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Correctly installing Real Color Bundle for Steam edition of Tower!3D


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6 minutes ago, crbascott said:

Attached is a picture of the non-Steam folder structure. Looks like your Extensions folder is under the tower3D_Data folder which is incorrect. It needs to be under your root Pro folder. 



i use steam version . It needs to be under your root Pro folder. where is this?

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25 minutes ago, minipanda said:

When i put the the ext foler there the picture above, it made all planes white. if i put it in the other part i get all kinds of colors plus white :] how come

Real color and real traffic gives you real airlines like American, Delta, Southwest, Qantas, etc. Sure you have color but it is all the fake airlines.Your installation is obviously messed up. If you can uninstall everything and start over that would be my recommendation. Just pay close attention to the directories that the install program points to - they are not always right. Not sure if it is FeelThere's or Nyerges' issue, but it needs fixing. 


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9 hours ago, crbascott said:

Real color and real traffic gives you real airlines like American, Delta, Southwest, Qantas, etc. Sure you have color but it is all the fake airlines.Your installation is obviously messed up. If you can uninstall everything and start over that would be my recommendation. Just pay close attention to the directories that the install program points to - they are not always right. Not sure if it is FeelThere's or Nyerges' issue, but it needs fixing. 


i  did fresh install with steam could you show me  yours?  

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allways  point the installer to you steam tower3dpro directory to install add on, your Directory structure in your last picture is correct, i have the same :)

steamlibrary\steamapps\common\tower 3d pro

3 dir's: under that

- Extensions




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Sadly, no. 

Everything needs to be installed under the Tower 3D Pro folder - which in your case appears to be: C:\Program Files(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Tower 3D Pro. 

Looks like you used the default installation path provided by Nyerges which is incorrect for Tower 3D Pro and Steam users. 

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In summary, what finally fixed the problem was designating the correct installation directory.
For Steam installations you need to replace:
C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Tower 3D Pro
When installing Real Traffic


C:\Program Files (x86)\FeelThere\Tower!3D Pro\Extensions\Airplanes\Texturepacks
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Tower 3D Pro\Extensions\Airplanes\Texturepacks
When installing Real Color


P.S. Wish there was a way to close this topic so it doesn't become something like using the runway exits for emergency vehicles while construction is going on at KJFK when the cherry blossoms are blooming in Washington and you are out whale watching at your local Lane Bryant :)

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