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Simconnect Message Window Problem in P3Dv5

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I have a Lua script that runs in a continuous loop and displays various flight parameters in a simconnect message window using ipc.display() as shown below . The flight data display is updated about every two seconds. This script runs fine in P3Dv4.5HF3 with a nice steady display. However, when using the same script In P3Dv5 (with or without the Hot Fixes) after a few minutes the simconnect message window display begins to flicker at a high rate, and stopping and restarting the script does not stop the flickering display.

I use FSUIPC6 for both sims with the latest version of Win10 Pro. I realize this is likely not a FSUIPC problem, but am posting here to see if any other FSUIPC Lua script users have come across a similar display issue with P3D5 and might have some insight into the cause.




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3 hours ago, ark1320 said:

The flight data display is updated about every two seconds. This script runs fine in P3Dv4.5HF3 with a nice steady display. However, when using the same script In P3Dv5 (with or without the Hot Fixes) after a few minutes the simconnect message window display begins to flicker at a high rate, and stopping and restarting the script does not stop the flickering display.

This sounds like the occasional flicker problem others have reported with P3D5 (including parts such as the menu bar, when displayed). I think Thomas has seen it with the menu. I am just lucky I suppose, having never seen such a problem.

I think he said it seemed to be fixed with the HF2 update (Thomas?).

Are you using the Enhanced Atmospherics in P3D5 by any chance ("TrueSky")? I'm not (because the effects are not good for airliner flying, totally unrealistic from above but okay below). Maybe those who get the flashing windows (whatever they are) are using this Beta facility?

To narrow it down, try changing some of the settings in P3D, and maybe run it in a different mode -- Windowed / Full screen, just to see if such things have an effect. I think it needs reporting to L-M but it probably needs some supporting information.

As an added puzzle it does seem odd that the flickering only starts after a few minutes. I wonder if it is, therefore, related to the GPU VRAM texture optimisation L-M added for HF1, which is still in HF2 of course.  So, also try with "Dynamic Texture Streaming" turned off.



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I think he said it seemed to be fixed with the HF2 update (Thomas?).

yes with H2 I don't see any flickering as I did before. The flickering was nearly on everything to see what was displayed on top of the main rendering.

If you send the Lua file or its content I can check here.


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2 hours ago, Thomas Richter said:


yes with H2 I don't see any flickering as I did before. The flickering was nearly on everything to see what was displayed on top of the main rendering.

If you send the Lua file or its content I can check here.


I agree the P3Dv5 menu flickering issue has gone away with HF2. That flickering was quite slow -- maybe seconds between "flicks".  The flicking I'm talking about here is quite fast -- maybe 5 times/sec -- makes it hard to read the display.  However, it doesn't seem to always happen. If I can determine how to make it happen reliably I'll send you a script to try. Thanks very much for the offer to help!


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/27/2020 at 11:29 AM, Thomas Richter said:


yes with H2 I don't see any flickering as I did before. The flickering was nearly on everything to see what was displayed on top of the main rendering.

If you send the Lua file or its content I can check here.


Looks like others are having similar problems with SimConnect displays in P3Dv5: 



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