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Everything posted by buick552

  1. It will also help to identify TA-TL altitudes.
  2. Sir, is it possible to get elevation data of any point on FS by providing the coordinates? My application has all the coordinates for all airports, I'd like to detect the elevation of the airport which the pilot wants to fly to. Because, my application checks if the pilot has turned ON the LDG LIGHTS during approach when descending below 10.000 ft. But there are some airports whose elevations are already 8.000 to 10.000 ft (especially on South American continent) If possible, I'd like to detect the landing airport's elevation during the flight preparations.
  3. Hello Dear Flightsimmers, I would like to make another approach to this issue. I'd like to detect turbulent conditions on aircraft to start a cabin announcement, something like "ladies and gentlemen, currently we are on a turbulent condition, please get back to your seats and keep your seatbelts fastened until bla bla..." Should I continously watch the vertical speed and airspeed readings to detect this situation or do you guys offer me a better way, like maybe there is an offset that i can get this state directly through fsuipc connect dll?
  4. Thank you Paul, appreciate it. By the way, it was my mistake about vb. I used visual studio 2010 for the recorder, the language is visual basic.
  5. Hi, i just would like to know if it's possible to place objects into some specific coordinates of the sim by using codes. Here is what i am up to : We have built a helicopter virtual airline which uses a flight recorder coded by vb and the program runs on Paul's marvellous client. When the program is run, i want it place an object such as a car, a human, a burning ship etc. to a coordinate, the limits specified on a database, so that the helicopter pilot is given a mission to locate the burning ship, or land within the proximity of the car, human etc. I hope i am clear enough about what we want to create. Has anyone tried something like that? Or anybody just light me up with a very small idea, and i will go after it by myself. Currently, our recorder program can create random missions to go from some airport to another, or best, it tells you to land at a town or village which doesnt have any airports, the landing points are taken from a large database of our website. So we are pursuing a different adventure. I will appreciate any help.
  6. Yes sir, it seems so.
  7. I will ask another question. Lets say we want to check pilots' actions during their flights and seatbelt sign is one of the check items. But the problem with the seatbelt offsets is many different aircraft have different offsets for seatbelt usage. For example, standart seatbelt offset is 341D, pmdg ngx 738 offset is 649F, pmdg 777 ofset is 647B, pmdg 747 offset is 6C2B. And probably other addons are using different offset values also. Is there any way to detect which offset is activated when some switch is turned on or off?
  8. Sir, I received a CTD due to atc.dll on p3dv4 ( I got this 2 times on the same route on nearly the same place. Aircraft was pmdg 737-800, active sky p4 was being used. No extra add ons were online at the moment of the CTD. All software are licenced and registered. After the first CTD I tried to put "removeatc=yes line" in the .ini file under the [General] section but it didnt work.
  9. Hi Pete, this is an old topic but i thought you might help me. My p3dv4 CTDs the second time due to atc.dll error at the same place at the same flight route. Do you think it's about the radio frequency? And also, is there a fix for it? My p3d version is
  10. Perhaps you made it but just to show a way to other people.. my application collects data from the aircraft 10 times per second. On every collect run, I calculate the total fuel on board, put the calculated value on a variable called "currentfuel". I also have another variable "lastfuel" which is assigned the amount of total fuel in the very beginning. If currentfuel > lastfuel then.... do whatever... else lastfuel=currentfuel. My app disqualifies the flight :)
  11. Sir, i managed to put engine fail function on our virtual airline application. It is activated on a random base during the take off or approach, which is the simulation of a birdstrike. Now i am trying to find a way to apply "tire blow" event if the pilot lands with or higher than a specific vertical speed. Is it possible via FSUIPC?
  12. Pete, somebody with PMDG 777 on p3d v4 has just reported me that my virtual airline's recorder is sensing CRASH situation although there is no crash situation on the sim. (Detect crash option of the sim is also OFF). The recorder gets the data via Dim tCrash As Offset(Of UShort) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of UShort)(&H840) code by using FSUIPCclient.dll I asked him if the FSUIPC is 5.103b or not. Waiting for his answer.
  13. Ehm.. ah ok, you are right, next time I'll be careful about posting on related sub forum, thanks for the quick answer anyway.
  14. Paul, I used your marvellous dll for my va's application and we are still testing the app, I have one question: I get about 40 offset values 10 times a second (thread sleep time is 100 within a do-loop process), I am using a powerful laptop and I dont feel any FPS drop, but somebody with a weak configuration reported that he loses FPS downto 1-2 from 15-20 when he starts the application. The program has 5 threads in total one of which is data picker from FSUIPC. There was only one guy who reported that. Do you think that connection via fsuipcclient can make such a big drop on FPS ?
  15. Yes sir, H3365 or H264 worked perfectly.
  16. Gentlemen, I made a lot of progress on my VB app by marvellous fsuipc client and Mr Dowson's harsh recommendations (Just kidding sir, you helped me a lot) and started receiving all of my intended offsets at some specific conditions, but something puzzles me.. When you start the fsx for the first time, while you are on the main screen, I mean before you actually get in the cockpit, we can limit the usage of the application by the help of some data lik the coordinates arriving as 0, airport name as blank etc. But, if you start a flight and then go back to the fsx main screen, fsx keeps sending data as if you are still in the cockpit. Is there any special technique you can advice me to find out if the sim is on main menu or not? I say again, it behaves differently depending on when you reached the main screen. Gentlemen, I downloaded the fsuipcclient 2.4 but the user manual inside the zip belongs to 2.0. I made hundreds of google search to get the latest manual but I couldnt find it. Yesterday I learnt the excellent payloadservices codes from this forum, so I need to ask if there is a similar code for fuel services. Although I am able to calculate the amount of fuel by looking at all tanks, I feel there like is an easier way by some class. Is there ?
  17. Worked like a charm thank you very much.
  18. I do it like this... Dim tSimrate As Offset(Of Short) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Short)(&HC1A) If tSimrate.Value = 256 Then SimRate1 = True Else SimRate1 = False But be aware that, I just wanna know if the pilot is using x1 simrate or not, I don't care if he increases or decreases the sim rate, I just care if he flies normally or not!
  19. Gentlemen, I need to ask this because I have FSX only on my computer, I dont have the chance to try with P3D or FS2004.. Now, I used this code.. Dim fsver As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(&H3308) And I received -86114296 in turn. I again used the hex function and the result was FADE0008. Mr Dowson, in your pdf guide, you declare that "FS version, as determined by FSUIPC: Currently only one of these: 1 = FS98 2 = FS2000 3 = CFS2 4 = CFS1 5 = reserved 6 = FS2002 7 = FS2004 ―A Century of Flight‖ 8 = FSX 9 = ESP" Now that I found FADE0008, if I trim the first part which is FADE000, then the result would be 8, and I use FSX. If I had had FS2004, the result would have been FADE0007 ?
  20. Ok, I found the FSUIPC version by.. Dim fsuipcver As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(&H3304) the result is 1224736768 which is hexadecimal, I use the HEX function of Visual Basic and I get 4900000, divide it by 10000000 and the result is 4.900 which is my FSUIPC version.. now lets do something about the FS version..
  21. Ok one final question then.. In order to limit the users, I mean, I want my program to make an initial check, * If the FSUIPC version is older than 3.769 * If the FS is not FS2004, FSX or P3D, I dont want it to start. Where should I look for the FSUIPC version and siminfo sir?
  22. Ahh.. sorry sir.. correcting it right away :) And thanks a lot for the info.. Lets start working..
  23. I just tried Dim GS As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(&H2B4) then used this Dim GSkts As Double = (GS.Value * 1.9438445) / 65536.0 to get the ground speed value and it worked. But I am still confused, H2B4 is described as 02B4 in Pete Dowson's FSUIPC4 Offsets Status pdf manual.
  24. Gentlemen, I am novice about this topic, I am writing an application in VB, today I managed to connect my app to communicate with FSX using the clientexample vb project's codes. What I don't understand is, for example, IAS offset in Pete Dowson's offsets list pdf is 02BC and the size is 4. But I see that you used &H2BC in the client example project. So, my question is, should I convert something to something? 0 (zero) turns to H ? Or what is the formula? Just give me a little clue, and I will get through it. I need to use a lot of offsets so please can you show me a way about how to use Pete Dowson's offset values with this client? Thank you..
  25. Mr Richter, thank you very much for your comment, it helps me to see that there is a solution but I am really confused. I mean, I just can't think from this point on, I am just looking at the code to figure out what to do, only to fail. Sir, I think an example will be very helpful at this point. When I read the FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf , I see that it says.. 0D70 40 Write here the complete identity string of a Macro control or Lua program control in order to have FSUIPC execute it. For a Macro, the string should begin with up to 16 characters giving the .MCRO file name (just the name part, not the type), and then, separated by a ‗:‘ character, the macro name within that file—again, up to 16 characters. Spaces either side of the ‗:‘ are optional. For a Lua program operation, the actual Lua control should be provided, followed (with one space or ‗:‘ separator) by the Lua program name (without the .Lua suffix). The valid Lua controls are: Lua, LuaDebug, LuaKill, LuaSet, LuaClear, LuaToggle Note that a parameter should always be written first for the Set, Clear and Toggle controls as this specifies the flag to be changed (0–31). A parameter is never used with ―Lua Kill‖. If a parameter is to be supplied, it should first be written to offset 0D6C, above. Otherwise whatever was last written there will be supplied. But as I said, I am totally confused about what to do by your comment and by the comment above. I can not connect them with each other. This is how I get the offset values on my delphi code : I create a thread first then define a boolean variable for door state public DoorsOpen : boolean; .. and inside the thread execute procedure I define another variable for door offset.. procedure TTVThread.Execute; var tDoors:byte; res:dword; Now its time to get the offset value.. FSUIPC_Read($3367, 1, @tDoors, res); then I process it in another procedure, turn it into a boolean express.. DoorsOpen:=tDoors<>0; Now my DoorsOpen variable is..true or false. Can you please give me an example about how to evaluate an LVar from this point on? The name of the LVar is lets say "ACDoor1".. I will appreciate if you can. Thank you sir..
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