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Voice Recognition stops after a few minutes

Kees Muizehuig

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Hi guys,

A friend of my showed me his Tower3D pro version but the voice recognition stops after a few minutes. The airliners won't be rcognised.

We tried several settings. Voice Deeper, Higher slower.....nothing helps.

The first 20 minutes were awesome but then we needed to use the mouse.

And the special commands such as:

"Cleared for take of upon reaching altitude 1000, contact departure"

and "Taxi to terminal via Y,J" are only possible with voice recognition and not with the mouse.

So is this still a bug ? I was also planning to buy it, but now I get my doubts

Kees, Rotterdam, The Netherland

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Not a bug, the command panel only has so much room so every possible command combination is not available. However, all commands may be typed in directly in the command line. Regarding taxi to terminal, after selecting TAXI TO and then TERMINAL, you can right click on the ADIRS to add the path. You can do the same thing when taxiing to the runway. You'll probably need to play around with it to get used to it.

Sounds like you might be having performance issues. Every once in a while this happens to me. When it does, I hold down the left shift and then pause a second or two before giving the voice command. What are your PC specs?   

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We found the problem (Very shamed)
It had nothing to do with Tower3D. He used a Wireless headset (Logitech HD600) with poor batteries.
So his headset was the offender. We connected the headset by a powercable to his USB and the "problem" was solved.

OMG. did not come up with me.........

TNX for support.

Have a nice weekend from Rotterdam, The Netherlands

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