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AI Traffic Tables

Dave March

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I'm not able to read any AI Traffic data, which is working just fine with FS9/FSX/P3D. The offset status document seems to indicate this data is available. So first thing I did was to run Pete's TrafficLook program, which I assume would be using the same offsets and that seems to be missing the ICAO info in the 'From' column and has a numeric value in the 'To' column, so something seems amiss.





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Does this apply to "real traffic" as well as AI?
Does LittleNavMap show the routing? I know it also reads the traffic data via SimConnect, though it uses the 32-bit FSX SimConnect DLL.

I suspect it's yet another limitation of the currently implemented SimConnect interface. If the information was arriving it would be available, but it's possible that requesting those things was causing errors in an earlier version of the MSFS SimConnect interface and so were (temporarily) suppressed in FSUIPC. If so I expect John can un-suppress them to see if they now work.



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I've checked this now and FSUIPC7 is requesting this data, but it seems that the following AI string variables received via simconnect are always empty:
    AI Traffic State
    AI Traffic Assigned Runway
    Ai Traffic FromAirport
    AI Traffic ToAirport

I will raise this with Asobo.
I'm not sure at the moment why TrafficLook is showing an integer in the 'To' column when this should be empty....


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