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FSUIPC-PMDG B747-400&B747-8 Configuration

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I bought the PMDG B747-8I. He took over all configurations from the B747-400 that I made in FSUIPC, only the CUT OFF that were configured on the buttons on the Saitek Throttle not. 

I reassigned them (Macros created) and works again.

But after I check on the B747-400, the CUT OFF are not working anymore.

All other settings on my Saitek Yoke like Trim, Zoom etc. is working on both aircraft.


Thank you for your help.


Kind Regards

Stephan LSZH

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10 hours ago, Stephan R. said:

I bought the PMDG B747-8I. He took over all configurations from the B747-400 that I made in FSUIPC, only the CUT OFF that were configured on the buttons on the Saitek Throttle not. 

I reassigned them (Macros created) and works again.

But after I check on the B747-400, the CUT OFF are not working anymore.

Sorry, what you say seems to be a bit confused.  You said that the Cut Off button assignment you had was not working, so you reassigned it, but it still isn't working on the 747-400? So I assume you mean you are using spearate profiles for these two aircraft, and what you seem to be saying is that you've only assigned Cut ff in one of them.

Are both of these from PMDG?  If so, why aren't you using the custom controls supported by the PMDG Boeings?

I think you need to tell us more, andmore clesrly. Which flight simulator? Which version of FSUIPC?

Also, you do really need to show us your FSUIPC settings (the FSUIPC INI file, found in the FS Modules folder.



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Hello Pete

I have P3Dv4.5, FSUIPC 5.155, PMDG B747-400 and B747-8I.

I flow with the 747-400, and did assign many button, also that one for Fuel Cut Off. Everythings works fine.

After I try with the 747-8, all configuration I made for the 747-400 works, exept the Fuel Cut Off switches which is on my Saitek Throttle.

I did configurate again new with Macros, and works.

But it is deleting my Fuel Cut Off assignments for the 747-400. 


Kind Regards

Stephan LSZH


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This is because you are not using profiles, only general assignments that apply to all aircraft. When you re-assign your Fuel Cut Off for the 747-B, this will replace your assignment for the 747-400 (if using the same button).

You will need to set-up a different profile for one of the aircraft (if not both). Please see the User Guide, section "User profiles for all control setting".



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Hello Pete


I have a question:

  1. I had configurate my 747-400 without profile. Can I create and insert my setting into an new createt profile, or I have to configurate everythings again? (For safe work)
  2. If I want delete all settings, and start completly with new profile and new settings from my Yoke, Throttle etc, can I just delete the FSUIPC .ini file?

Thank you.


P.S. Sorry, but my english is in technical things not so good, thats why I ask many things.


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Hi Stephan,

1. when you create a profile for an aircraft, it will be created with all the current settings, so you don't have to configure again. You can just add to (or change an) existing settings. Under the covers (in your .ini file), it will duplicate your [Axis] settings for the profile (plus any changes) and create an empty [Buttons] section (plus any changes). General button (and key) assignments still apply to aircraft using a profile unless overwritten by that profile.

2. Yes - deleting your .ini will remove all assignments and a default one will be created next time you run P3D. You can also edit (e.g. in Notepad++) and remove assignments/sections/profiles as required. The format of each item/section is described in the Advanced User Guide.



P.S. No problem!

Edited by John Dowson
Further info added
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