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PFChid.dll + P3D v2.2

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I have the latest version of FSUIPC 4, I have applied the hot fix, and I have placed the PFCHid.dll into the modules folder of prepar3d V2.2 academic version. However P3D 2.2 is not recognising the PFC C2 Pro console exists nor the advanced avionics stack.


help !! :)






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I have the latest version of FSUIPC 4, I have applied the hot fix, and I have placed the PFCHid.dll into the modules folder of prepar3d V2.2 academic version. However P3D 2.2 is not recognising the PFC C2 Pro console exists nor the advanced avionics stack.


You've not supplied enough information I'm afraid.


Some clarifications:


1. The connection of the PFC USB devices through PFCHid and FSUIPC is totally independent on the version of flight simulator used. There is no difference between FS2004, FSX, P3Dv1 or P3Dv2.x in this regard.

2. The yoke (and pedals if connected) on the console is NOT handled by PFCHid. It should be recognised as aileron, elevator (and optionally rudder and toe brakes) directly in P3D and in FSUIPC's axis tabs.


So, questions:


3. Have you not used this console before? Is it new from PFC?

4. Does P3D see the yoke?

5. Is the a PFCHid menu entry in the P3D Add-Ons menu entry, as well as an FSUIPC entry?


I need to see the following files. Paste them into a message here or Zip them together and send them to petedowson@btconnect.com:







You will find them all in the P3D modules folder.


There are other tests you should do as well. I think PFC provide or make available a test program for their USB devices, called something like "PFCtestGUI". (not sure about that). Did you get it with the device, or can you obtain it from them and run it to see that the devices are indeed working properly?


Download and run this program of mine:




It produces a log file, displayed on screen and written to the folder in which it is run. Show me that log file (or include it in the Zip you attach). ("Hidscanner.log").


Really it is PFC's job to support their devices, but I'll see what I can do once I have the information.



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Hi Pete,


2. The yoke (and pedals if connected) on the console is NOT handled by PFCHid. It should be recognised as aileron, elevator (and optionally rudder and toe brakes) directly in P3D and in FSUIPC's axis tabs.


4. Does P3D see the yoke?



2. The controller PFC Cirrus C II Pro is seen in windows with 8 axis and 8 Buttons but no axis is used, they are all in position zero. Only two buttons are used, the two positions of CWS switch.

I had once running the PFC configuration program and there you can decide if the axis are Joystick axis or internal handled with your hid driver. All axis here included AIL and ELV are handled by your driver only, I didn't change any configuration.


4. Because of the above I have Controllers disabled in FSX & P3D and Rudder (Bodnar) in FSUIPC calibrated.

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2. The controller PFC Cirrus C II Pro is seen in windows with 8 axis and 8 Buttons but no axis is used, they are all in position zero. Only two buttons are used, the two positions of CWS switch.

I had once running the PFC configuration program and there you can decide if the axis are Joystick axis or internal handled with your hid driver. All axis here included AIL and ELV are handled by your driver only, I didn't change any configuration.


Really? When I had the Cirrus the yoke was definitely always treated as a normal joystick.  I do have support for aileron and elevator built into PFChid, but I'm pretty sure I never had it routed that way. Strange.


4. Because of the above I have Controllers disabled in FSX & P3D and Rudder (Bodnar) in FSUIPC calibrated.


Yes, but of course you can do that with any joystick type device axes.


Anyway, I would need to see what the OP has got in those files. I'm wondering if he actually has a Cirrus configured for a third party seller, like Elite. I know the older serial port devices made for Elite won't work with my drivers. The protocol is completely different.



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3. Have you not used this console before? Is it new from PFC?

Yes had it a couple of years and use it with FSX also.


4. Does P3D see the yoke?



5. Is the a PFCHid menu entry in the P3D Add-Ons menu entry, as well as an FSUIPC entry?

Yes. :smile:


Yes PFC's test program runs fine, however after trying to use it AFTER attempted use with P3D 2.2 it dissapears and is then no longer recognised after that.



Update: Ff i have PFC C2 & avionics connected when i start P3D v2.2 they do not work.

However, if i unplug them and plug them back in while running P3D they begin to work.

I have the log files and will send them in the next few minutes

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Yes had it a couple of years and use it with FSX also.


Hmm. Strange, because there's absolutely no difference in FSUIPC or PFCHID in dealing with any devices whether you are using FSX or P3D (or indeed, any other version of FS back to FS98). So i'm at a loss to understand why using P3D can mess things up.


One thing to check: have you disabled controllers in P3D? Maybe it is doing something with those USB ports when PFCHid is also trying to get things sorted.


Yes PFC's test program runs fine, however after trying to use it AFTER attempted use with P3D 2.2 it dissapears and is then no longer recognised after that.


That certainly indicates some sort of USB problem. So does nothing then allow PFC's test program to see them again until, what ... PC power cycle, USB re-connection, what?


...  if i unplug them and plug them back in while running P3D they begin to work.


That also implies that P3D is doing something which has messed things up.


I know P3D 2.2 now does something different for Joystick devices than it used to -- part of L-M's attempts I think to get over all the problems folks were reporting with joysticks and Windows 8. Those affect FSX as well, of course, but no one is amending FSX any more, and folks are instead solving it by disabling controllers in FSX and using FSUIPC exclusively.


I have the log files and will send them in the next few minutes


Can you clarify whether the logs refer to the exact same test session?
The FSUIPC log shows only one significant entry:
   184908 ***** HID USB device reconnected: re-initialising FSUIPC connections
Is that when you unplugged it and re-plugged it?
The PFCHid log shows both the Console and Avionics are detected, but:
       15: ... Ok, added as device #2
    10218: **** ERROR: Device #2 command discarded due to "WriteFile" failure [00000002]
    20249: **** ERROR: Device #2 command discarded due to "WriteFile" failure [00000002]
    30280: **** ERROR: Device #2 command discarded due to "WriteFile" failure [00000002]
etc, ad nauseam.
Every attempt to send data to the Avionics encounters error 2, which is "file not found" -- in other words the device is no longer there! Of course nothing is sent at this stage to the console, so no error is reported there.
There are only two things I would have suggested, but since you presumably have no trouble with FSX (?) maybe there's only one:
1. Check the USB connection. Avoid using a hub if possible -- if not possible make sure it is a good quality powered hub.
2. Make sure controllers are completely disabled (not just de-assigned) in P3D. There is just one checkbox I think.
#1 is probably not applicable if it is all okay, consistently, with FSX.
Obviously it is possible to make these things work with P3D 2.2, because Thomas (EW321 above) confirms this. I can't think of anything else but the above at present.
Oh, one other thing. Instead of unplugging them and plugging them back in again, see if going into FSUIPC's options, selecting either Axes or Buttons & Switches, then simply exiting again helps. That should also re-scan USB devices and might also do the job. If not, then there's definitely something messing up something deeper in Windows, as in fact your report about the PFC test program indicates.
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You need to restart the computer for PFC GuID to recognise the consoles again.


Even unplugging them and plugging them in again?


Either way, it's a very telling fact. I don't know what P3D is now doing, but it is certainly succeeding in messing things up.


I think you need to report this on the P3D forum, with a request that when controllers are disabled they don't touch any USB devices at all. I really can't see another possible solution. i can't imagine what could be happening to make devices unrecognisable afterwards like that.


Maybe also a report to PFC? Maybe they can understand what can happen on the USB ports, though maybe not as I suspect they buy in standard USB chippery.


I'm not sure I can advise anything more productive at present I'm afraid.


EW321, who contributed above, tells me he also does get a few "error 2" reports on the avionics stack, but nevertheless it carries on working. Some sort of timing or hardware difference, maybe? Are you using Windows 8 -- that could be a significant factor too. I think EW321 is using Windows 7.



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Windows 7, it could be a timing thing i guess, when i start up P3D the avionics stack flicks on and shows firmware version (like being powered on for the first time) then shuts down


Does the PFC test program work if you unplug and replug-in the devices after P3D seems to disable them, as this appears to help PFCHid after all. A PC power cycle seems to indicate something even more serious.



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No it does not, you need to power cycle the PC. Could be a PFC issue?

I am glad i can still use it by unplugging them and plugging them back in while running P3D 2.2, but it is a bit of a pain

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No it does not, you need to power cycle the PC. Could be a PFC issue?


Well, it would seem unlikely if it doesn't happen with FSX.


You could test one more thing. Just remove PFCHid.dll from the Modules folder (or simply rename it, eg PFCHid.DLX), then see if running P3D still stops the PFCtest program without a PC power cycle. If so it is most certainly down to something odd in P3D and needs reporting. If the controllers are disabled they should touch any USB devices at al.


You could try asking PFC what they think, but they'll point to it being okay with FSX.


One other thing. in case it's a problem between P3D and the specific USB ports, try different ones. Maybe its a clash with a keyboard or mouse -- USB ports are in pairs, and it's best to put some devices separately.



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