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EMB SP2 FPS problem V5

Kylian Rogers

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13 hours ago, Kylian Rogers said:

So, after saying it's my computer problem I have reinstall my windows, and surprise, a fresh windows with a fresh P3D V5 with only Feelthere; it's doesn't work !!!

I assume you formatted the drive and did a full Win10 install rather than a repair.  Also the P3D download could be checked with the checksum that LM provide to confirm it's correct.

So there is absolutely nothing else installed anywhere on your pc,  even if not in use,  apart from Win 10, P3D5 and E-Jets v3, plus I assume Nvidia drivers.  I mean no programs on other drives and zero P3D addons.  Any software installed on a pc can be the cause of problems, even when it is not running, just through the installation process causing a file corruption somewhere.

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9 minutes ago, Kylian Rogers said:

I have also tried with all my sliders to the left and the problem still persists.

I should have asked before, but how much video ram is your system showing as in use with the E-jet on the ground. I think your card has 6Gb fitted and it's quite easy to exceed that in P3D5.


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10 minutes ago, Biggles2010 said:

Sorry, I was confusing your card with the standard 2060.   So, with your clean basic installation, is the problem still the original case of fps drops when you move your controls.  or are there any other issues?

yes still the same problem as before. Big fps issue when I move the flight control even with joystick and throttle disconnect and use of mouse yoke.

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No wonder this is going round in circles.   I asked you this:

On 12/6/2020 at 9:44 PM, Biggles2010 said:

So there is absolutely nothing else installed anywhere on your pc,  even if not in use,  apart from Win 10, P3D5 and E-Jets v3, plus I assume Nvidia drivers.  I mean no programs on other drives and zero P3D addons. 

Your response:

On 12/7/2020 at 10:24 PM, Kylian Rogers said:

Yes I have made a full reinstall of windows, with only mozilla, P3D V5 and feelthere. I don't know were the problem come from but for me it's feelthere. For example TFDI had crash issues with some people like me. I hope that we will find a fix !!!!!

I don't see how this can be correct.   Your latest post shows your pc looking nothing like a clean setup after reinstalling Win 10 and P3D. 

Your Control Panel shows 63 installed programs plus 12 more in your additional list.  Almost any of them could be causing a conflict.

It is very difficult to help when you do not provide accurate information.



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I don't understand how you can have reinstalled Win 10.  It looks like you may have done a Windows repair which is not the same thing.

A full reinstall means starting with a clean drive and only installing Win 10 and the programs you wish to test (P3D5 and E-Jets v3) plus essential things like Nvidia drivers. 

Whatever you did has left all the other software in place, so if any part of it has even a minor corruption you just carry that forward to cause more problems.

The reason for starting with a fresh installation is to test your E-Jets software without any possible conflicts from other software. If it works correctly as I'm sure it would, then you reinstall all the other software item by item and keep checking at each stage.   At some point you will probably find a program which causes a conflict. Then you have something specific to investigate.




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The recovery program should give you the original software that came with your computer. But your previous screenshot shows you still have many other programs installed that would not have come with your computer.

I suspect one of those additional programs is in conflict with your E-Jets installation.

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Moreover I would like to add that I tested it on PREPAR3D V4 and it still does not work! After all, if some software is not compatible with the feelthere, is that the problem with my pc? I think not ! I will never fly the EMB anymore if I must have a clean windows with nothing else. So found a solution to this problem, and I am at your disposal if you need any information.

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16 hours ago, Kylian Rogers said:

Moreover I would like to add that I tested it on PREPAR3D V4 and it still does not work! After all, if some software is not compatible with the feelthere, is that the problem with my pc? I think not ! I will never fly the EMB anymore if I must have a clean windows with nothing else. So found a solution to this problem, and I am at your disposal if you need any information.

I have no connection with FeelThere, but as a long time user of the E-Jets software I have spent a lot of time trying to assist you.  This has been difficult because you would not accept there could be other causes of your problems.  Your responses have always been confusing and often misleading.  You now say that you have found a solution to your problem without even saying what it is, yet in this same post you say it still does not work.

I am not clear if your problem is solved or not. I hope it is, but I feel like I have been chasing shadows and I do not see any point in doing that any more.

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And thank you for that, but what I find impressive is the denial of feelthere. I bought an airplane and the mount, and they don't even want to try to fix the problem when they can't find a solution. So I can't wait to see SP3 come out with the fix for this bug !!
And my problem is not solve, I have never said that my problem is solved.

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