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Problems with Wide FS 6.70

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Hello Peter

I updated my FS2004 Server with Windows 7 Professional I have installed evreything new!My clients have Windows XP and Win 98 also mixed network!I have network connectivity but if I start FS2004 there stands Wide Fs waiting for clients and as I start Wide client exe from my first Client Wide client witing for Connection !I have fully shared the Fs2004 folder under Windows XP everything was working fine since many years!

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Do the Clients and the Server have the same Workgroup name set in Windows? If not then the automatic connection cannot work. Windows 7 uses a different default Workgroup name to WinXP and 98. Broadcasting won't work across different workgroups.

You can either change the name, or specify the ServerName or ServerIPAddress and the Protocol in each WideClient INI file. This latter way, the Client knows where to connect to without needing a Broadcast.

This is all in the WideFS user documentation, which perhaps you could refer to?

If this isn't the cause of the problem, then it's the default Win7 Firewall.



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5 hours ago, Wonder said:

Hello Peter I have all Computers given the same Workgroup (MAGENTA) and the Server with Windows 7 too is that wrong?

If they are all in the same workgroup, as you say, then the problem must be the firewall. Try disabling it.

When you have any problems with my programs it is always useful to show the relevant log files, as these may contain the details which help diagnose the problems. The relevant files in this case are the WideClient.LOG from one of the Clients and the WideServer.LOG from the Server. You can paste these text files into messages here, using the <> button above the edit area.



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Hello Peter it is running! It was really the Windows Firewall ! Exactly Adjustment for the several Networktyp "Firewall for the public network" ! But now I have fear to fly on VATSIM Network online without the Firewall ! I didn't have many idea for Computers! What can I do, or can you give me any guess for further Adjustments! For your information I don't surf in the Internet with this Computer only Online connection for the online flying what makes a lot of fun! Than you for your help in advance!

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35 minutes ago, Wonder said:

But now I have fear to fly on VATSIM Network online without the Firewall ! I didn't have many idea for Computers! What can I do, or can you give me any guess for further Adjustments! For your information I don't surf in the Internet with this Computer only Online connection for the online flying what makes a lot of fun!

I disable the Firewall on all 8 of my PCs. They are a real pain. I rely on the protection built into my router. Just check that. I think most decent routers have this stuff enabled in any case.

Note, on the PC where I do my main Internet accessing I do have an Antivirus running, and kept up to date. On my cockpit PCs I have internet access for ASN real weather and any auto-updates for programs like GSX.

If you want to leave the firewall running you need to tell it that WideClient.exe is a trusted program, so it can get through to talk to WideServer. I'm not sure, but I don't think you need do anything for WideServer. But I'm sorry, I've never done this so I can't give you details. It'll be via menus and things in the Firewall settings.



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