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Can't read FSUIPC Offset 64F4 with PMDG747 QOTSII

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we are trying to read offset 0x64F4 when using the PMDG 747 Queen of the Skies II. We are expecting a value of 1, when the according switch is pressed to 'ON'
in the panel (Window Heat Switch Left). But we never receive this value. Is it ensured that the offset information in the document 'Offset Mapping for PMDG 747QOTSII.pdf' is correct? Other
offsets work or provide the expected values. We are using Paul Henty's '
FSUIPC Client DLL for .NET' to access the offsets.

Some additional information:
Simulator: Prepar3D Professional Plus V4.5.14.34698
OS: Windows 10 Pro Version 1909 (Build 18363.1139)

FSUIPC Version: 5.15

Please help!


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1 hour ago, EEB GmbH said:

we are trying to read offset 0x64F4 when using the PMDG 747 Queen of the Skies II. We are expecting a value of 1, when the according switch is pressed to 'ON'
in the panel (Window Heat Switch Left). But we never receive this value. Is it ensured that the offset information in the document 'Offset Mapping for PMDG 747QOTSII.pdf' is correct? Other offsets work or provide the expected values

The offsets have been validated by others as we don't have the aircraft. The offset positions reflect the structure documented by PMDG in their SDK (installed with every aircraft).

If the value before (64F3, ICE annunWingAntiIceVALVE) and after (64F6, ICE annunWindowHeatINOP work okay, then the values for ICE WindowHeat Sw ON must be in the correct location too.

What about 64F5, the other switch? Did you check that? maybe PMDG have put them in a different order to that which you expected, e.g. R-L instead of L-R.



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Hello Pete,

first of all, thanks for the quick reply.

I've checked the offsets you described(64F3 & 64F6), but they don't work either.
I also checked that the switches are reversed in the right-left order as you mentioned.
That is also not the case.

In the meantime we have noticed that several offsets are not working (i.e. not providing the state of the desired switch). Either we are doing something fundamentally wrong or the documentation is incorrect, or it's a bug in the 747.

Is it a feasible way to check the offsets via the settings in the logging tab (category: specific value checks)?


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2 hours ago, EEB GmbH said:

In the meantime we have noticed that several offsets are not working (i.e. not providing the state of the desired switch). Either we are doing something fundamentally wrong or the documentation is incorrect, or it's a bug in the 747.

Is it a feasible way to check the offsets via the settings in the logging tab (category: specific value checks)?

Unless there is a bug in the aircraft code, or, as Thomas suggests, you are using an older FSUIPC, then all of the values supplied by the PMDG aircraft must be there, in those offsets, somewhere.

It would help if you located exactly where your missing values are. To do this you can use the FInterrogate2 utility found in the FSUIPC SDK. Therer's a facility to do a three-pass test and for it to identify what changes occurred. So you start with a switch OFF, run pass 1, then ON, run pass 2, then OFF again, run pass 3. FSInterrogate will show each offset which changed accordingly. (Three passes because otherwise many changes would occur over two passes, but not so many change back again).

A rather more laborious way, in case the displacement has been miscalculated somewhere, is to locate the nearest values below and above which appear to be correct.  Then, if you can tell me which, i can double check those in between by dry-running (e.g. making a dummy structure matching that area and ensuring the right values go into the right locations.

For this you could use your own program, or FSUIPC's logging, but do verify also with FSInterrogate.



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Hello Pete,

I installed the FSUIPC V5.157 and tested this offset with it. Unfortunately no improvement. Then I wrote a test program in C ++ which uses the PMDG SDK via SimConnect. Here, too, the corresponding variable (ICE_WindowHeat_Sw_ON) does not change when the corresponding switch in the panel is operated.

I created a ticket on the PMDG support page and am now waiting for an answer.
Thank you very much for your effort. If it turns out to be an FSUIPC problem, I'll get back to you here.


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38 minutes ago, EEB GmbH said:

I wrote a test program in C ++ which uses the PMDG SDK via SimConnect. Here, too, the corresponding variable (ICE_WindowHeat_Sw_ON) does not change when the corresponding switch in the panel is operated.

Aha! Well done!

Thanks for letting us know, and do get back to us with results.



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