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GoFlight program denied access to FSUIPC5 - why?

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Hi chaps. Frustrating problem trying to get GoFlight Interface Tool (GIT) to read an offset in FSUIPC5 for the status of the exits so when I flick a switch to open an exit the LED for the T8 comes on. It’s the only way of getting the led to work apparently.

The GIT log records all actions but it’s this one that has me beat...

14:20:49 FSUIPC: Connection Failed: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I’ve disabled the firewall but still no joy. All this is one the same PC. There was no entry for GIT in the list of approved programs in the firewall so I added it with private access. Still no joy. One program is trying to read another all on the same machine but the firewall is blocking access. Any ideas how to fix it?

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Hi John,

GIT is to allow communication between GoFlight hardware and P3D but also accessing FSUIPC. I have narrowed the problem down to a port number that is trying to be accessed but being denied. I am talking to the GIT author but wondered if you had any ideas about this error in the fsuipc log:-

50703 LUA.1: beginning "D:\P3Dv4\Modules\gitlua.lua"
    50703 *** LUA Error: D:\P3Dv4\Modules\gitlua.lua:5: module 'socket' not found:
    no field package.preload['socket']socket
    no file 'D:\P3Dv4\modules\socket.lua'
    no file 'D:\P3Dv4\modules\socket\init.lua'
    no file 'D:\P3Dv4\modules\lua\socket.lua'
    no file 'D:\P3Dv4\modules\lua\socket\init.lua'
    no file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Lua\5.1\lua\socket.luac'
    no file 'D:\P3Dv4\modules\lua\socket.dll'
    no file 'D:\P3Dv4\modules\lua\loadall.dll'

It can't find the socket. Any suggestions?

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40 minutes ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

But access still fails because of a port number in FSUIPC5 not being accessible. Is 8385 the correct one?

FSUIPC only uses sockets for WideServer links to WideClient.

I see John has pointed you to a Lua sockets solution, originally posted by another user, to solve the absence of a 64 bit sockets module. The socket number to be used will be set in the Lua plug-in you will presumably need to use.

Seems very strange to me that a GoFlight module needs IP sockets to get information.




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Thanks John and Pete. The reason for the access into FSUIPC is to read 3367 for the status of exits. Apparently SimConnect reads them once and not again so they’re not available via the usual means in GIT. Hence the access to FSUIPC5.

I’ll install the pack tomorrow and hopefully it will fix the problem. Thanks!

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1 hour ago, Ray Proudfoot said:

Apparently SimConnect reads them once and not again so they’re not available via the usual means in GIT. Hence the access to FSUIPC5.

That can't be correct, as FSUIPC uses only SimConnect for those, as for almost everything else!

{    0x3367, 1, 0, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:0" },
{    0x3367, 0, 1, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:1" },
{    0x3367, 0, 2, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:2" },
{    0x3367, 0, 3, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:3" },
{    0x3367, 0, 4, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:4" },
{    0x3367, 0, 5, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:5" },
{    0x3367, 0, 6, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:6" },
{    0x3367, 0, 7, F32V, DOORS, WR | WROK | BITS, szPc, "EXIT OPEN:7" },

Note that FSUIPC reads the door states as 32-bit floats. those give the % of opening. It changes the bits in 3367 based on this value.

It sounds to me more like an error in their Simconnect access code.

And why does he use IP sockets to interface, which needs a Lua plug-in? Wouldn't it have been a lot simpler for them to use the published FSUIPC interface?




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