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C2615 last won the day on February 18 2021

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  1. Not direct profile, but here is some Lvars I use with LINDA, hope it would help: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/574929-feelthere-e-jets-v3/?tab=comments#comment-4233494
  2. You can fly with LNAV only minimum with V/S or FPV
  3. I had the same problem and reported to navigraph, they told me to use their FMC manager for update, that works for me... but can't believe they didn't fix it on manualy install side for about a year...
  4. I have the realworld data table for Trim setting for 170/175and 190, but it just doesn't help for feelthere's Ejets at all. As scoob said, CG is not simulated, and also even the green band of trim on E190 is totally out.
  5. Same as I reported on SP2, when deceleration to a given speed, it'll allow speed drop like 5~10kts below the target speed My condition encountered with 175: 1.When slowing down from 270 to 250, level flight at 12000', it allows speed dropped to 242 2.When start descending from 12000' and 250 using FLCH, it allows speed dropped to 244 3. When flaps down to 5, and slowing to VAPP at 135 on 3degree GP, it allows speed dropped to 130, this one is especially dangerus. While SP1 has issue with A/T kick in too soon when in bump air, at least it works well on this part in smooth air....
  6. As long as the aircraft are powered, the ANLT would be lit up as soon as the switch is moved to OFF anyway.... I guess the best way to do is to use the realword switch that mechanically blocked out the (ON) mark when switch is pressed out....
  7. Yes, as I could read in the READ ME file for 1.1, it only asks for disable >Air and >Batteries.
  8. C2615

    SP3 take off

    I tried on 190 and it feels better than SP2, but still need quire some force on rotation when on flaps2 and UP3.0. Once lift off, it feels ok, just a little back pressure to keep on V2+10. So I might still move the main gear contact point in aircraft.cfg slightly forward. Still, the realword data shows E190's green band is on 0.5DN to 3.5UP, compare to Feelthere's 0-5UP, and for a somewhat normal CG of 25%, the range should be around 0.5DN-1.0UP, rather than the normal trim around 3.0 on FT, you really only need trim up to 3 when at high weight and CG as forward as less than 10 MAC
  9. Thanks for the update! I noticed in this version, it doesn't required to disable the default APU folder, thus bring back the very loud APU sound in cockpit, is this intentional?
  10. C2615

    Update question

    Thanks Vic, any words about A/T goes more than 5kts below selected speed when decelerate for approach in SP2? the problem was not in SP1
  11. I'm not familiar with mouse macros, but judging from FSUIPC's doc it need a 2D panel or VS at stationary? I use VC with TrackIR, so it doesn't seems working to me
  12. I use FSUIPC to send key press, as I only need it for FLCH and AT, others were done with LINDA. Still, I couldn't find anyway to blind FPA knob.
  13. C2615

    Update question

    So I guess it's yet to coming sooooooooooon then🤔
  14. C2615

    Update question

    Yeah, the trim, the too lagging A/T(instead the overreaction one in SP1) are 2 main issue I have and waited too long for a fix (Actually the Fuel Flow as well, but I just edited it.) And I've tested their fix for asymmetry wingflex, but seems they aren't on hurry to push that out also...
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