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Strange issue in LUA

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hope that someone can help me with a strange issue I'm finding in a LUA file I'm doing.

At these specific lines:



I get in the FSUIPC log the following error message:

*** LUA Error: E:\FSUIPC6\FSLAB1.lua:92: unexpected symbol near 'â'

This happens for each line where i put the event.key or even.button calls.

Any idea about which could be the problem? Overall that character is not part of the lines

Thanks in advance and KR



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Please also supply the actual Lua file. How can we possibly help otherwise? For instance, what is on line 92, as that is where the error is.

10 minutes ago, cellular55 said:

Any idea about which could be the problem? Overall that character is not part of the lines

It looks like a bad character somewhere. I can check the file (view it in Hexadecimal) if you attach it. I can't help blind.



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24 minutes ago, Pete Dowson said:

It looks like a bad character somewhere.

Specially if the code snippet is copied directly from the lua library .pdf, then modified for your use.  
In a lot of cases ( not all ) the quote symbols used are of a MS Word type ( forward & reversed pairs ), not plain text type. That will trip up the lua.
Just checked the v4 version of the lua library pdf, and sure enough - reverse paired quotes.
OFC, attach the lua so it can be looked at.  



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