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FSUIPC5e3 NGXu Cpflight Rudder Trim ?

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[Cpflight modules + PMSG NGXu']

Dear Peter,

After installing last update I was able to get my Cpflight hardware to work again excpet the Cpflight Rudder trim moudle.

I guess it might be due offset missing ?

I have no idea and appreciate your call.





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57 minutes ago, raam123 said:

After installing last update I was able to get my Cpflight hardware to work again excpet the Cpflight Rudder trim moudle.

Sorry, are you talking about a control input or an indicator output?

There's nothing listed in the PMDG SDK for rudder trim outputs at all. In fact there's no a single mention of Rudder. So there are no offsets mapped for it.

If you are talking about switches or dials, then those are controls processed by PMDG. All FSUIPC does is allow you to assign them as <custom controls>. It can't do anything with them exceot pass them on.




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as the Rudder Trim control is still the same there will be something wrong with the driver of the software that is used.


#define THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN                0x00011000        // equals to 69632

#define EVT_FCTL_RUDDER_TRIM                        (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 811)


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