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Tower 3D pro using voice


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Ok, so Tower 3D pro will be released in the future months.(fingers crossed). I have never used voice on any of my feelthere atc products, and it seems I'm missing something here. How easy is it to setup voice recognition . Is there lots of voice training or is it all done in a matter of a couple of hours. I am totally clueless about this , so some pointers in the right direction would be nice. No doubt this topic has been covered before, but I'm sure there are a lot of new users out there asking the same questions.

Also, if tower pro does have multiscreen function , is this easy to set up as well.

many thanks



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Hi Russell,

In Tower 2011 and other voice recog game, training was definitely necessary, and some people definitely fared better than others.  Recently, however, Vic posted the following:

"From Friday we begun testing the new voice recognition system for Pro (It's brand new, we dropped the previous one which was almost perfect and rewrote it from scratch to make it even better for the new more complex commands. I'm amazed by it. No need for training and in fact no need to know anything about the Windows voice system to use it. We will try to test if it works on non US English windows as well so we could stop require the English (US) version.)"

Vic has still not confirmed if we will get multiscreen function.  In Tower2011 it works beautifully and is easy to use.  All you had to do was click on the top of a window and drag it to the other monitor (you need to set your display to "extend" in your Windows control panel if it is not already set up that way.

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Well I am from Sweden and my dialect is far from perfect American and I have never had any problems getting voice to work perfectly in Tower 2011 or any other flight related voice product for that matter, FSX ATC communication etc. If they will make it even better, well perfect, bring it on :)



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2 hours ago, Russellfire said:

Thanks for all your replies , very informative ,I think voice is the way to go for me when pro is released.


Unless of course, you are at work and the boss keeps walking by your cubicle trying to figure out who you are talking with :)


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1 hour ago, Russellfire said:

I'll tell her I'm chatting up the laptop 


Reminds me of "The Big Bang Theory" episode when Raj fell in love with Siri.  That was also the same episode where Kripke said that voice recognition was terrible. " siwi, can you wecomend a westauwant?"

Maybe Kripke should do the testing for Tower!3D Pro.


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