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still struggeling with event.sim(ANY, "")

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i have still no solution found, why the "event.sim(ANY,  and also the "event.sim(AIRCRAFTCHANGE is not fired ?

When i have a little lua file in the Modules folder whits only this little script:

function test()
event.sim(ANY, "test")

why is the text not displayed when i load another aircraft ?( which means the function is not called at Aircraft change )



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The ipc.display function uses the SimConnect Message Window, which, if you are using P3D4 (you don't say) can be suppressed. When testing Lua plug-ins it is best to use "ipc.log" so that the message is directed into the FSUIPC log file (or into a separate Lua log file if so opted).

Anyway, without more information, like how your plug-in is being loaded (is it actually running?), which FSUIPC version,  and which sim you are using, it isn't really possible to help further.



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