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Proper Fsuipc4 Version for MSFSX SE?

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I recently had to replace my FSX with FSX SE on my traveling laptop.  In one forum I read where you needed .938a to update  FSX SE properly.  On 16 Nov I downloaded a new copy of FSUIPC4.938 ( I saw no "a" version) from simMarket and installed it into the FSX SE modules folder.  The only airplane I have installed is my Eaglesoft Citation 750X v2 and it flies fine except the buckets only deploy on the pre-flight run up along with the Radar Altimeter working on departure, but neither work on the approach or landing.  The link to the .938a  I had does not seem to work.  So I guess my question is - Is what was in .938a in the version of .938 I downloaded from simMarket?  Thanks, Mike  PS:  I see FSX SE is using sim connect.  Does that conflict with FSUIPC in any way?  Thanks, Mike

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30 minutes ago, Thunderbolt44 said:

I recently had to replace my FSX with FSX SE on my traveling laptop.  In one forum I read where you needed .938a to update  FSX SE properly.  On 16 Nov I downloaded a new copy of FSUIPC4.938 ( I saw no "a" version)

Interim versions are found in the Download Links subforum above. They are the DLL only, no installer. You still need to run the latest installer first.

Interim versions are supplied to fix or assist with certain bugs or other user needs. A full installer version is only released when made necessary, usually by a Sim update (as in the relatively frequent P3D releases).

33 minutes ago, Thunderbolt44 said:

The only airplane I have installed is my Eaglesoft Citation 750X v2 and it flies fine except the buckets only deploy on the pre-flight run up along with the Radar Altimeter working on departure, but neither work on the approach or landing

Why do you think that has anything to do with FSUIPC?

33 minutes ago, Thunderbolt44 said:

So I guess my question is - Is what was in .938a in the version of .938 I downloaded from simMarket?

First off, a correction. SimMarket do NOT have any versions at all, only a link to the latest installer, which is also available here.

The Download Links section will tell you what interim versions do for you differently.

35 minutes ago, Thunderbolt44 said:

I see FSX SE is using sim connect.  Does that conflict with FSUIPC in any way?

FSUIPC uses SimConnect. It's the main interface used by most add-ons since FSX and applies to P3D too. There's a recent entry in the FAQ subforum describing FSUIPC and SimConnect relationship.



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Pete, I appreciate your quick reply; however, I still need to ask this question.  Am I good to go with the .938 version I installed from simMarket or do I need to install the .938a download I read somewhere, but the link did not work?    I looked in your Download Link section and did not see anything referring to a .938a download.   I did another cross country this afternoon and everything  worked fine including Radar Contact.  I know Fsuipc has nothing to do with the buckets and RA.  I have figured those out as of the present.  Again, Thank you for the product and your help, Mike

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there is no other FSUIPC4 version than the current supported one (the only supported one) needed.

The SimMarket FSUIPC4 version you talk about is declared as a Demo FSUIPC BUT is actually the link to the current and supported Installer (FSUIPC version 4.958).

..., I still need to ask this question.Am I good to go with the .938 version I installed from simMarket or
do I need to install the .938a download I read somewhere, but the link did not work?

It might work but there is no reason or need to do so. There will not be any support for old versions.


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18 hours ago, Thunderbolt44 said:

Am I good to go with the .938 version I installed from simMarket or do I need to install the .938a download I read somewhere, but the link did not work?

The 4.958a version which had a specific change for a specific request was supplied only to the person who requested it. 4.958 IS the current version and the one yuou should use.

I've no idea where you got the idea of 4.958a -- how did you get such a reference and link?

The current interim version which again has only gone to specific persons for testing and feedback is actually 4.958d. There may be more before 4.959. Please only use the currently supported version, as stated, unless you have a specific prroblem I need to fix for you and for you to test the solution.

FSX-SE has not changed for months and no changes have been necessary in FSUIPC to support an unchanging sim. Most of the changes since the last release of FSX-SE have been for trhe many Prepar3D updates, and also to add some features asked for by users.

The "Changes" and "History" documents you have with 4.958 will tell you of all the changes.

Please do believe the statements where it tells yo clearly whch versions of FS and P3D are supported. I don't understand why you are doubting so much! :-(



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