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Embraer V3.. question thinking to buy


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They don't publish  any SDK or offsets, which is a pity.  However, the Ejets configuration package includes a long list of buttons and switches available for keyboard programming.  This covers about 90% of the operating buttons and switches. These can then be allocated to external controls through FSUIPC as required. It's a bit outdated but it still works.  Strangely the pedestal selections like the radio coms panel are not included in that list.

More useful perhaps is that later versions of P3D allow mouse macros from virtual panels using FSUIPC6, and from a quick check of Ejets v3 in P3D v4.5, all the programmed buttons and switches seem to  respond, including the radio/coms panel, and produce an output to FSUIPC6.  I Used this method originally with Ejets v2 using the 2D panels and was able to allocate every function through mouse macros and Bodnar interface boards, nearly 200 functions in total. I am in the process of updating the cockpit to the latest software versions and so far it looks like I can get everything working.

As an aside, the pop up instruments undock, resize and move to other screens with apparently little impact on frame rates although I need to do further testing on this.

Hope this helps.




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There are some Lvar you can use with FSUIPC, but I found it also not cover ALL input, you can search it in this forum

For my MCP,  2 input : Mach/IAS changeover and FLCH must be done with keystoke config; one must be done with Lvar that's the speed FMS/MAN switch..

and 2 more simply can't be done as push HDG knob for sync and push Alt knob for meter reading....

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