 4=P1,1,K51,9 10=P1,0,K80,9 11=P1,2,K50,8 12=P1,4,K49,8 13=P2,8,K74,10 14=P2,9,K69,9 15=R1,11,K69,10 16=P1,10,K112,11 17=P1,8,C66477,0 19=P1,5,C66391,0 20=P1,3,C66390,0 21=R1,7,C65607,0 22=R1,6,C65615,0 25=H64,1,K101,10 26=P64,2,K56,10 28=P64,3,K56,10 29=P64,0,K101,10 31=P64,4,K99,10 32=P64,5,K101,10 33=P64,6,K100,10 34=P64,8,K97,10 35=P64,9,K96,10 36=P64,10,K96,10 are dependent on YOUR specific joystick and button numbers, or, in the case of 64, a software driver such as the one for PFC equipment. Best to make your own, correct, assignments, via the FSUIPC options "Buttons and Switches" tab! As for these: [MacroFiles]2=LVLD767 [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER ] 7=P170,21,CM2:5,0 et cetera, did you check that the EFIS registered as Joystick 170? And the name of the aircraft "Level D Simulations B767-300ER " -- are you sure there should be a space at the end? FSUIPC normally removes trailing spaces. Best in any case to use the substring facility for aircraft names. I am running Vista HP 32 bits, UAC off, FSUIPC 4.5 registered er ... FSUIPC 4.5? Phew! That's two years old! Sorry I cannot support such an old version. The OLDEST supported version for FSX is 4.60, which has been available now for many months . Please ALWAYS check you are using a current version before asking for Support. It really isn't possible to deal with old versions. Even 4.60 is pretty old now -- there's a version 4.651 in the Download Links subforum, soon to be released as 4.70 and superseding 4.60. Pete
soldano Posted March 31, 2011 Author Report Posted March 31, 2011 I have just spent some time and sorted this out for you. Change the line numbers 42 through to 56 with the following: 42=P170,16,CM2:2,0 43=P170,16,CM2:2,0 44=P170,16,CM2:2,0 45=P170,16,CM2:2,0 46=P170,16,CM2:2,0 //47=P170,16,CM2:2,0 //48=P170,16,CM2:2,0 49=P170,17,CM2:2,0 50=P170,17,CM2:2,0 51=P170,17,CM2:2,0 52=P170,17,CM2:2,0 53=P170,17,CM2:2,0 54=P170,17,CM2:1,0 //55=P170,17,CM2:2,0 //56=P170,17,CM2:2,0 Yes, that how I have configured it since I use FS2Crew alot. You can change lines 139,140,143,144 to assign something else to it if you wish. No, I dont fly those planes. My GoFlight EFIS works OK with the LevelD B 737, but now I have problems with throttles, when I takeoff manually, they perform erratically, sometimes going to minimuns, and sometimes one lever stays at maximun while the other goes to minimun.- I have no problems with other aircraft, and as I saved a backup of my former .ini, I replaced it and the problems dissapeared, so obviously the issue is due to the modifications made in it.- I have my controls disabled in FSX, and FSUIPC managing them, I am using CH quadrant, pedals and yoke in Windows 7 64.- Any opinion will be welcome Thanks This is the contents of my .ini [General] UpdatedByVersion=4645 History=5DB1GX85PGSC9UH671UFB TCASid=Flight TCASrange=40 AxisCalibration=No DirectAxesToCalibs=No ShowMultilineWindow=Yes SuppressSingleline=No SuppressMultilineFS=No AxisIntercepts=No DontResetAxes=No WeatherReadFactor=2 WeatherRewriteSeconds=1 CustomWeatherModify=No SimConnectStallTime=1 MouseWheelTrim=No MouseWheelTrimSpeed=1 JoystickTimeout=15 FixControlAccel=Yes FixMachSpeedBug=No VisibilityOptions=No OneCloudLayer=No CloudTurbulence=No CloudIcing=No GenerateCirrus=Yes SuppressCloudTurbulence=No MaxIce=-4 MinIce=-4 UpperWindGusts=No SuppressWindTurbulence=No SuppressWindVariance=No WindTurbulence=Yes TurbulenceRate=1.0,5.0 TurbulenceDivisor=20,20,40,40 SuppressAllGusts=No MaxSurfaceWind=0 WindLimitLevel=200 WindDiscardLevel=400 WindAjustAltitude=No WindAjustAltitudeBy=2000 SmoothBySimTime=No WindSmoothing=No WindSmoothness=2 WindSmoothAirborneOnly=Yes PressureSmoothness=0 TemperatureSmoothness=0 DisconnTrimForAP=No ZeroElevForAPAlt=No ThrottleSyncAll=No WhiteMessages=No ShowPMcontrols=No SpoilerIncrement=512 MagicBattery=No RudderSpikeRemoval=No ElevatorSpikeRemoval=No AileronSpikeRemoval=No ReversedElevatorTrim=No ClockSync=No ClockSyncMins=5 ClearWeatherDynamics=No OwnWeatherChanges=No TimeForSelect=4 LoadFlightMenu=No LoadPlanMenu=No PauseAfterCrash=No BrakeReleaseThreshold=75 SaveDataWithFlights=No ZapSound=firework ShortAircraftNameOk=Substring UseProfiles=Yes Console=No PollGFTQ6=Yes BlankDisplays=No GetNearestAirports=No LuaRerunDelay=66 [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No 0=CH PRO PEDALS USB 0.GUID={631A6290-C9A3-11DF-8001-444553540000} 1=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 1.GUID={631A6290-C9A3-11DF-8002-444553540000} 2=CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 2.GUID={631A89A0-C9A3-11DF-8003-444553540000} [WideServer] WideFSenabled=Yes [buttons] ButtonRepeat=20,10 1=P1,0,K54,8 2=P1,1,K55,8 3=P1,4,K52,9 4=P1,5,K90,8 5=P1,7,K191,9 6=P1,8,K82,9 7=P1,9,K90,8 8=P1,10,K117,8 9=P1,11,K118,8 10=P2,4,K121,8 11=P2,5,K120,8 12=P2,7,K122,8 13=R2,10,K36,8 14=R2,11,K35,8 15=R2,8,K13,9 16=R2,9,K8,9 17=P2,1,K190,10 18=R2,3,K135,10 19=R2,2,K45,10 [AutoSave] AutoSaveEnabled=No [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=COM0 Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [GPSout2] GPSoutEnabled=No Port=<none set> Speed=4800 Interval=2000 PosTo6Decimal=No Sentences= [Axes] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1R,256,D,42,0,0,0 6=1V,256,D,41,0,0,0 7=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 8=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 9=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 10=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 11=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 12=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,0,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,512,16383 Throttle1=-16253,-10532,512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-8842,512,15232 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383 [Profile.Jets] 1=PMDG 2=FeelThere Boeing 3=Learjet 45 4=Level D Simulations B767-300ER 5=Commercial Level 6=Boeing 737-800 7=Boeing 747-400 8=Bombardier CRJ 700 9=CS 727-200 10=CS 727-100 11=Captain Sim 757-200 11=CS 767-300 12=Boeing 777-223ER 13=CS 767-300 14=CS 767 Captain AWACS 15=MS-760_AAF 16=LSH MD-82 17=Super 80 Professional 18=Eaglesoft Citation 19=PIC Citation X 20=jf_A320-211 CFM56 21=jf_A320-232_IAE 22=Airbus A321 23=A330-200 24=Feelthere A340-300 Airbus 25=Feelthere A340-600 Airbus 26=CS_B707-300 27=Concorde 28=Embraer 175 29=Embraer 195 [Axes.Jets] 0=0X,256,D,7,0,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,11,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,43,44,0,0 7=1U,256,D,12,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,41,42,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2U,256,D,22,0,0,0 12=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [Profile.Prop Twin] 1=FSD Panther 2=RealAir Beech Duke 3=Beech Baron 4=PA-34 SENECA II 5=FSD Navajo Flair 6=Douglas DC-3 7=RealAir Beech Duke 8=IA-35 Huanquero 9=Piper PA-44 Seminole 10=Navajo 11=Eaglesoft Piper TC [Axes.Prop Twin] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 7=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 12=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 13=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 14=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [Profile.Turboprop BAE] 1=PMDG J-41 [Axes.Turboprop BAE] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1R,256,D,18,0,0,0 6=1V,256,D,17,0,0,0 7=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 8=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 9=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 10=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 11=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 12=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Turboprop BAE] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,-130,-130,16128 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-11963,512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-8582,512,15232 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,-16384,14848 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,-16384,14208 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No SlopeRudder=15 [Profile.Turboprop Cheyenne] 1=Piper PA31T 2=Piper PA31T1 3=Piper PA31T2 4=de Havilland Canadian Twin Otter [Axes.Turboprop Cheyenne] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,14,0,0,0 7=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 12=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 13=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 14=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [JoystickCalibration.Turboprop Cheyenne] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-11703,-512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-11312,-512,15232 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383 Mixture1=-16384,8192,8192,14976/32 Mixture2=-16384,8192,8192,14208/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,-16384,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,-16384,14976 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No [MacroFiles] 1=747 OHD 2=LVLD767 3=APchart [JoystickCalibration.Jets] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-512,512,14208/32 Throttle2=-16253,-512,512,15360/32 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720/32 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26,33/33,44/47,62/66,85/86,104/104,127/128 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,14848/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,0,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,512,16383 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 SyncSlopeThrottle4=26/33,30/47,53/66,81/86,109/104,127/128 SlopeLeftBrake=15 SlopeRightBrake=15 [JoystickCalibration.Prop Twin] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-14043,-260,-260,16256 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16384,-512,512,14208/40 Throttle2=-16384,-512,512,15360/40 SyncSlopeThrottle2=26/26 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720/32 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,0,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,512,16383 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 [Profile.Turboprop ATR] 1=Flight 1 ATR 72-500 [Axes.Turboprop ATR] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,17,0,0,0 6=1R,256,F,14,0,0,0 7=1U,256,D,18,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,13,0,0,0 9=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 10=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 11=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 12=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 13=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 14=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 [sounds] Path=E:\FS10\Sound\ Device1=Controlador primario de sonido Device2=Altavoces (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio) Device3=Interfaz SPDIF (SoundMAX Integrated Digital HD Audio) [Window.Radar Contact] Docked=242, 2813, 3548, 30 [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] 7=P170,21,CM2:5,0 8=P170,21,CM2:5,0 9=P170,21,CM2:5,0 10=P170,21,CM2:5,0 11=P170,21,CM2:5,0 12=P170,21,CM2:4,0 13=P170,20,CM2:5,0 14=P170,20,CM2:5,0 15=P170,20,CM2:5,0 16=P170,20,CM2:5,0 17=P170,20,CM2:5,0 18=P170,22,CM2:5,0 19=P170,22,CM2:5,0 20=P170,22,CM2:5,0 21=P170,22,CM2:5,0 22=P170,22,CM2:5,0 23=P170,22,CM2:4,0 24=P170,22,CM2:4,0 25=P170,23,CM2:5,0 26=P170,23,CM2:5,0 27=P170,23,CM2:5,0 28=P170,23,CM2:5,0 29=P170,23,CM2:5,0 30=P170,23,CM2:4,0 31=P170,23,CM2:4,0 32=P170,23,CM2:4,0 33=P170,24,CM2:5,0 34=P170,24,CM2:5,0 35=P170,24,CM2:5,0 36=P170,24,CM2:5,0 37=P170,24,CM2:5,0 38=P170,24,CM2:4,0 39=P170,24,CM2:4,0 40=P170,24,CM2:4,0 41=P170,24,CM2:4,0 42=P170,16,CM2:2,0 43=P170,16,CM2:2,0 44=P170,16,CM2:2,0 45=P170,16,CM2:2,0 46=P170,16,CM2:2,0 //47=P170,16,CM2:2,0 //48=P170,16,CM2:2,0 49=P170,17,CM2:2,0 50=P170,17,CM2:2,0 51=P170,17,CM2:2,0 52=P170,17,CM2:2,0 53=P170,17,CM2:2,0 54=P170,17,CM2:1,0 //55=P170,17,CM2:2,0 //56=P170,17,CM2:2,0 57=P170,18,CM2:1,0 58=P170,18,CM2:1,0 59=P170,18,CM2:1,0 60=P170,18,CM2:1,0 61=P170,18,CM2:1,0 62=P170,18,CM2:2,0 63=P170,19,CM2:1,0 64=P170,19,CM2:1,0 65=P170,19,CM2:1,0 66=P170,19,CM2:1,0 67=P170,19,CM2:1,0 68=P170,9,CM2:6,0 69=P170,8,CM2:6,0 70=P170,11,CM2:7,0 71=P170,10,CM2:7,0 //72=P170,28,CM2:10,0 //73=P170,29,CM2:11,0 //74=P170,30,CM2:8,0 //75=P170,31,CM2:9,0 74=P170,1,CM2:56,0 76=P170,5,CM2:12,0 77=P170,4,CM2:15,0 78=P170,3,CM2:13,0 79=P170,2,CM2:14,0 81=P174,10,CM2:17,0 82=P174,9,CM2:18,0 83=P174,11,CM2:19,0 84=P174,8,CM2:20,0 95=P174,0,CM2:33,0 //96=P170,14,CM2:3,0 98=P170,13,CM2:34,0 99=P170,12,CM2:35,0 100=P170,25,CM2:5,0 101=P170,25,CM2:5,0 102=P170,25,CM2:5,0 103=P170,25,CM2:5,0 104=P170,25,CM2:5,0 105=P170,25,CM2:4,0 106=P170,25,CM2:4,0 107=P170,25,CM2:4,0 108=P170,25,CM2:4,0 109=P170,25,CM2:4,0 112=P101,7,CM2:41,0 113=P109,5,CM2:37,0 114=U109,5,CM2:39,0 118=P101,9,CM2:43,0 120=P170,0,CM2:54,0 121=P1,6,K54,9 122=P1,5,K55,9 123=P1,4,K53,9 124=P101,15,CM2:41,0 125=P170,15,C1005,43535 126=CP(F+170,15)170,28,CM2:49,0 127=CP(F+170,15)170,29,CM2:50,0 128=CP(F-170,15)170,28,CM2:10,0 129=CP(F-170,15)170,29,CM2:11,0 130=CU(F+170,15)170,28,CM2:49,0 131=CU(F+170,15)170,29,CM2:50,0 132=CU(F-170,15)170,28,CM2:10,0 133=CU(F-170,15)170,29,CM2:11,0 134=P170,6,CM2:16,0 //135=U170,31,CM2:9,0 //136=U170,30,CM2:8,0 137=P173,0,CM2:3,0 138=P170,14,C1005,43535 139=CP(F+170,14)170,30,CM2:51,0 140=CP(F+170,14)170,31,CM2:52,0 141=CP(F-170,14)170,30,CM2:8,0 142=CP(F-170,14)170,31,CM2:9,0 143=CU(F+170,14)170,30,CM2:51,0 144=CU(F+170,14)170,31,CM2:52,0 145=CU(F-170,14)170,30,CM2:8,0 146=CU(F-170,14)170,31,CM2:9,0 151=P0,18,K53,9 152=P0,19,K54,9 153=P0,16,CM2:45,0 155=P165,2,CM2:53,0 156=P165,1,CM2:3,0 163=P0,14,K87,11 167=P158,14,CL23:R,0 168=U158,14,CL23:K,0 169=P0,15,K75,11 170=R169,1,C66635,0 171=U169,1,C65967,0 172=R169,2,C66636,0 173=U169,2,C65972,0 174=P0,17,C65876,0 [Profile.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] 1=Level D Simulations B767-300ER [JoystickCalibration.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] AllowSuppressForPFCquad=Yes ExcludeThrottleSet=Yes ExcludeMixtureSet=Yes ExcludePropPitchSet=Yes SepRevsJetsOnly=No ApplyHeloTrim=No UseAxisControlsForNRZ=No FlapsSetControl=0 FlapDetents=No ReverserControl=66292 Reverser1Control=66422 Reverser2Control=66425 Reverser3Control=66428 Reverser4Control=66431 MaxThrottleForReverser=256 AileronTrimControl=66731 RudderTrimControl=66732 CowlFlaps1Control=66162 CowlFlaps2Control=66163 CowlFlaps3Control=66164 CowlFlaps4Control=66165 SteeringTillerControl=0 MaxSteerSpeed=60 Aileron=-16253,-520,-520,15744 Elevator=-15213,-1430,-1430,16128 Rudder=-16384,0,0,16256 Throttle=-16384,16383 PropPitch=-16384,16383 Mixture=-16253,16383 LeftBrake=-16384,15616/16 RightBrake=-16253,16383/16 Throttle1=-16253,-512,512,14336/32 Throttle2=-16384,-512,512,15360/32 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720/32 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,16383/32 PropPitch1=-16384,-16384,0,14720 PropPitch2=-16384,-16384,512,16383 Spoilers=-16380,16380/16 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14208 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208
Pete Dowson Posted March 31, 2011 Report Posted March 31, 2011 My GoFlight EFIS works OK with the LevelD B 737, but now I have problems with throttles, when I takeoff manually, they perform erratically, sometimes going to minimuns, and sometimes one lever stays at maximun while the other goes to minimun.- I have no problems with other aircraft, and as I saved a backup of my former .ini, I replaced it and the problems dissapeared, so obviously the issue is due to the modifications made in it. So, a comparison of the two INI files would prove very helpful, would it not? A much easier way to diagnose the problem than trying to work out which bits of the INI you supplied applies to that aircraft? Isolating just those lines rleevant to Throttle axis assignments and calibrations, you have: 1=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 1.GUID={631A6290-C9A3-11DF-8002-444553540000} So the Throttle is joystick #1. 2=CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 2.GUID={631A89A0-C9A3-11DF-8003-444553540000} Doesn't the yoke also have a throttle mounted on it? I seem to remember, aeons ago, my CH yoke having one, on top. [Axes] 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1R,256,D,42,0,0,0 6=1V,256,D,41,0,0,0 Those are Throttle 1 and 2 and Reversers 1 and 2. [JoystickCalibration] Throttle=-16384,16383 Throttle1=-16253,-10532,512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-8842,512,15232 Seems okay except you have the default throttle calibrated too? Best press "Reset" on that. [Profile.Jets] 1=PMDG 2=FeelThere Boeing 3=Learjet 45 4=Level D Simulations B767-300ER 5=Commercial Level 6=Boeing 737-800 7=Boeing 747-400 8=Bombardier CRJ 700 9=CS 727-200 10=CS 727-100 11=Captain Sim 757-200 11=CS 767-300 12=Boeing 777-223ER 13=CS 767-300 14=CS 767 Captain AWACS 15=MS-760_AAF 16=LSH MD-82 17=Super 80 Professional 18=Eaglesoft Citation 19=PIC Citation X 20=jf_A320-211 CFM56 21=jf_A320-232_IAE 22=Airbus A321 23=A330-200 24=Feelthere A340-300 Airbus 25=Feelthere A340-600 Airbus 26=CS_B707-300 27=Concorde 28=Embraer 175 29=Embraer 195 You have a ***LOT*** of aircraft categorised in your "Jets" profile! And these are all fine with the throttles? Which here will your LevelD B 737 match to? Or have you not assigned it to a Profile? We'd need to know to understand which calibration is appropriate. Also, you appear to have "Level D Simulations B767-300ER" listed as a Jets profile aircraft whilst also having a separate Profile for it too: [Profile.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] 1=Level D Simulations B767-300ER [JoystickCalibration.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] To be honest, I'm not sure which of the two assignments will take priority in such a case. However, carrying on: [Axes.Jets] 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,11,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,43,44,0,0 7=1U,256,D,12,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,41,42,0,0 That's the Jets profile 4 throttles and 4 reversers. [JoystickCalibration.Jets] Throttle=-16384,16383 Throttle1=-16384,-512,512,14208/32 Throttle2=-16253,-512,512,15360/32 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720/32 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26,33/33,44/47,62/66,85/86,104/104,127/128 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,14848/32 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 SyncSlopeThrottle4=26/33,30/47,53/66,81/86,109/104,127/128 SlopeLeftBrake=15 SlopeRightBrake=15 You appear to have the default throttle calibrated too. Best to "Reset" that. Not sure why you sre Synching throttles 3 and 4 but not 2. Is it because they are behaving very differently? Anyway, there's nothing i can see here which would mess up only ONE "Jets" profile aircraft and not the others, assunming your 737 fits as one of those listed. Looks like a comparison with your older but working INI is necessary. Regards Pete
soldano Posted March 31, 2011 Author Report Posted March 31, 2011 So, a comparison of the two INI files would prove very helpful, would it not? A much easier way to diagnose the problem than trying to work out which bits of the INI you supplied applies to that aircraft? Isolating just those lines rleevant to Throttle axis assignments and calibrations, you have: 1=CH THROTTLE QUADRANT 1.GUID={631A6290-C9A3-11DF-8002-444553540000} So the Throttle is joystick #1. 2=CH FLIGHT SIM YOKE USB 2.GUID={631A89A0-C9A3-11DF-8003-444553540000} Doesn't the yoke also have a throttle mounted on it? I seem to remember, aeons ago, my CH yoke having one, on top. [Axes] 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1R,256,D,42,0,0,0 6=1V,256,D,41,0,0,0 Those are Throttle 1 and 2 and Reversers 1 and 2. [JoystickCalibration] Throttle=-16384,16383 Throttle1=-16253,-10532,512,14208 Throttle2=-16384,-8842,512,15232 Seems okay except you have the default throttle calibrated too? Best press "Reset" on that. [Profile.Jets] 1=PMDG 2=FeelThere Boeing 3=Learjet 45 4=Level D Simulations B767-300ER 5=Commercial Level 6=Boeing 737-800 7=Boeing 747-400 8=Bombardier CRJ 700 9=CS 727-200 10=CS 727-100 11=Captain Sim 757-200 11=CS 767-300 12=Boeing 777-223ER 13=CS 767-300 14=CS 767 Captain AWACS 15=MS-760_AAF 16=LSH MD-82 17=Super 80 Professional 18=Eaglesoft Citation 19=PIC Citation X 20=jf_A320-211 CFM56 21=jf_A320-232_IAE 22=Airbus A321 23=A330-200 24=Feelthere A340-300 Airbus 25=Feelthere A340-600 Airbus 26=CS_B707-300 27=Concorde 28=Embraer 175 29=Embraer 195 You have a ***LOT*** of aircraft categorised in your "Jets" profile! And these are all fine with the throttles? Which here will your LevelD B 737 match to? Or have you not assigned it to a Profile? We'd need to know to understand which calibration is appropriate. Also, you appear to have "Level D Simulations B767-300ER" listed as a Jets profile aircraft whilst also having a separate Profile for it too: [Profile.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] 1=Level D Simulations B767-300ER [JoystickCalibration.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] [buttons.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] To be honest, I'm not sure which of the two assignments will take priority in such a case. However, carrying on: [Axes.Jets] 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1Z,256,D,11,0,0,0 6=1R,256,D,43,44,0,0 7=1U,256,D,12,0,0,0 8=1V,256,D,41,42,0,0 That's the Jets profile 4 throttles and 4 reversers. [JoystickCalibration.Jets] Throttle=-16384,16383 Throttle1=-16384,-512,512,14208/32 Throttle2=-16253,-512,512,15360/32 Throttle3=-16384,-512,512,14720/32 SyncSlopeThrottle3=26/26,33/33,44/47,62/66,85/86,104/104,127/128 Throttle4=-16384,-512,512,14848/32 Reverser1=-16384,14848 Reverser2=-16384,14848 Reverser3=-16384,14208 Reverser4=-16384,14208 SyncSlopeThrottle4=26/33,30/47,53/66,81/86,109/104,127/128 SlopeLeftBrake=15 SlopeRightBrake=15 You appear to have the default throttle calibrated too. Best to "Reset" that. Not sure why you sre Synching throttles 3 and 4 but not 2. Is it because they are behaving very differently? Anyway, there's nothing i can see here which would mess up only ONE "Jets" profile aircraft and not the others, assunming your 737 fits as one of those listed. Looks like a comparison with your older but working INI is necessary. Regards Pete Thanks Pete for your quick reply I am on work now, so I will send the older ini tonight.- For now I can say: The CH Flightsim Yoke has indeed its own throttle which works in my case only as a general setting with aircraft not included in special profiles.- All aircraft included in my jets profile are fine with the throttles.- The "Level D.Simulations B767-300ER" (which is efectively the problematic aircraft)is included in the original jet profiles, and in a second one with its own calibration lines.- I think it is so because after including in the ini all the related to Go Flight EFIS, as steveo38 gently sent to me, the throttle wasnt working and had to calibrate it again.- As I noticed that also, I tried deleting both the redundant profile and calibrating lines, but no way, the problem continued.-
Pete Dowson Posted March 31, 2011 Report Posted March 31, 2011 I am on work now, so I will send the older ini tonight. I really wanted you to do the comparison, not I. I already listed all the areas that have any relevance. For now I can say:The CH Flightsim Yoke has indeed its own throttle which works in my case only as a general setting with aircraft not included in special profiles.- Okay. That shouldn't affect the Profile-specific aircraft, but it will affect aircraft not assigned to a Profile. The "Level D.Simulations B767-300ER" (which is efectively the problematic aircraft) ... Er, wait a minute. This is new. you explicitly said it was the LevelD B 737. so i've been looking in the wrong place all this time? is included in the original jet profiles, and in a second one with its own calibration lines.- I think it is so because after including in the ini all the related to Go Flight EFIS, as steveo38 gently sent to me, the throttle wasnt working and had to calibrate it again.- As I noticed that also, I tried deleting both the redundant profile and calibrating lines, but no way, the problem continued.- Which settings do you want, the Jets profile ones or the 767 specific ones? If you want the latter just remove the 767 name in the [Profile.Jets] section. If you want it to abide by the Jets profile, delete all the sections with the 767 in the name. Until you've done this and tested it there's no point in continuing. Regards Pete
soldano Posted April 1, 2011 Author Report Posted April 1, 2011 I really wanted you to do the comparison, not I. I already listed all the areas that have any relevance. Okay. That shouldn't affect the Profile-specific aircraft, but it will affect aircraft not assigned to a Profile. Er, wait a minute. This is new. you explicitly said it was the LevelD B 737. so i've been looking in the wrong place all this time? Which settings do you want, the Jets profile ones or the 767 specific ones? If you want the latter just remove the 767 name in the [Profile.Jets] section. If you want it to abide by the Jets profile, delete all the sections with the 767 in the name. Until you've done this and tested it there's no point in continuing. Regards Pete [/quote ] Pete Sorry about the confusion about the 737, it was a silly mistake.- I deleted the last Level D B767 profile and calibration section, reassigned axis of the throttle and reversers only, and calibrated them, and now it works OK.- I didnt delete yet the B767 line at the jets profile, so it seems both profiles coexist without problems.- The new lines look like this: [Profile.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] 1=Level D Simulations B767-300ER [Axes.Level D Simulations B767-300ER] 0=0X,256,D,7,40,0,0 1=0Y,256,D,8,0,0,0 2=0Z,256,D,3,40,0,0 3=1X,256,D,9,0,0,0 4=1Y,256,D,10,0,0,0 5=1R,256,D,42,0,0,0 6=1V,256,D,41,0,0,0 7=2X,256,D,1,38,0,0 8=2Y,256,D,2,39,0,0 9=2Z,256,D,4,0,0,0 10=2U,256,D,6,0,0,0 11=2V,256,D,5,0,0,0 12=2P,0,F,66416,0,0,0 Thanks
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