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Flaps problem

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I hope you can help me or point me in the right direction to help me solve my problem.

I have a Saitek yoke and have one of the momentary push switches setup (using FSUIPC) to increment and decrement the flap settings on the PMDG 737. The operation of which is erratic.

Sometimes when I increment the flaps it will jump more than one stage of flaps i.e it will go from zero flaps to flaps 15 or even flaps 25. On occasions it has gone from flaps 0 to flaps 40 with just one press of the button. The same applies when pressing flaps up. I do not have the same problem on default FSX aircraft. I have the paid version of FSUIPC if that makes any difference. Your help and advice would be appreciated.

Regards Colin

Edited by CKAJCA
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I hope you can help me or point me in the right direction to help me solve my problem.

I have a Saitek yoke and have one of the momentary push switches setup (using FSUIPC) to increment and decrement the flap settings on the PMDG 737. The operation of which is erratic.

Sometimes when I increment the flaps it will jump more than one stage of flaps i.e it will go from zero flaps to flaps 15 or even flaps 25. On occasions it has gone from flaps 0 to flaps 40 with just one press of the button. The same applies when pressing flaps up. I do not have the same problem on default FSX aircraft.


How do you have one button doing both flaps up and flaps down actions? You need two buttons or a two way centre-off switch!


If you are only using the normal FLAPS INCR and FLAPS DECR controls, then it's simply what FS does -- same as using the F7 and F6 keys. In that case it's a PMDG bug.


If you are using software which instead uses the Flaps axis control, or FSUIPC offsets, then the problem would be that the PMDG flaps do not change at the same axis values as the default 738.



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  • 5 years later...

I'm not sure this OP's problem was properly answered. So, it is now 6 years later and I have encountered the same problem as OP using the latest FSUIPC 4 (4.976) and the Saitek x52. This is with the default Cessna 172. When FSUIPC is used to control flap movement the buttons presses are either ignored or else result in erroneous flap movements (such as over or under flap movement). If I use the FSX button control assignment to assign flap incr/decr to the X52 buttons everything is fine. Likewise, the FSX F6/F7 direct flap controls work fine. I have tried various "two way centre-off switches" on the X52 with the same result. So there may be subtleties in using FSUIPC for this function which escape me and I'd like to understand this. Thanks.

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15 hours ago, bodmore said:

This is with the default Cessna 172. When FSUIPC is used to control flap movement the buttons presses are either ignored or else result in erroneous flap movements (such as over or under flap movement). If I use the FSX button control assignment to assign flap incr/decr to the X52 buttons everything is fine. Likewise, the FSX F6/F7 direct flap controls work fine. I have tried various "two way centre-off switches" on the X52 with the same result. So there may be subtleties in using FSUIPC for this function which escape me and I'd like to understand this.

If you assign one button to FLAPS INCR and another to FLAPS DECR, then irrespective as to whether you do this in FSX or FSUIPC, that's the only thing which is sent. Just don't select "repeat" for the buttons in FSUIPC.

And if assigning in FSUIPC do not also assign in FSX.

There's really nothing else I can say, it is really that simple.  

In case something else is interfering in this very simple action, try using Event logging in the FSUIPC logging options. That logs events like those FLAPS ones as they reach FSX not matter how you have them assigned.



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I was also just replying when I saw Pete has replied...

39 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:

In case something else is interfering in this very simple action, try using Event logging in the FSUIPC logging options. That logs events like those FLAPS ones as they reach FSX not matter how you have them assigned.

You should try this and also maybe activate logging for Buttons & Keys, and take a look at the log when you press the buttons (assigned to the flaps controls) and compare it to what is logged when you use the F6/F7 keys. You can post your FSUIPC4.log and FSUIPC4.ini files here and I'll take a look.


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Thank you and John for your prompt replies. The problem appears to be resolved basically by setting all controls back to default. Then I assigned flaps, trim etc to my X52 in FSX with FSUIPC disabled. Once I was satisfied that was working I loaded up FSUIPC then deleted all x52 assignments I made in the previous step and went through and reassigned these in FSUIPC. And that seemed to do the trick. I'm wondering if my aging X52 buttons/axes may be malfunctioning occasionally resulting in spurious results. Anyway, thanks again. As you say, FSUIPC is a straightforward mapping so something else has to be acting up.

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