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B737 idle Thrust Reverse

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What does the PMDG aircraft need t get "idle reverse"? What actually IS "idle reverse"? How much thrust if not 0?


With FS default all you set is the thrust value, represented by a throttle setting of -4096 (but, depending on Aircraft.CFG max reverse setting, -4096 represents 25%) to 16384. 0 is idle. Any non-zero value represents some thrust.


If the PMDG aircraft needs some special value to set set "idle reverse", then I suppose you might be able to set it by using


ThrottleN set, with the parameter = the value needed.


(where N is the engine number).



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Hi Pete,

What does the PMDG aircraft need t get "idle reverse"? What actually IS "idle reverse"? How much thrust if not 0?

in real you actually have three stages of reverse thrust.

Reverse Idle - Opens just the Reverser doors but the engine stays in idle 25% N1

Reverse Thrust - 25% N1 to 40% N1 (ish) adjustable with the reverse Lever

Reverse Full Thrust - up to 60% N1 (ish), it is used for emergency and short RWY's only


In FS it would be value -1 to open the Reverser Doors only with engine in idle. For the other both the value, as you already said, has to be adjusted.


The real Throttle Reverser Lever has mechanical gates you go through to get to the next position.

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Thank you!


Reverse Idle:

"Throttle set" and parameter -1 works great.

on an secound button i have  "Throttle derease" with continue so long hold,

after "Button realeased" is "throtte cut" for        full thrust reverse.


works perfect for all landings.


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