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Send as normal axis


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Yes, EVENTS as described in the picture you sent! Same as "controls", not offsets as both John and I have already told you! Offsets are data repositories. Events or controls are instigators of actions in the Sim -- those actions you assign to in the Sim or in FSUIPC.

You can assign them in FSUIPC as <custom controls>.  Enter them as x110B0 and x110B1 (i.e drop the fist 0).

Please do read the replies you get here properly.  Otherwise we cannot help.



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i am not sure why you are showing us documentation from another product...

As Pete has said, they look like control numbers, and not offsets.  I don't know what they mean by 'must be sent to the simulator as a normal axis' though.

You can see if thats the case by assigning a button or key (in FSUIPC) to the <custom Control> menu item (in the FSUIPC assignments dialog, giving the control number that you want to use. Why don't you first try this to see if they work?

Then, of you want to send them from your vb.net application, which is presumably an FSUIPC client (otherwise  why ask here!), you can use the general control offset at 0x3110.

I see Pete has also replied....

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Hi Nach,

You can just the the helper method below. This uses offset 0x3110 behind the scenes but is easier to use:


where c is the control number and p is the parameter value you want to write to that control. If the control doesn't need a parameter just pass 0.


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