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190 V3 Drag/LNAV/FLCH Issues


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Hi there,

I fly the e-jet for a living and have recently purchased the addon for P3D v5. 

One issue I've noticed with the 190 is that early on the ILS at heavy and light weights, I can't keep the speed from increasing unless I drop the gear. For instance at 180kts, flap 2 on the glide, the speed will continue to increase which is unrealistic. During the whole ILS I don't have the thrust up more than 40%.

Also I find the LNAV is sloppy and the aircraft shoots past the magenta line and recaptures after re-establishing on an intercept from the other side. 

FLCH mode is also sloppy and during climb sequence the speed will shoot past the selected speed by about 20kts before pitching up to recapture. 

Are these known issues or am I missing something?



Edited by magicjambon
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As demonstrated in the attached video, at flap 2 at 180kts on the glide, the speed will increase unrealistically (in my experience). Would you consider changing the drag characteristics of flap 1 and 2 to bring it in line with actual aircraft behavior? 

Also do you have any comment regarding LNAV tracks not being followed accurately?

At the time of purchase the addon was fairly expensive and I would hope these issues are resolved.


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I'd like to add to this as I experience similar problems myself (instead of opening new topic). Using E jets v3 SP2, p3dv5.1 

I always wanted to recreate flights into london city with the E-190. However once established on the glidepath the speed just keeps increasing. I have tried different weights but it doesn't fix the issue. See here a real life approach in an E-190 into LCY (notice how speed stays the same, power not even idle!). It seems to me the drag is completely off with this addon and would need be fixed! Landing at LCY is basically impossible right now.


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1 hour ago, W. D said:

flights into london city

London City requires a specially modified Ejet to land at London City (aka most of the real world Ejets cannot land at London City).  This modification is NOT modeled by the feelThere plane.

See this tread on how to fake, meaning not using real world procedures, a landing at London City -


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